blob: a751277ad6721f51e1d58d7ea993cc09138bc4b6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use clap::{ArgAction, CommandFactory, FromArgMatches};
use lexopt::Arg;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::str::FromStr;
use wasmparser::Payload;
use wit_component::StringEncoding;
use wit_parser::{Resolve, WorldId};
/// Representation of a flag passed to `wasm-ld`
/// Note that the parsing of flags in `wasm-ld` is not as uniform as parsing
/// arguments via `clap`. For example if `--foo bar` is supported that doesn't
/// mean that `--foo=bar` is supported. Similarly some options such as `--foo`
/// support optional values as `--foo=bar` but can't be specified as
/// `--foo bar`.
/// Finally there's currently only one "weird" flag which is `-shared` which has
/// a single dash but a long name. That's specially handled elsewhere.
/// The general goal here is that we want to inherit `wasm-ld`'s CLI but also
/// want to be able to reserve CLI flags for this linker itself, so `wasm-ld`'s
/// arguments are parsed where our own are intermixed.
struct LldFlag {
clap_name: &'static str,
long: Option<&'static str>,
short: Option<char>,
value: FlagValue,
enum FlagValue {
/// This option has no value, e.g. `-f` or `--foo`
/// This option's value must be specified with `=`, for example `--foo=bar`
RequiredEqual(&'static str),
/// This option's value must be specified with ` `, for example `--foo bar`.
/// I think that `wasm-ld` supports both `-f foo` and `-ffoo` for
/// single-character flags, but I haven't tested as putting a space seems to
/// work.
RequiredSpace(&'static str),
/// This option's value is optional but if specified it must use an `=` for
/// example `--foo=bar` or `--foo`.
Optional(&'static str),
/// This is a large macro which is intended to take CLI-looking syntax and turn
/// each individual flag into a `LldFlag` specified above.
macro_rules! flag {
// Long options specified as:
// -f / --foo
// or just
// --foo
// Options can look like `--foo`, `--foo=bar`, `--foo[=bar]`, or
// `--foo bar` to match the kinds of flags that LLD supports.
($(-$short:ident /)? --$($flag:tt)*) => {
LldFlag {
clap_name: concat!("long_", $(stringify!($flag),)*),
long: Some(flag!(@name [] $($flag)*)),
short: flag!(@short $($short)?),
value: flag!(@value $($flag)*),
// Short options specified as `-f` or `-f foo`.
(-$flag:tt $($val:tt)*) => {
LldFlag {
clap_name: concat!("short_", stringify!($flag)),
long: None,
short: Some(flag!(@char $flag)),
value: flag!(@value $flag $($val)*),
// Generates the long name of a flag, collected within the `[]` argument to
// this macro. This will iterate over the flag given as the rest of the
// macro arguments and collect values into `[...]` and recurse.
// The first recursion case handles `foo-bar-baz=..` where Rust tokenizes
// this as `foo` then `-` then `bar` then ... If this is found then `foo-`
// is added to the name and then the macro recurses.
(@name [$($name:tt)*] $n:ident-$($rest:tt)*) => (flag!(@name [$($name)* $n-] $($rest)*));
// These are the ways options are represented, either `--foo bar`,
// `--foo=bar`, `--foo=bar`, or `--foo`. In all these cases discard the
// value itself and then recurse.
(@name [$($name:tt)*] $n:ident $_value:ident) => (flag!(@name [$($name)* $n]));
(@name [$($name:tt)*] $n:ident=$_value:ident) => (flag!(@name [$($name)* $n]));
(@name [$($name:tt)*] $n:ident[=$_value:ident]) => (flag!(@name [$($name)* $n]));
(@name [$($name:tt)*] $n:ident) => (flag!(@name [$($name)* $n]));
// If there's nothing left then the `$name` has collected everything so
// it's stringifyied and caoncatenated.
(@name [$($name:tt)*]) => (concat!($(stringify!($name),)*));
// This parses the value-style of the flag given. The recursion here looks
// similar to `@name` above. except that the four terminal cases all
// correspond to different variants of `FlagValue`.
