| /*! |
| Learn more about Rust for Windows here: <https://github.com/microsoft/windows-rs> |
| */ |
| |
| use quote::{quote, ToTokens}; |
| |
| /// Implements one or more COM interfaces. |
| /// |
| /// # Example |
| /// |
| /// Here is a [more complete tutorial](https://kennykerr.ca/rust-getting-started/how-to-implement-com-interface.html). |
| /// |
| /// ```rust,ignore |
| /// #[interface("094d70d6-5202-44b8-abb8-43860da5aca2")] |
| /// unsafe trait IValue: IUnknown { |
| /// fn GetValue(&self, value: *mut i32) -> HRESULT; |
| /// } |
| /// |
| /// #[implement(IValue)] |
| /// struct Value(i32); |
| /// |
| /// impl IValue_Impl for Value { |
| /// unsafe fn GetValue(&self, value: *mut i32) -> HRESULT { |
| /// *value = self.0; |
| /// HRESULT(0) |
| /// } |
| /// } |
| /// |
| /// fn main() { |
| /// let rust_instance = Value(123); |
| /// let com_object: IValue = rust_instance.into(); |
| /// // You can now call interface methods on com_object. |
| /// } |
| /// ``` |
| #[proc_macro_attribute] |
| pub fn implement(attributes: proc_macro::TokenStream, original_type: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { |
| let attributes = syn::parse_macro_input!(attributes as ImplementAttributes); |
| let interfaces_len = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(attributes.implement.len()); |
| |
| let identity_type = if let Some(first) = attributes.implement.first() { |
| first.to_ident() |
| } else { |
| quote! { ::windows_core::IInspectable } |
| }; |
| |
| let original_type2 = original_type.clone(); |
| let original_type2 = syn::parse_macro_input!(original_type2 as syn::ItemStruct); |
| let original_ident = original_type2.ident; |
| let mut constraints = quote! {}; |
| |
| if let Some(where_clause) = original_type2.generics.where_clause { |
| where_clause.predicates.to_tokens(&mut constraints); |
| } |
| |
| let generics = if original_type2.generics.lt_token.is_some() { |
| let mut params = quote! {}; |
| original_type2.generics.params.to_tokens(&mut params); |
| quote! { <#params> } |
| } else { |
| quote! { <> } |
| }; |
| |
| let impl_ident = quote::format_ident!("{}_Impl", original_ident); |
| let vtbl_idents = attributes.implement.iter().map(|implement| implement.to_vtbl_ident()); |
| let vtbl_idents2 = vtbl_idents.clone(); |
| |
| let vtable_news = attributes.implement.iter().enumerate().map(|(enumerate, implement)| { |
| let vtbl_ident = implement.to_vtbl_ident(); |
| let offset = proc_macro2::Literal::isize_unsuffixed(-1 - enumerate as isize); |
| quote! { #vtbl_ident::new::<Self, #original_ident::#generics, #offset>() } |
| }); |
| |
| let offset = attributes.implement.iter().enumerate().map(|(offset, _)| proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(offset)); |
| |
| let queries = attributes.implement.iter().enumerate().map(|(count, implement)| { |
| let vtbl_ident = implement.to_vtbl_ident(); |
| let offset = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(count); |
| quote! { |
| else if #vtbl_ident::matches(iid) { |
| &self.vtables.#offset as *const _ as *mut _ |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| let trust_level = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(attributes.trust_level); |
| |
| let conversions = attributes.implement.iter().enumerate().map(|(enumerate, implement)| { |
| let interface_ident = implement.to_ident(); |
| let offset = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(enumerate); |
| quote! { |
| impl #generics ::core::convert::From<#original_ident::#generics> for #interface_ident where #constraints { |
| fn from(this: #original_ident::#generics) -> Self { |
| let this = #impl_ident::#generics::new(this); |
| let mut this = ::core::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(::std::boxed::Box::new(this)); |
| let vtable_ptr = &this.vtables.#offset; |
| // SAFETY: interfaces are in-memory equivalent to pointers to their vtables. |
| unsafe { ::core::mem::transmute(vtable_ptr) } |
| } |
| } |
| impl #generics ::windows_core::AsImpl<#original_ident::#generics> for #interface_ident where #constraints { |
| // SAFETY: the offset is guranteed to be in bounds, and the implementation struct |
| // is guaranteed to live at least as long as `self`. |
| unsafe fn as_impl(&self) -> &#original_ident::#generics { |
| let this = ::windows_core::Interface::as_raw(self); |
| // Subtract away the vtable offset plus 1, for the `identity` field, to get |
| // to the impl struct which contains that original implementation type. |
| let this = (this as *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void).sub(1 + #offset) as *mut #impl_ident::#generics; |
| &(*this).this |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| let tokens = quote! { |
| #[repr(C)] |
