blob: d347fafd23f703e4571f9eb8bf2309131548a7b4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Boolean satisfiability solver.
use std::io;
use partial_ref::{IntoPartialRef, IntoPartialRefMut, PartialRef};
use anyhow::Error;
use thiserror::Error;
use varisat_checker::ProofProcessor;
use varisat_dimacs::DimacsParser;
use varisat_formula::{CnfFormula, ExtendFormula, Lit, Var};
use crate::{
context::{config_changed, parts::*, Context},
pub use crate::proof::ProofFormat;
/// Possible errors while solving a formula.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum SolverError {
#[error("The solver was interrupted")]
#[error("Error in proof processor: {}", cause)]
ProofProcessorError {
cause: Error,
#[error("Error writing proof file: {}", cause)]
ProofIoError {
cause: io::Error,
impl SolverError {
/// Whether a Solver instance can be used after producing such an error.
pub fn is_recoverable(&self) -> bool {
match self {
SolverError::Interrupted => true,
_ => false,
/// A boolean satisfiability solver.
pub struct Solver<'a> {
ctx: Box<Context<'a>>,
impl<'a> Solver<'a> {
/// Create a new solver.
pub fn new() -> Solver<'a> {
/// Change the solver configuration.
pub fn config(&mut self, config_update: &SolverConfigUpdate) -> Result<(), Error> {
config_update.apply(&mut self.ctx.solver_config)?;
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
config_changed(ctx.borrow(), config_update);
/// Add a formula to the solver.
pub fn add_formula(&mut self, formula: &CnfFormula) {
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
for clause in formula.iter() {
load_clause(ctx.borrow(), clause);
/// Reads and adds a formula in DIMACS CNF format.
/// Using this avoids creating a temporary [`CnfFormula`].
pub fn add_dimacs_cnf(&mut self, input: impl io::Read) -> Result<(), Error> {
let parser = DimacsParser::parse_incremental(input, |parser| {
"Parsed formula with {} variables and {} clauses",
/// Sets the "witness" sampling mode for a variable.
pub fn witness_var(&mut self, var: Var) {
// TODO add link to sampling mode section of the manual when written
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
let global = variables::global_from_user(ctx.borrow(), var, false);
variables::set_sampling_mode(ctx.borrow(), global, variables::data::SamplingMode::Witness);
/// Sets the "sample" sampling mode for a variable.
pub fn sample_var(&mut self, var: Var) {
// TODO add link to sampling mode section of the manual when written
// TODO add warning about constrainig variables that previously were witness variables
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
let global = variables::global_from_user(ctx.borrow(), var, false);
variables::set_sampling_mode(ctx.borrow(), global, variables::data::SamplingMode::Sample);
/// Hide a variable.
/// Turns a free variable into an existentially quantified variable. If the passed `Var` is used
/// again after this call, it refers to a new variable not the previously hidden variable.
pub fn hide_var(&mut self, var: Var) {
// TODO add link to sampling mode section of the manual when written
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
let global = variables::global_from_user(ctx.borrow(), var, false);
variables::set_sampling_mode(ctx.borrow(), global, variables::data::SamplingMode::Hide);
/// Observe solver internal variables.
/// This turns solver internal variables into witness variables. There is no guarantee that the
/// newly visible variables correspond to previously hidden variables.
/// Returns a list of newly visible variables.
pub fn observe_internal_vars(&mut self) -> Vec<Var> {
// TODO add link to sampling mode section of the manual when written
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
/// Check the satisfiability of the current formula.
pub fn solve(&mut self) -> Result<bool, SolverError> {
self.ctx.solver_state.solver_invoked = true;
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
"solve() called after encountering an unrecoverable error"
while schedule_step(ctx.borrow()) {}
match self.ctx.solver_state.sat_state {
SatState::Unknown => Err(SolverError::Interrupted),
SatState::Sat => Ok(true),
SatState::Unsat | SatState::UnsatUnderAssumptions => Ok(false),
/// Check for asynchronously generated errors.
