blob: d9262e857f567a8e85b1f75475d88d5804c12769 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! A common backend for bindgen crates.
//! This (internal) crate provides functionality common to multiple bindgen
//! dependency crates. There are 4 main things exported from this crate:
//! 1. [**`TryToTokens`**](./trait.TryToTokens.html)
//! Provides the ability to attempt conversion from an AST struct
//! into a TokenStream
//! 2. [**`Diagnostic`**](./struct.Diagnostic.html)
//! A struct used to provide diagnostic responses for failures of said
//! tokenization
//! 3. [**`ast`**](./ast/index.html)
//! Abstract Syntax Tree types used to represent a Rust program, with
//! the necessary metadata to generate bindings for it
//! 4. [**`util`**](./util/index.html)
//! Common utilities for manipulating parsed types from syn
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "extra-traits", deny(missing_debug_implementations))]
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
pub use crate::codegen::TryToTokens;
pub use crate::error::Diagnostic;
mod error;
pub mod ast;
mod codegen;
mod encode;
pub mod util;