| struct #impl_ident #generics where #constraints { |
| identity: *const ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl, |
| vtables: (#(*const #vtbl_idents,)*), |
| this: #original_ident::#generics, |
| count: ::windows_core::imp::WeakRefCount, |
| } |
| impl #generics #impl_ident::#generics where #constraints { |
| const VTABLES: (#(#vtbl_idents2,)*) = (#(#vtable_news,)*); |
| const IDENTITY: ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl = ::windows_core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Self, #identity_type, 0>(); |
| fn new(this: #original_ident::#generics) -> Self { |
| Self { |
| identity: &Self::IDENTITY, |
| vtables:(#(&Self::VTABLES.#offset,)*), |
| this, |
| count: ::windows_core::imp::WeakRefCount::new(), |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| impl #generics ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl for #impl_ident::#generics where #constraints { |
| type Impl = #original_ident::#generics; |
| fn get_impl(&self) -> &Self::Impl { |
| &self.this |
| } |
| unsafe fn QueryInterface(&self, iid: *const ::windows_core::GUID, interface: *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT { |
| if iid.is_null() || interface.is_null() { |
| return ::windows_core::HRESULT(-2147467261); // E_POINTER |
| } |
| |
| let iid = &*iid; |
| |
| *interface = if iid == &<::windows_core::IUnknown as ::windows_core::Interface>::IID |
| || iid == &<::windows_core::IInspectable as ::windows_core::Interface>::IID |
| || iid == &<::windows_core::imp::IAgileObject as ::windows_core::Interface>::IID { |
| &self.identity as *const _ as *mut _ |
| } #(#queries)* else { |
| ::core::ptr::null_mut() |
| }; |
| |
| if !(*interface).is_null() { |
| self.count.add_ref(); |
| return ::windows_core::HRESULT(0); |
| } |
| |
| *interface = self.count.query(iid, &self.identity as *const _ as *mut _); |
| |
| if (*interface).is_null() { |
| ::windows_core::HRESULT(-2147467262) // E_NOINTERFACE |
| } else { |
| ::windows_core::HRESULT(0) |
| } |
| } |
| fn AddRef(&self) -> u32 { |
| self.count.add_ref() |
| } |
| unsafe fn Release(&self) -> u32 { |
| let remaining = self.count.release(); |
| if remaining == 0 { |
| _ = ::std::boxed::Box::from_raw(self as *const Self as *mut Self); |
| } |
| remaining |
| } |
| unsafe fn GetTrustLevel(&self, value: *mut i32) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT { |
| if value.is_null() { |
| return ::windows_core::HRESULT(-2147467261); // E_POINTER |
| } |
| *value = #trust_level; |
| ::windows_core::HRESULT(0) |
| } |
| } |
| impl #generics #original_ident::#generics where #constraints { |
| /// Try casting as the provided interface |
| /// |
| /// # Safety |
| /// |
| /// This function can only be safely called if `self` has been heap allocated and pinned using |
| /// the mechanisms provided by `implement` macro. |
| unsafe fn cast<I: ::windows_core::Interface>(&self) -> ::windows_core::Result<I> { |
| let boxed = (self as *const _ as *const *mut ::core::ffi::c_void).sub(1 + #interfaces_len) as *mut #impl_ident::#generics; |
| let mut result = ::std::ptr::null_mut(); |
| _ = <#impl_ident::#generics as ::windows_core::IUnknownImpl>::QueryInterface(&*boxed, &I::IID, &mut result); |
| ::windows_core::Type::from_abi(result) |
| } |
| } |
| impl #generics ::core::convert::From<#original_ident::#generics> for ::windows_core::IUnknown where #constraints { |
| fn from(this: #original_ident::#generics) -> Self { |
| let this = #impl_ident::#generics::new(this); |
| let boxed = ::core::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(::std::boxed::Box::new(this)); |
| unsafe { |
| ::core::mem::transmute(&boxed.identity) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| impl #generics ::core::convert::From<#original_ident::#generics> for ::windows_core::IInspectable where #constraints { |
| fn from(this: #original_ident::#generics) -> Self { |
| let this = #impl_ident::#generics::new(this); |
| let boxed = ::core::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(::std::boxed::Box::new(this)); |
| unsafe { |
| ::core::mem::transmute(&boxed.identity) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| #(#conversions)* |
| }; |
| |
| let mut tokens: proc_macro::TokenStream = tokens.into(); |
| tokens.extend(core::iter::once(original_type)); |
| tokens |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Default)] |
| struct ImplementType { |
| type_name: String, |
| generics: Vec<ImplementType>, |
| } |
| |
| impl ImplementType { |
| fn to_ident(&self) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { |
| let type_name = syn::parse_str::<proc_macro2::TokenStream>(&self.type_name).expect("Invalid token stream"); |
| let generics = self.generics.iter().map(|g| g.to_ident()); |
| quote! { #type_name<#(#generics,)*> } |
