blob: 5fb025b2697f8c5c20dd25197108b0a9834b9635 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Support for encoding a core wasm module into a component.
//! This module, at a high level, is tasked with transforming a core wasm
//! module into a component. This will process the imports/exports of the core
//! wasm module and translate between the `wit-parser` AST and the component
//! model binary format, producing a final component which will import
//! `*.wit` defined interfaces and export `*.wit` defined interfaces as well
//! with everything wired up internally according to the canonical ABI and such.
//! This doc block here is not currently 100% complete and doesn't cover the
//! full functionality of this module.
//! # Adapter Modules
//! One feature of this encoding process which is non-obvious is the support for
//! "adapter modules". The general idea here is that historical host API
//! definitions have been around for quite some time, such as
//! `wasi_snapshot_preview1`, but these host API definitions are not compatible
//! with the canonical ABI or component model exactly. These APIs, however, can
//! in most situations be roughly adapted to component-model equivalents. This
//! is where adapter modules come into play, they're converting from some
//! arbitrary API/ABI into a component-model using API.
//! An adapter module is a separately compiled `*.wasm` blob which will export
//! functions matching the desired ABI (e.g. exporting functions matching the
//! `wasi_snapshot_preview1` ABI). The `*.wasm` blob will then import functions
//! in the canonical ABI and internally adapt the exported functions to the
//! imported functions. The encoding support in this module is what wires
//! everything up and makes sure that everything is imported and exported to the
//! right place. Adapter modules currently always use "indirect lowerings"
//! meaning that a shim module is created and provided as the imports to the
//! main core wasm module, and the shim module is "filled in" at a later time
//! during the instantiation process.
//! Adapter modules are not intended to be general purpose and are currently
//! very restrictive, namely:
//! * They must import a linear memory and not define their own linear memory
//! otherwise. In other words they import memory and cannot use multi-memory.
//! * They cannot define any `elem` or `data` segments since otherwise there's
//! no knowledge ahead-of-time of where their data or element segments could
//! go. This means things like no panics, no indirect calls, etc.
//! * If the adapter uses a shadow stack, the global that points to it must be a
//! mutable `i32` named `__stack_pointer`. This stack is automatically
//! allocated with an injected `allocate_stack` function that will either use
//! the main module's `cabi_realloc` export (if present) or `memory.grow`. It
//! allocates only 64KB of stack space, and there is no protection if that
//! overflows.
//! * If the adapter has a global, mutable `i32` named `allocation_state`, it
//! will be used to keep track of stack allocation status and avoid infinite
//! recursion if the main module's `cabi_realloc` function calls back into the
//! adapter. `allocate_stack` will check this global on entry; if it is zero,
//! it will set it to one, then allocate the stack, and finally set it to two.
//! If it is non-zero, `allocate_stack` will do nothing and return immediately
//! (because either the stack has already been allocated or is in the process
//! of being allocated). If the adapter does not have an `allocation_state`,
//! `allocate_stack` will use `memory.grow` to allocate the stack; it will
//! _not_ use the main module's `cabi_realloc` even if it's available.
//! * If the adapter imports a `cabi_realloc` function, and the main module
//! exports one, they'll be linked together via an alias. If the adapter
//! imports such a function but the main module does _not_ export one, we'll
//! synthesize one based on `memory.grow` (which will trap for any size other
//! than 64KB). Note that the main module's `cabi_realloc` function may call
//! back into the adapter before the shadow stack has been allocated. In this
//! case (when `allocation_state` is zero or one), the adapter should return
//! whatever dummy value(s) it can immediately without touching the stack.
//! This means that adapter modules are not meant to be written by everyone.
//! It's assumed that these will be relatively few and far between yet still a
//! crucial part of the transition process from to the component model since
//! otherwise there's no way to run a `wasi_snapshot_preview1` module within the
//! component model.