(@value $n:ident - $($rest:tt)*) => (flag!(@value $($rest)*));
(@value $_flag:ident = $name:ident) => (FlagValue::RequiredEqual(stringify!($name)));
(@value $_flag:ident $name:ident) => (FlagValue::RequiredSpace(stringify!($name)));
(@value $_flag:ident [= $name:ident]) => (FlagValue::Optional(stringify!($name)));
(@value $_flag:ident) => (FlagValue::None);
// Helper for flags that have both a long and a short form to parse whether
// a short form was provided.
(@short) => (None);
(@short $name:ident) => (Some(flag!(@char $name)));
// Helper for getting the `char` of a short flag.
(@char $name:ident) => ({
let name = stringify!($name);
assert!(name.len() == 1);
name.as_bytes()[0] as char
const LLD_FLAGS: &[LldFlag] = &[
flag! { --allow-undefined-file=PATH },
flag! { --allow-undefined },
flag! { --Bdynamic },
flag! { --Bstatic },
flag! { --Bsymbolic },
flag! { --build-id[=VAL] },
flag! { --call_shared },
flag! { --check-features },
flag! { --color-diagnostics[=VALUE] },
flag! { --compress-relocations },
flag! { --demangle },
flag! { --dn },
flag! { --dy },
flag! { --emit-relocs },
flag! { --end-lib },
flag! { --entry SYM },
flag! { --error-limit=N },
flag! { --error-unresolved-symbols },
flag! { --experimental-pic },
flag! { --export-all },
flag! { -E / --export-dynamic },
flag! { --export-if-defined=SYM },
flag! { --export-memory[=NAME] },
flag! { --export-table },
flag! { --export=SYM },
flag! { --extra-features=LIST },
flag! { --fatal-warnings },
flag! { --features=LIST },
flag! { --gc-sections },
flag! { --global-base=VALUE },
flag! { --growable-table },
flag! { --import-memory[=NAME] },
flag! { --import-table },
flag! { --import-undefined },
flag! { --initial-heap=SIZE },
flag! { --initial-memory=SIZE },
flag! { --keep-section=NAME },
flag! { --lto-CGO=LEVEL },
flag! { --lto-debug-pass-manager },
flag! { --lto-O=LEVEL },
flag! { --lto-partitions=NUM },
flag! { -L PATH },
flag! { -l LIB },
flag! { --Map=FILE },
flag! { --max-memory=SIZE },
flag! { --merge-data-segments },
flag! { --mllvm=FLAG },
flag! { -m ARCH },
flag! { --no-check-features },
flag! { --no-color-diagnostics },
flag! { --no-demangle },
flag! { --no-entry },
flag! { --no-export-dynamic },
flag! { --no-gc-sections },
flag! { --no-merge-data-segments },
flag! { --no-pie },
flag! { --no-print-gc-sections },
flag! { --no-whole-archive },
flag! { --non_shared },
flag! { -O LEVEL },
flag! { --pie },
flag! { --print-gc-sections },
flag! { -M / --print-map },
flag! { --relocatable },
flag! { --save-temps },
flag! { --shared-memory },
flag! { --shared },
flag! { --soname=VALUE },
flag! { --stack-first },
flag! { --start-lib },
flag! { --static },
flag! { -s / --strip-all },
flag! { -S / --strip-debug },
flag! { --table-base=VALUE },
flag! { --thinlto-cache-dir=PATH },
flag! { --thinlto-cache-policy=VALUE },
flag! { --thinlto-jobs=N },
flag! { --threads=N },
flag! { -y / --trace-symbol=SYM },
flag! { -t / --trace },
flag! { --undefined=SYM },
flag! { --unresolved-symbols=VALUE },
flag! { --warn-unresolved-symbols },
flag! { --whole-archive },
flag! { --why-extract=MEMBER },
flag! { --wrap=VALUE },
flag! { -z OPT },
const LLD_LONG_FLAGS_NONSTANDARD: &[&str] = &["-shared"];
struct App {
component: ComponentLdArgs,
lld_args: Vec<OsString>,
shared: bool,
/// A linker to create a Component from input object files and libraries.