| } |
| fn to_vtbl_ident(&self) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { |
| let ident = self.to_ident(); |
| quote! { |
| <#ident as ::windows_core::Interface>::Vtable |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Default)] |
| struct ImplementAttributes { |
| pub implement: Vec<ImplementType>, |
| pub trust_level: usize, |
| } |
| |
| impl syn::parse::Parse for ImplementAttributes { |
| fn parse(cursor: syn::parse::ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::parse::Result<Self> { |
| let mut input = Self::default(); |
| |
| while !cursor.is_empty() { |
| input.parse_implement(cursor)?; |
| } |
| |
| Ok(input) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl ImplementAttributes { |
| fn parse_implement(&mut self, cursor: syn::parse::ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::parse::Result<()> { |
| let tree = cursor.parse::<UseTree2>()?; |
| self.walk_implement(&tree, &mut String::new())?; |
| |
| if !cursor.is_empty() { |
| cursor.parse::<syn::Token![,]>()?; |
| } |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| fn walk_implement(&mut self, tree: &UseTree2, namespace: &mut String) -> syn::parse::Result<()> { |
| match tree { |
| UseTree2::Path(input) => { |
| if !namespace.is_empty() { |
| namespace.push_str("::"); |
| } |
| |
| namespace.push_str(&input.ident.to_string()); |
| self.walk_implement(&input.tree, namespace)?; |
| } |
| UseTree2::Name(_) => { |
| self.implement.push(tree.to_element_type(namespace)?); |
| } |
| UseTree2::Group(input) => { |
| for tree in &input.items { |
| self.walk_implement(tree, namespace)?; |
| } |
| } |
| UseTree2::TrustLevel(input) => self.trust_level = *input, |
| } |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| enum UseTree2 { |
| Path(UsePath2), |
| Name(UseName2), |
| Group(UseGroup2), |
| TrustLevel(usize), |
| } |
| |
| impl UseTree2 { |
| fn to_element_type(&self, namespace: &mut String) -> syn::parse::Result<ImplementType> { |
| match self { |
| UseTree2::Path(input) => { |
| if !namespace.is_empty() { |
| namespace.push_str("::"); |
| } |
| |
| namespace.push_str(&input.ident.to_string()); |
| input.tree.to_element_type(namespace) |
| } |
| UseTree2::Name(input) => { |
| let mut type_name = input.ident.to_string(); |
| |
| if !namespace.is_empty() { |
| type_name = format!("{namespace}::{type_name}"); |
| } |
| |
| let mut generics = vec![]; |
| |
| for g in &input.generics { |
| generics.push(g.to_element_type(&mut String::new())?); |
| } |
| |
| Ok(ImplementType { type_name, generics }) |
| } |
| UseTree2::Group(input) => Err(syn::parse::Error::new(input.brace_token.span.join(), "Syntax not supported")), |
| _ => unimplemented!(), |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| struct UsePath2 { |
| pub ident: syn::Ident, |
| pub tree: Box<UseTree2>, |
| } |
| |
| struct UseName2 { |
| pub ident: syn::Ident, |
| pub generics: Vec<UseTree2>, |
| } |
| |
| struct UseGroup2 { |
| pub brace_token: syn::token::Brace, |
| pub items: syn::punctuated::Punctuated<UseTree2, syn::Token![,]>, |
| } |
| |
| impl syn::parse::Parse for UseTree2 { |
| fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::parse::Result<UseTree2> { |
| let lookahead = input.lookahead1(); |
| if lookahead.peek(syn::Ident) { |
| use syn::ext::IdentExt; |
| let ident = input.call(syn::Ident::parse_any)?; |
| if input.peek(syn::Token![::]) { |
| input.parse::<syn::Token![::]>()?; |
| Ok(UseTree2::Path(UsePath2 { ident, tree: Box::new(input.parse()?) })) |
| } else if input.peek(syn::Token![=]) { |
| if ident != "TrustLevel" { |
| return Err(syn::parse::Error::new(ident.span(), "Unrecognized key-value pair")); |
| } |
| input.parse::<syn::Token![=]>()?; |
| let span = input.span(); |
| let value = input.call(syn::Ident::parse_any)?; |
| match value.to_string().as_str() { |
| "Partial" => Ok(UseTree2::TrustLevel(1)), |
| "Full" => Ok(UseTree2::TrustLevel(2)), |
| _ => Err(syn::parse::Error::new(span, "`TrustLevel` must be `Partial` or `Full`")), |
| } |
| } else { |
| let generics = if input.peek(syn::Token![<]) { |
| input.parse::<syn::Token![<]>()?; |
| let mut generics = Vec::new(); |
| loop { |
| generics.push(input.parse::<UseTree2>()?); |
| |
| if input.parse::<syn::Token![,]>().is_err() { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| input.parse::<syn::Token![>]>()?; |
| generics |
| } else { |
| Vec::new() |
| }; |
| |
| Ok(UseTree2::Name(UseName2 { ident, generics })) |
| } |
| } else if lookahead.peek(syn::token::Brace) { |
| let content; |
| let brace_token = syn::braced!(content in input); |
| let items = content.parse_terminated(UseTree2::parse, syn::Token![,])?; |
| |
| Ok(UseTree2::Group(UseGroup2 { brace_token, items })) |
| } else { |
| Err(lookahead.error()) |
| } |
| } |
| } |