use crate::metadata::{self, Bindgen, ModuleMetadata};
use crate::validation::{Export, ExportMap, Import, ImportInstance, ImportMap};
use crate::StringEncoding;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use indexmap::{IndexMap, IndexSet};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::mem;
use wasm_encoder::*;
use wasmparser::Validator;
use wit_parser::{
abi::{AbiVariant, WasmSignature, WasmType},
Function, FunctionKind, InterfaceId, LiveTypes, Resolve, Type, TypeDefKind, TypeId, TypeOwner,
WorldItem, WorldKey,
const INDIRECT_TABLE_NAME: &str = "$imports";
mod wit;
pub use wit::{encode, encode_world};
mod types;
use types::{InstanceTypeEncoder, RootTypeEncoder, ValtypeEncoder};
mod world;
use world::{ComponentWorld, ImportedInterface, Lowering};
fn to_val_type(ty: &WasmType) -> ValType {
match ty {
WasmType::I32 => ValType::I32,
WasmType::I64 => ValType::I64,
WasmType::F32 => ValType::F32,
WasmType::F64 => ValType::F64,
WasmType::Pointer => ValType::I32,
WasmType::PointerOrI64 => ValType::I64,
WasmType::Length => ValType::I32,
bitflags::bitflags! {
/// Options in the `canon lower` or `canon lift` required for a particular
/// function.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RequiredOptions: u8 {
/// A memory must be specified, typically the "main module"'s memory
/// export.
const MEMORY = 1 << 0;
/// A `realloc` function must be specified, typically named
/// `cabi_realloc`.
const REALLOC = 1 << 1;
/// A string encoding must be specified, which is always utf-8 for now
/// today.
const STRING_ENCODING = 1 << 2;
impl RequiredOptions {
fn for_import(resolve: &Resolve, func: &Function) -> RequiredOptions {
let sig = resolve.wasm_signature(AbiVariant::GuestImport, func);
let mut ret = RequiredOptions::empty();
// Lift the params and lower the results for imports
func.params.iter().map(|(_, t)| t),
ret.add_lower(TypeContents::for_types(resolve, func.results.iter_types()));
// If anything is indirect then `memory` will be required to read the
// indirect values.
if sig.retptr || sig.indirect_params {
ret |= RequiredOptions::MEMORY;
fn for_export(resolve: &Resolve, func: &Function) -> RequiredOptions {
let sig = resolve.wasm_signature(AbiVariant::GuestExport, func);
let mut ret = RequiredOptions::empty();
// Lower the params and lift the results for exports
func.params.iter().map(|(_, t)| t),
ret.add_lift(TypeContents::for_types(resolve, func.results.iter_types()));
// If anything is indirect then `memory` will be required to read the
// indirect values, but if the arguments are indirect then `realloc` is
// additionally required to allocate space for the parameters.
if sig.retptr || sig.indirect_params {
ret |= RequiredOptions::MEMORY;
if sig.indirect_params {
ret |= RequiredOptions::REALLOC;
fn add_lower(&mut self, types: TypeContents) {
// If lists/strings are lowered into wasm then memory is required as
// usual but `realloc` is also required to allow the external caller to
// allocate space in the destination for the list/string.
if types.contains(TypeContents::LIST) {
*self |= RequiredOptions::MEMORY | RequiredOptions::REALLOC;
if types.contains(TypeContents::STRING) {
*self |= RequiredOptions::MEMORY
| RequiredOptions::STRING_ENCODING
| RequiredOptions::REALLOC;
fn add_lift(&mut self, types: TypeContents) {
// Unlike for `lower` when lifting a string/list all that's needed is
// memory, since the string/list already resides in memory `realloc`
// isn't needed.
if types.contains(TypeContents::LIST) {
*self |= RequiredOptions::MEMORY;
if types.contains(TypeContents::STRING) {
*self |= RequiredOptions::MEMORY | RequiredOptions::STRING_ENCODING;
fn into_iter(
encoding: StringEncoding,
memory_index: Option<u32>,
realloc_index: Option<u32>,
) -> Result<impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = CanonicalOption>> {
struct Iter {
options: [Option<CanonicalOption>; 3],
current: usize,
count: usize,
impl Iter {
fn push(&mut self, option: CanonicalOption) {
assert!(self.count < self.options.len());
self.options[self.count] = Some(option);
self.count += 1;
impl Iterator for Iter {
type Item = CanonicalOption;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.current == self.count {
return None;
let option = self.options[self.current];
self.current += 1;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
(self.count - self.current, Some(self.count - self.current))
impl ExactSizeIterator for Iter {}
let mut iter = Iter::default();
if self.contains(RequiredOptions::MEMORY) {
iter.push(CanonicalOption::Memory(memory_index.ok_or_else(|| {
anyhow!("module does not export a memory named `memory`")
if self.contains(RequiredOptions::REALLOC) {
|| anyhow!("module does not export a function named `cabi_realloc`"),
if self.contains(RequiredOptions::STRING_ENCODING) {
bitflags::bitflags! {
/// Flags about what kinds of types are present within the recursive
/// structure of a type.