/// This application is an equivalent of `wasm-ld` except that it produces a
/// component instead of a core wasm module. This application behaves very
/// similarly to `wasm-ld` in that it takes the same inputs and flags, and it
/// will internally invoke `wasm-ld`. After `wasm-ld` has been invoked the core
/// wasm module will be turned into a component using component tooling and
/// embedded information in the core wasm module.
#[derive(clap::Parser, Default)]
struct ComponentLdArgs {
/// Which default WASI adapter, if any, to use when creating the output
/// component.
#[clap(long, name = "command|reactor|proxy|none")]
wasi_adapter: Option<WasiAdapter>,
/// Location of where to find `wasm-ld`.
/// If not specified this is automatically detected.
#[clap(long, name = "PATH")]
wasm_ld_path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Quoting syntax for response files.
#[clap(long, name = "STYLE")]
rsp_quoting: Option<String>,
/// Where to place the component output.
#[clap(short, long)]
output: PathBuf,
/// Print verbose output.
verbose: bool,
/// Whether or not the output component is validated.
/// This defaults to `true`.
validate_component: Option<bool>,
/// Whether or not imports are deduplicated based on semver in the final
/// component.
/// This defaults to `true`.
merge_imports_based_on_semver: Option<bool>,
/// Adapters to use when creating the final component.
#[clap(long = "adapt", value_name = "[NAME=]MODULE", value_parser = parse_adapter)]
adapters: Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)>,
/// WIT file representing additional component type information to use.
/// May be specified more than once.
/// See also the `--string-encoding` option.
#[clap(long = "component-type", value_name = "WIT_FILE")]
component_types: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// String encoding to use when creating the final component.
/// This may be either "utf8", "utf16", or "compact-utf16". This value is
/// only used when one or more `--component-type` options are specified.
#[clap(long, value_parser = parse_encoding, default_value = "utf8")]
string_encoding: StringEncoding,
/// Skip the `wit-component`-based process to generate a component.
skip_wit_component: bool,
fn parse_adapter(s: &str) -> Result<(String, Vec<u8>)> {
let (name, path) = parse_optionally_name_file(s);
let wasm = wat::parse_file(path)?;
Ok((name.to_string(), wasm))
fn parse_encoding(s: &str) -> Result<StringEncoding> {
Ok(match s {
"utf8" => StringEncoding::UTF8,
"utf16" => StringEncoding::UTF16,
"compact-utf16" => StringEncoding::CompactUTF16,
_ => bail!("unknown string encoding: {s:?}"),
fn parse_optionally_name_file(s: &str) -> (&str, &str) {
let mut parts = s.splitn(2, '=');
let name_or_path =;
match {
Some(path) => (name_or_path, path),
None => {
let name = Path::new(name_or_path)
let name = match name.find('.') {
Some(i) => &name[..i],
None => name,
(name, name_or_path)
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
enum WasiAdapter {
impl FromStr for WasiAdapter {
type Err = anyhow::Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"none" => Ok(WasiAdapter::None),
"command" => Ok(WasiAdapter::Command),
"reactor" => Ok(WasiAdapter::Reactor),
"proxy" => Ok(WasiAdapter::Proxy),
_ => bail!("unknown wasi adapter {s}, must be one of: none, command, reactor, proxy"),
pub fn main() {
let err = match run() {
Ok(()) => return,
Err(e) => e,
eprintln!("error: {err}");
if err.chain().len() > 1 {
eprintln!("\nCaused by:");
for (i, err) in err.chain().skip(1).enumerate() {
eprintln!("{i:>5}: {}", err.to_string().replace("\n", "\n "));
fn run() -> Result<()> {
impl App {
/// Parse the CLI arguments into an `App` to run the linker.
/// This is unfortunately nontrivial because the way `wasm-ld` takes
/// arguments is not compatible with `clap`. Namely flags like
/// `--whole-archive` are positional are processed in a stateful manner.
/// This means that the relative ordering of flags to `wasm-ld` needs to be
/// preserved. Additionally there are flags like `-shared` which clap does
/// not support.
