blob: 5d8ffcd186f0cb4870f95c6c8f15892ec625fcdd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::{
os::windows::io::{AsRawHandle, FromRawHandle, IntoRawHandle, RawHandle},
/// A handle represents an owned and valid Windows handle to a file-like
/// object.
/// When an owned handle is dropped, then the underlying raw handle is closed.
/// To get a borrowed handle, use `HandleRef`.
pub struct Handle(File);
impl AsRawHandle for Handle {
fn as_raw_handle(&self) -> RawHandle {
impl FromRawHandle for Handle {
unsafe fn from_raw_handle(handle: RawHandle) -> Handle {
impl IntoRawHandle for Handle {
fn into_raw_handle(self) -> RawHandle {
impl Handle {
/// Create an owned handle to the given file.
/// When the returned handle is dropped, the file is closed.
/// Note that if the given file represents a handle to a directory, then
/// it is generally required that it have been opened with the
/// [`FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS`] flag in order to use it in various
/// calls such as `information` or `typ`. To have this done automatically
/// for you, use the `from_path_any` constructor.
pub fn from_file(file: File) -> Handle {
/// Open a file to the given file path, and return an owned handle to that
/// file.
/// When the returned handle is dropped, the file is closed.
/// If there was a problem opening the file, then the corresponding error
/// is returned.
pub fn from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<Handle> {
/// Like `from_path`, but supports opening directory handles as well.
/// If you use `from_path` on a directory, then subsequent queries using
/// that handle will fail.
pub fn from_path_any<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<Handle> {
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::os::windows::fs::OpenOptionsExt;
use windows_sys::Win32::Storage::FileSystem::FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS;
let file = OpenOptions::new()
/// Return this handle as a standard `File` reference.
pub fn as_file(&self) -> &File {
/// Return this handle as a standard `File` mutable reference.
pub fn as_file_mut(&mut self) -> &mut File {
&mut self.0
/// Represents a borrowed and valid Windows handle to a file-like object, such
/// as stdin/stdout/stderr or an actual file.
/// When a borrowed handle is dropped, then the underlying raw handle is
/// **not** closed. To get an owned handle, use `Handle`.
pub struct HandleRef(HandleRefInner);
/// The representation of a HandleRef, on which we define a custom Drop impl
/// that avoids closing the underlying raw handle.
struct HandleRefInner(Option<File>);
impl Drop for HandleRefInner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl AsRawHandle for HandleRef {
fn as_raw_handle(&self) -> RawHandle {
impl Clone for HandleRef {
fn clone(&self) -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(self.as_raw_handle()) }
impl HandleRef {
/// Create a borrowed handle to stdin.
/// When the returned handle is dropped, stdin is not closed.
pub fn stdin() -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(io::stdin().as_raw_handle()) }
/// Create a handle to stdout.
/// When the returned handle is dropped, stdout is not closed.
pub fn stdout() -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(io::stdout().as_raw_handle()) }
/// Create a handle to stderr.
/// When the returned handle is dropped, stderr is not closed.
pub fn stderr() -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(io::stderr().as_raw_handle()) }
/// Create a borrowed handle to the given file.
/// When the returned handle is dropped, the file is not closed.
pub fn from_file(file: &File) -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(file.as_raw_handle()) }
/// Create a borrowed handle from the given raw handle.
/// Note that unlike the `FromRawHandle` trait, this constructor does
/// **not** consume ownership of the given handle. That is, when the
/// borrowed handle created by this constructor is dropped, the underlying
/// handle will not be closed.
/// # Safety
/// This is unsafe because there is no guarantee that the given raw handle
/// is a valid handle. The caller must ensure this is true before invoking
/// this constructor.
pub unsafe fn from_raw_handle(handle: RawHandle) -> HandleRef {
/// Return this handle as a standard `File` reference.
pub fn as_file(&self) -> &File {
/// Return this handle as a standard `File` mutable reference.
pub fn as_file_mut(&mut self) -> &mut File {
/// Construct borrowed and valid Windows handles from file-like objects.
pub trait AsHandleRef {
/// A borrowed handle that wraps the raw handle of the `Self` object.
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef;
/// A convenience routine for extracting a `HandleRef` from `Self`, and
/// then extracting a raw handle from the `HandleRef`.
fn as_raw(&self) -> RawHandle {
impl<'a, T: AsHandleRef> AsHandleRef for &'a T {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef {
impl AsHandleRef for Handle {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(self.as_raw_handle()) }
impl AsHandleRef for HandleRef {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef {
impl AsHandleRef for File {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef {
impl AsHandleRef for io::Stdin {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(self.as_raw_handle()) }
impl AsHandleRef for io::Stdout {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(self.as_raw_handle()) }
impl AsHandleRef for io::Stderr {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(self.as_raw_handle()) }
impl AsHandleRef for process::ChildStdin {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(self.as_raw_handle()) }
impl AsHandleRef for process::ChildStdout {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(self.as_raw_handle()) }
impl AsHandleRef for process::ChildStderr {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef {
unsafe { HandleRef::from_raw_handle(self.as_raw_handle()) }