struct TypeContents: u8 {
const STRING = 1 << 0;
const LIST = 1 << 1;
impl TypeContents {
fn for_types<'a>(resolve: &Resolve, types: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Type>) -> Self {
let mut cur = TypeContents::empty();
for ty in types {
cur |= Self::for_type(resolve, ty);
fn for_optional_types<'a>(
resolve: &Resolve,
types: impl Iterator<Item = Option<&'a Type>>,
) -> Self {
Self::for_types(resolve, types.flatten())
fn for_optional_type(resolve: &Resolve, ty: Option<&Type>) -> Self {
match ty {
Some(ty) => Self::for_type(resolve, ty),
None => Self::empty(),
fn for_type(resolve: &Resolve, ty: &Type) -> Self {
match ty {
Type::Id(id) => match &resolve.types[*id].kind {
TypeDefKind::Handle(h) => match h {
wit_parser::Handle::Own(_) => Self::empty(),
wit_parser::Handle::Borrow(_) => Self::empty(),
TypeDefKind::Resource => Self::empty(),
TypeDefKind::Record(r) => Self::for_types(resolve, r.fields.iter().map(|f| &f.ty)),
TypeDefKind::Tuple(t) => Self::for_types(resolve, t.types.iter()),
TypeDefKind::Flags(_) => Self::empty(),
TypeDefKind::Option(t) => Self::for_type(resolve, t),
TypeDefKind::Result(r) => {
Self::for_optional_type(resolve, r.ok.as_ref())
| Self::for_optional_type(resolve, r.err.as_ref())
TypeDefKind::Variant(v) => {
Self::for_optional_types(resolve, v.cases.iter().map(|c| c.ty.as_ref()))
TypeDefKind::Enum(_) => Self::empty(),
TypeDefKind::List(t) => Self::for_type(resolve, t) | Self::LIST,
TypeDefKind::Type(t) => Self::for_type(resolve, t),
TypeDefKind::Future(_) => todo!("encoding for future"),
TypeDefKind::Stream(_) => todo!("encoding for stream"),
TypeDefKind::Unknown => unreachable!(),
Type::String => Self::STRING,
_ => Self::empty(),
/// State relating to encoding a component.
pub struct EncodingState<'a> {
/// The component being encoded.
component: ComponentBuilder,
/// The index into the core module index space for the inner core module.
/// If `None`, the core module has not been encoded.
module_index: Option<u32>,
/// The index into the core instance index space for the inner core module.
/// If `None`, the core module has not been instantiated.
instance_index: Option<u32>,
/// The index in the core memory index space for the exported memory.
/// If `None`, then the memory has not yet been aliased.
memory_index: Option<u32>,
/// The index of the shim instance used for lowering imports into the core instance.
/// If `None`, then the shim instance how not yet been encoded.
shim_instance_index: Option<u32>,
/// The index of the fixups module to instantiate to fill in the lowered imports.
/// If `None`, then a fixup module has not yet been encoded.
fixups_module_index: Option<u32>,
/// A map of named adapter modules and the index that the module was defined
/// at.
adapter_modules: IndexMap<&'a str, u32>,
/// A map of adapter module instances and the index of their instance.
adapter_instances: IndexMap<&'a str, u32>,
/// Imported instances and what index they were imported as.
imported_instances: IndexMap<InterfaceId, u32>,
imported_funcs: IndexMap<String, u32>,
exported_instances: IndexMap<InterfaceId, u32>,
/// Maps used when translating types to the component model binary format.
/// Note that imports and exports are stored in separate maps since they
/// need fresh hierarchies of types in case the same interface is both
/// imported and exported.
import_type_map: HashMap<TypeId, u32>,
import_func_type_map: HashMap<types::FunctionKey<'a>, u32>,
export_type_map: HashMap<TypeId, u32>,
export_func_type_map: HashMap<types::FunctionKey<'a>, u32>,
/// Cache of items that have been aliased from core instances.
