blob: fc9a20d3a9a8232389b95e8ce423ca81dc4c01d5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! This crate provides utilities for instruction cache maintenance for JIT authors.
//! In self modifying codes such as when writing a JIT, special care must be taken when marking the
//! code as ready for execution. On fully coherent architectures (X86, S390X) the data cache (D-Cache)
//! and the instruction cache (I-Cache) are always in sync. However this is not guaranteed for all
//! architectures such as AArch64 where these caches are not coherent with each other.
//! When writing new code there may be a I-cache entry for that same address which causes the
//! processor to execute whatever was in the cache instead of the new code.
//! See the [ARM Community - Caches and Self-Modifying Code] blog post that contains a great
//! explanation of the above. (It references AArch32 but it has a high level overview of this problem).
//! ## Usage
//! You should call [clear_cache] on any pages that you write with the new code that you're intending
//! to execute. You can do this at any point in the code from the moment that you write the page up to
//! the moment where the code is executed.
//! You also need to call [pipeline_flush_mt] to ensure that there isn't any invalid instruction currently
//! in the pipeline if you are running in a multi threaded environment.
//! For single threaded programs you are free to omit [pipeline_flush_mt], otherwise you need to
//! call both [clear_cache] and [pipeline_flush_mt] in that order.
//! ### Example:
//! ```
//! # use std::ffi::c_void;
//! # use std::io;
//! # use wasmtime_jit_icache_coherence::*;
//! #
//! # struct Page {
//! # addr: *const c_void,
//! # len: usize,
//! # }
//! #
//! # fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
//! #
//! # let run_code = || {};
//! # let code = vec![0u8; 64];
//! # let newly_written_pages = vec![Page {
//! # addr: &code[0] as *const u8 as *const c_void,
//! # len: code.len(),
//! # }];
//! # unsafe {
//! // Invalidate the cache for all the newly written pages where we wrote our new code.
//! for page in newly_written_pages {
//! clear_cache(page.addr, page.len)?;
//! }
//! // Once those are invalidated we also need to flush the pipeline
//! pipeline_flush_mt()?;
//! // We can now safely execute our new code.
//! run_code();
//! # }
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block"><pre class="compile_fail" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
//! **Warning**: In order to correctly use this interface you should always call [clear_cache].
//! A followup call to [pipeline_flush_mt] is required if you are running in a multi-threaded environment.
//! </pre></div>
//! [ARM Community - Caches and Self-Modifying Code]:
use core::ffi::c_void;
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] {
mod win;
use win as imp;
} else if #[cfg(miri)] {
mod miri;
use crate::miri as imp;
} else {
mod libc;
use crate::libc as imp;
/// Flushes instructions in the processor pipeline
/// This pipeline flush is broadcast to all processors that are executing threads in the current process.
/// Calling [pipeline_flush_mt] is only required for multi-threaded programs and it *must* be called
/// after all calls to [clear_cache].
/// If the architecture does not require a pipeline flush, this function does nothing.
pub fn pipeline_flush_mt() -> imp::Result<()> {
/// Flushes the instruction cache for a region of memory.
/// If the architecture does not require an instruction cache flush, this function does nothing.
/// # Unsafe
/// It is necessary to call [pipeline_flush_mt] after this function if you are running in a multi-threaded
/// environment.
pub unsafe fn clear_cache(ptr: *const c_void, len: usize) -> imp::Result<()> {
imp::clear_cache(ptr, len)