/// To handle this the `lexopt` crate is used to perform low-level argument
/// parsing. That's then used to determine whether the argument is intended
/// for `wasm-component-ld` or `wasm-ld`, so arguments are filtered into two
/// lists. Using these lists the arguments to `wasm-component-ld` are then
/// parsed. On failure a help message is presented with all `wasm-ld`
/// arguments added as well.
/// This means that functionally it looks like `clap` parses everything when
/// in fact `lexopt` is used to filter out `wasm-ld` arguments and `clap`
/// only parses arguments specific to `wasm-component-ld`.
fn parse() -> Result<App> {
let mut args = env::args_os().collect::<Vec<_>>();
// First remove `-flavor wasm` in case this is invoked as a generic LLD
// driver. We can safely ignore that going forward.
if let Some([flavor, wasm]) = args.get(1..3) {
if flavor == "-flavor" && wasm == "wasm" {
let mut command = ComponentLdArgs::command();
let mut lld_args = Vec::new();
let mut component_ld_args = vec![std::env::args_os().nth(0).unwrap()];
let mut shared = false;
let mut parser = lexopt::Parser::from_iter(args);
fn handle_lld_arg(
lld: &LldFlag,
parser: &mut lexopt::Parser,
lld_args: &mut Vec<OsString>,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut arg = OsString::new();
match (lld.short, lld.long) {
(_, Some(long)) => {
(Some(short), _) => {
arg.push(short.encode_utf8(&mut [0; 5]));
(None, None) => unreachable!(),
match lld.value {
FlagValue::None => {
FlagValue::RequiredSpace(_) => {
FlagValue::RequiredEqual(_) => {
// If the value is optional then the argument must have an `=`
// in the argument itself.
FlagValue::Optional(_) => {
match parser.optional_value() {
Some(val) => {
None => {}
loop {
if let Some(mut args) = parser.try_raw_args() {
if let Some(arg) = args.peek() {
let for_lld = LLD_LONG_FLAGS_NONSTANDARD.iter().any(|s| arg == *s);
if for_lld {
if arg == "-shared" {
shared = true;
match {
Some(Arg::Value(obj)) => {
Some(Arg::Short(c)) => match LLD_FLAGS.iter().find(|f| f.short == Some(c)) {
Some(lld) => {
handle_lld_arg(lld, &mut parser, &mut lld_args)?;
None => {
if let Some(arg) =
command.get_arguments().find(|a| a.get_short() == Some(c))
if let ArgAction::Set = arg.get_action() {
Some(Arg::Long(c)) => match LLD_FLAGS.iter().find(|f| f.long == Some(c)) {
Some(lld) => {
handle_lld_arg(lld, &mut parser, &mut lld_args)?;
None => {
if let Some(arg) = command.get_arguments().find(|a| a.get_long() == Some(c))
match arg.get_action() {
ArgAction::Set | ArgAction::Append => {
_ => (),
None => break,
match command.try_get_matches_from_mut(component_ld_args.clone()) {
Ok(matches) => Ok(App {
component: ComponentLdArgs::from_arg_matches(&matches)?,
Err(_) => {
fn run(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let mut cmd = self.lld();
let linker = cmd.get_program().to_owned();
// If a temporary output is needed make sure it has the same file name
// as the output of our command itself since LLD will embed this file
// name in the name section of the output.
let temp_dir = match self.component.output.parent() {
Some(parent) => tempfile::TempDir::new_in(parent)?,
None => tempfile::TempDir::new()?,
let temp_output = match self.component.output.file_name() {
Some(name) => temp_dir.path().join(name),
None => bail!(
"output of {:?} does not have a file name",
// Shared libraries don't get wit-component run below so place the
// output directly at the desired output location. Otherwise output to a
// temporary location for wit-component to read and then the real output
// is created after wit-component runs.