/// This is a helper to reduce the number of aliases created by ensuring
/// that repeated requests for the same item return the same index of an
/// original `core alias` item.
aliased_core_items: HashMap<(u32, String), u32>,
/// Metadata about the world inferred from the input to `ComponentEncoder`.
info: &'a ComponentWorld<'a>,
impl<'a> EncodingState<'a> {
fn encode_core_modules(&mut self) {
let idx = self.component.core_module_raw(&;
self.module_index = Some(idx);
for (name, adapter) in {
let add_meta = wasm_metadata::AddMetadata {
name: Some(if adapter.library_info.is_some() {
} else {
let wasm = add_meta
.expect("core wasm can get name added");
let idx = self.component.core_module_raw(&wasm);
let prev = self.adapter_modules.insert(name, idx);
fn root_import_type_encoder(
&mut self,
interface: Option<InterfaceId>,
) -> RootTypeEncoder<'_, 'a> {
RootTypeEncoder {
state: self,
import_types: true,
fn root_export_type_encoder(
&mut self,
interface: Option<InterfaceId>,
) -> RootTypeEncoder<'_, 'a> {
RootTypeEncoder {
state: self,
import_types: false,
fn instance_type_encoder(&mut self, interface: InterfaceId) -> InstanceTypeEncoder<'_, 'a> {
InstanceTypeEncoder {
state: self,
type_map: Default::default(),
func_type_map: Default::default(),
ty: Default::default(),
fn encode_imports(&mut self, name_map: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Result<()> {
let mut has_funcs = false;
for (name, info) in {
match name {
Some(name) => {
self.encode_interface_import(name_map.get(name).unwrap_or(name), info)?
None => has_funcs = true,
let resolve = &;
let world = &resolve.worlds[];
for (_name, item) in world.imports.iter() {
if let WorldItem::Type(ty) = item {
.encode_valtype(resolve, &Type::Id(*ty))?;
if has_funcs {
let info = &[&None];
fn encode_interface_import(&mut self, name: &str, info: &ImportedInterface) -> Result<()> {
let resolve = &;
let interface_id = info.interface.as_ref().unwrap();
let interface_id = *interface_id;
let interface = &resolve.interfaces[interface_id];
log::trace!("encoding imports for `{name}` as {:?}", interface_id);
let mut encoder = self.instance_type_encoder(interface_id);
// First encode all type information
if let Some(live) = {
for ty in live {
"encoding extra type {ty:?} name={:?}",
encoder.encode_valtype(resolve, &Type::Id(*ty))?;
// Next encode all required functions from this imported interface
// into the instance type.
for (_, func) in interface.functions.iter() {
if !info.lowerings.contains_key(& {
log::trace!("encoding function type for `{}`",;
let idx = encoder.encode_func_type(resolve, func)?;
encoder.ty.export(&, ComponentTypeRef::Func(idx));
let ty = encoder.ty;
// Don't encode empty instance types since they're not
// meaningful to the runtime of the component anyway.
if ty.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let instance_type_idx = self.component.type_instance(&ty);
let instance_idx = self
.import(name, ComponentTypeRef::Instance(instance_type_idx));
let prev = self.imported_instances.insert(interface_id, instance_idx);
fn encode_root_import_funcs(&mut self, info: &ImportedInterface) -> Result<()> {
let resolve = &;
let world =;
for (name, item) in resolve.worlds[world].imports.iter() {
let func = match item {
WorldItem::Function(f) => f,
WorldItem::Interface { .. } | WorldItem::Type(_) => continue,
let name = resolve.name_world_key(name);
if !info.lowerings.contains_key(&name) {
log::trace!("encoding function type for `{}`",;
let idx = self
.encode_func_type(resolve, func)?;
let func_idx = self.component.import(&name, ComponentTypeRef::Func(idx));
let prev = self.imported_funcs.insert(name, func_idx);
fn alias_imported_type(&mut self, interface: InterfaceId, id: TypeId) -> u32 {
let ty = &[id];
let name ="type must have a name");
let instance = self.imported_instances[&interface];
.alias_export(instance, name, ComponentExportKind::Type)
fn alias_exported_type(&mut self, interface: InterfaceId, id: TypeId) -> u32 {
let ty = &[id];
let name ="type must have a name");
let instance = self.exported_instances[&interface];
.alias_export(instance, name, ComponentExportKind::Type)
fn encode_core_instantiation(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// Encode a shim instantiation if needed
let shims = self.encode_shim_instantiation()?;
// Next declare all exported resource types. This populates
// `export_type_map` and will additionally be used for imports to
// modules instantiated below.