/// To avoid threading errors out of deep call stacks, we have a solver_error field in the
/// SolverState. This function takes and returns that error if present.
fn check_for_solver_error(&mut self) -> Result<(), SolverError> {
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
let error = ctx.part_mut(SolverStateP).solver_error.take();
if let Some(error) = error {
if !error.is_recoverable() {
ctx.part_mut(SolverStateP).state_is_invalid = true;
} else {
/// Assume given literals for future calls to solve.
/// This replaces the current set of assumed literals.
pub fn assume(&mut self, assumptions: &[Lit]) {
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
set_assumptions(ctx.borrow(), assumptions);
/// Set of literals that satisfy the formula.
pub fn model(&self) -> Option<Vec<Lit>> {
let ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref();
if ctx.part(SolverStateP).sat_state == SatState::Sat {
.flat_map(|user_var| {
let global_var = ctx
.expect("no existing global var for user var");
.map(|value| user_var.lit(value))
} else {
/// Subset of the assumptions that made the formula unsatisfiable.
/// This is not guaranteed to be minimal and may just return all assumptions every time.
pub fn failed_core(&self) -> Option<&[Lit]> {
match self.ctx.solver_state.sat_state {
SatState::UnsatUnderAssumptions => Some(self.ctx.assumptions.user_failed_core()),
SatState::Unsat => Some(&[]),
SatState::Unknown | SatState::Sat => None,
/// Generate a proof of unsatisfiability during solving.
/// This needs to be called before any clauses are added.
pub fn write_proof(&mut self, target: impl io::Write + 'a, format: ProofFormat) {
"called after clauses were added"
self.ctx.proof.write_proof(target, format);
/// Stop generating a proof of unsatisfiability.
/// This also flushes internal buffers and closes the target file.
pub fn close_proof(&mut self) -> Result<(), SolverError> {
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
/// Generate and check a proof on the fly.
/// This needs to be called before any clauses are added.
pub fn enable_self_checking(&mut self) {
"called after clauses were added"
/// Generate a proof and process it using a [`ProofProcessor`].
/// This implicitly enables self checking.
/// This needs to be called before any clauses are added.
pub fn add_proof_processor(&mut self, processor: &'a mut dyn ProofProcessor) {
"called after clauses were added"
impl<'a> Drop for Solver<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = self.close_proof();
impl<'a> ExtendFormula for Solver<'a> {
/// Add a clause to the solver.
fn add_clause(&mut self, clause: &[Lit]) {
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
load_clause(ctx.borrow(), clause);
/// Add a new variable to the solver.
fn new_var(&mut self) -> Var {
self.ctx.solver_state.formula_is_empty = false;
let mut ctx = self.ctx.into_partial_ref_mut();
mod tests {
use super::*;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use varisat_checker::{CheckedProofStep, CheckerData};
use varisat_formula::{
cnf_formula, lits,
test::{sat_formula, sgen_unsat_formula},
use varisat_dimacs::write_dimacs;
fn enable_test_schedule(solver: &mut Solver) {
let mut config = SolverConfigUpdate::new();
config.reduce_locals_interval = Some(150);
config.reduce_mids_interval = Some(100);
#[should_panic(expected = "solve() called after encountering an unrecoverable error")]
fn error_handling_proof_writing() {
let mut output_buffer = [0u8; 4];
let mut solver = Solver::new();
let proof_output = std::io::Cursor::new(&mut output_buffer[..]);
solver.write_proof(proof_output, ProofFormat::Varisat);
-1, -2, -3; -1, -2, -4; -1, -2, -5; -1, -3, -4; -1, -3, -5; -1, -4, -5; -2, -3, -4;