if self.skip_wit_component() {
} else {
if self.component.verbose {
eprintln!("running LLD: {cmd:?}");
let status = cmd
.with_context(|| format!("failed to spawn {linker:?}"))?;
if !status.success() {
bail!("failed to invoke LLD: {status}");
if self.skip_wit_component() {
return Ok(());
let reactor_adapter =
let command_adapter =
let proxy_adapter =
let mut core_module = std::fs::read(&temp_output)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to read {linker:?} output: {temp_output:?}"))?;
// Inspect the output module to see if it's a command or reactor.
let mut exports_start = false;
for payload in wasmparser::Parser::new(0).parse_all(&core_module) {
match payload {
Ok(Payload::ExportSection(e)) => {
for export in e {
if let Ok(e) = export {
if == "_start" {
exports_start = true;
_ => {}
if !self.component.component_types.is_empty() {
let mut merged = None::<(Resolve, WorldId)>;
for wit_file in &self.component.component_types {
let mut resolve = Resolve::default();
let (package, _) = resolve
.with_context(|| format!("unable to add component type {wit_file:?}"))?;
let world = resolve.select_world(package, None)?;
if let Some((merged_resolve, merged_world)) = &mut merged {
let world = merged_resolve.merge(resolve)?.map_world(world, None)?;
merged_resolve.merge_worlds(world, *merged_world)?;
} else {
merged = Some((resolve, world));
let Some((resolve, world)) = merged else {
&mut core_module,
let mut encoder = wit_component::ComponentEncoder::default();
if let Some(validate) = self.component.validate_component {
encoder = encoder.validate(validate);
if let Some(merge) = self.component.merge_imports_based_on_semver {
encoder = encoder.merge_imports_based_on_semver(merge);
encoder = encoder
.context("failed to parse core wasm for componentization")?;
let adapter = self.component.wasi_adapter.unwrap_or(if exports_start {
} else {
let adapter = match adapter {
WasiAdapter::Command => Some(&command_adapter[..]),
WasiAdapter::Reactor => Some(&reactor_adapter[..]),
WasiAdapter::Proxy => Some(&proxy_adapter[..]),
WasiAdapter::None => None,
if let Some(adapter) = adapter {
encoder = encoder
.adapter("wasi_snapshot_preview1", adapter)
.context("failed to inject adapter")?;
for (name, adapter) in self.component.adapters.iter() {
encoder = encoder
.adapter(name, adapter)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to inject adapter {name:?}"))?;
let component = encoder.encode().context("failed to encode component")?;
std::fs::write(&self.component.output, &component).context(format!(
"failed to write output file: {:?}",
fn skip_wit_component(&self) -> bool {
// Skip componentization with `--shared` since that's creating a
// shared library that's not a component yet.
|| self.shared
fn lld(&self) -> Command {
let mut lld = self.find_lld();
if self.component.verbose {
fn find_lld(&self) -> Command {
if let Some(path) = &self.component.wasm_ld_path {
return Command::new(path);
// Search for the first of `wasm-ld` or `rust-lld` in `$PATH`
let wasm_ld = format!("wasm-ld{}", env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX);
let rust_lld = format!("rust-lld{}", env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX);
for entry in env::split_paths(&env::var_os("PATH").unwrap_or_default()) {
if entry.join(&wasm_ld).is_file() {
return Command::new(wasm_ld);
if entry.join(&rust_lld).is_file() {
let mut ret = Command::new(rust_lld);
return ret;
// Fall back to `wasm-ld` if the search failed to get an error message
// that indicates that `wasm-ld` was attempted to be found but couldn't
// be found.
fn add_wasm_ld_options(mut command: clap::Command) -> clap::Command {
use clap::Arg;
command = command.arg(
.help("objects to pass to `wasm-ld`"),
for flag in LLD_FLAGS {
let mut arg = Arg::new(flag.clap_name).help("forwarded to `wasm-ld`");
if let Some(short) = flag.short {
arg = arg.short(short);
if let Some(long) = flag.long {
arg = arg.long(long);
arg = match flag.value {
FlagValue::RequiredEqual(name) | FlagValue::RequiredSpace(name) => {
FlagValue::Optional(name) => arg
FlagValue::None => arg.action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
arg = arg.help_heading("Options forwarded to `wasm-ld`");
command = command.arg(arg);
fn verify_app() {