-2, -3, -5; -2, -4, -5; -3, -4, -5; 1, 2, 5; 1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 4; 1, 5, 3; 1, 5, 4;
1, 3, 4; 2, 5, 3; 2, 5, 4; 2, 3, 4; 5, 3, 4;
let result = solver.solve();
assert!(match result {
Err(SolverError::ProofIoError { .. }) => true,
_ => false,
let _ = solver.solve();
struct FailingProcessor;
impl ProofProcessor for FailingProcessor {
fn process_step(
&mut self,
_step: &CheckedProofStep,
_data: CheckerData,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
anyhow::bail!("failing processor");
#[should_panic(expected = "solve() called after encountering an unrecoverable error")]
fn error_handling_proof_processing() {
let mut processor = FailingProcessor;
let mut solver = Solver::new();
solver.add_proof_processor(&mut processor);
-1, -2, -3; -1, -2, -4; -1, -2, -5; -1, -3, -4; -1, -3, -5; -1, -4, -5; -2, -3, -4;
-2, -3, -5; -2, -4, -5; -3, -4, -5; 1, 2, 5; 1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 4; 1, 5, 3; 1, 5, 4;
1, 3, 4; 2, 5, 3; 2, 5, 4; 2, 3, 4; 5, 3, 4;
let result = solver.solve();
assert!(match result {
Err(SolverError::ProofProcessorError { cause }) => {
format!("{}", cause) == "failing processor"
_ => false,
let _ = solver.solve();
#[should_panic(expected = "called after clauses were added")]
fn write_proof_too_late() {
let mut solver = Solver::new();
solver.add_clause(&lits![1, 2, 3]);
solver.write_proof(std::io::sink(), ProofFormat::Varisat);
#[should_panic(expected = "called after clauses were added")]
fn add_proof_processor_too_late() {
let mut processor = FailingProcessor;
let mut solver = Solver::new();
solver.add_clause(&lits![1, 2, 3]);
solver.add_proof_processor(&mut processor);
#[should_panic(expected = "called after clauses were added")]
fn enable_self_checking_too_late() {
let mut solver = Solver::new();
solver.add_clause(&lits![1, 2, 3]);
fn self_check_duplicated_unit_clauses() {
let mut solver = Solver::new();
assert_eq!(solver.solve().ok(), Some(true));
proptest! {
fn sgen_unsat(
formula in sgen_unsat_formula(1..7usize),
test_schedule in proptest::bool::ANY,
) {
let mut solver = Solver::new();
if test_schedule {
enable_test_schedule(&mut solver);
prop_assert_eq!(solver.solve().ok(), Some(false));
fn sgen_unsat_checked(
formula in sgen_unsat_formula(1..7usize),
test_schedule in proptest::bool::ANY,
) {
let mut solver = Solver::new();
if test_schedule {
enable_test_schedule(&mut solver);
prop_assert_eq!(solver.solve().ok(), Some(false));
fn sat(
formula in sat_formula(4..20usize, 10..100usize, 0.05..0.2, 0.9..1.0),
test_schedule in proptest::bool::ANY,
) {
let mut solver = Solver::new();
if test_schedule {
enable_test_schedule(&mut solver);
prop_assert_eq!(solver.solve().ok(), Some(true));
let model = solver.model().unwrap();
for clause in formula.iter() {
prop_assert!(clause.iter().any(|lit| model.contains(lit)));
fn sat_via_dimacs(formula in sat_formula(4..20usize, 10..100usize, 0.05..0.2, 0.9..1.0)) {
let mut solver = Solver::new();
let mut dimacs = vec![];
write_dimacs(&mut dimacs, &formula).unwrap();
solver.add_dimacs_cnf(&mut &dimacs[..]).unwrap();
prop_assert_eq!(solver.solve().ok(), Some(true));
let model = solver.model().unwrap();
for clause in formula.iter() {
prop_assert!(clause.iter().any(|lit| model.contains(lit)));
fn sgen_unsat_incremental_clauses(formula in sgen_unsat_formula(1..7usize)) {
let mut solver = Solver::new();
let mut last_state = Some(true);
for clause in formula.iter() {
let state = solver.solve().ok();
if state != last_state {
prop_assert_eq!(state, Some(false));
prop_assert_eq!(last_state, Some(true));
last_state = state;
prop_assert_eq!(last_state, Some(false));