// Next instantiate the main module. This provides the linear memory to
// use for all future adapters and enables creating indirect lowerings
// at the end.
// Separate the adapters according which should be instantiated before
// and after indirect lowerings are encoded.
let (before, after) = self
.partition::<Vec<_>, _>(|(_, adapter)| {
Some(LibraryInfo {
instantiate_after_shims: true,
for (name, _adapter) in before {
self.instantiate_adapter_module(&shims, name)?;
// With all the relevant core wasm instances in play now the original shim
// module, if present, can be filled in with lowerings/adapters/etc.
for (name, _adapter) in after {
self.instantiate_adapter_module(&shims, name)?;
fn lookup_resource_index(&mut self, id: TypeId) -> u32 {
let resolve = &;
let ty = &resolve.types[id];
match ty.owner {
// If this resource is owned by a world then it's a top-level
// resource which means it must have already been translated so
// it's available for lookup in `import_type_map`.
TypeOwner::World(_) => self.import_type_map[&id],
TypeOwner::Interface(i) => {
let instance = self.imported_instances[&i];
let name ="resources must be named");
.alias_export(instance, name, ComponentExportKind::Type)
TypeOwner::None => panic!("resources must have an owner"),
fn encode_exports(&mut self, module: CustomModule) -> Result<()> {
let resolve = &;
let exports = match module {
CustomModule::Main => &,
CustomModule::Adapter(name) => &[name].required_exports,
if exports.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let mut interface_func_core_names = IndexMap::new();
let mut world_func_core_names = IndexMap::new();
for (core_name, export) in {
match export {
Export::WorldFunc(name) => {
let prev = world_func_core_names.insert(name, core_name);
Export::InterfaceFunc(id, name) => {
let prev = interface_func_core_names
.insert(name.as_str(), core_name);
| Export::InterfaceFuncPostReturn(..)
| Export::ResourceDtor(..)
| Export::Memory
| Export::GeneralPurposeRealloc
| Export::GeneralPurposeExportRealloc
| Export::GeneralPurposeImportRealloc
| Export::Initialize
| Export::ReallocForAdapter => continue,
let world = &resolve.worlds[];
for export_name in exports {
let export_string = resolve.name_world_key(export_name);
match &world.exports[export_name] {
WorldItem::Function(func) => {
let ty = self
.encode_func_type(resolve, func)?;
let core_name = world_func_core_names[&];
let idx = self.encode_lift(module, &core_name, export_name, func, ty)?;
.export(&export_string, ComponentExportKind::Func, idx, None);
WorldItem::Interface { id, .. } => {
let core_names = interface_func_core_names.get(id);
WorldItem::Type(_) => unreachable!(),
fn encode_interface_export(
&mut self,
export_name: &str,
module: CustomModule<'_>,
key: &WorldKey,
export: InterfaceId,
interface_func_core_names: Option<&IndexMap<&str, &str>>,
) -> Result<()> {
log::trace!("encode interface export `{export_name}`");
let resolve = &;
// First execute a `canon lift` for all the functions in this interface
// from the core wasm export. This requires type information but notably
// not exported type information since we don't want to export this
// interface's types from the root of the component. Each lifted
// function is saved off into an `imports` array to get imported into
// the nested component synthesized below.
let mut imports = Vec::new();
let mut root = self.root_export_type_encoder(Some(export));
for (_, func) in &resolve.interfaces[export].functions {
let core_name = interface_func_core_names.unwrap()[];
let ty = root.encode_func_type(resolve, func)?;
let func_index = root.state.encode_lift(module, &core_name, key, func, ty)?;
// Next a nested component is created which will import the functions
// above and then reexport them. The purpose of them is to "re-type" the
// functions through type ascription on each `func` item.
let mut nested = NestedComponentTypeEncoder {
component: ComponentBuilder::default(),
type_map: Default::default(),
func_type_map: Default::default(),
export_types: false,
interface: export,
state: self,
imports: IndexMap::new(),
// Import all transitively-referenced types from other interfaces into
// this component. This temporarily switches the `interface` listed to
// the interface of the referred-to-type to generate the import. After
// this loop `interface` is rewritten to `export`.
// Each component is a standalone "island" so the necessary type
// information needs to be rebuilt within this component. This ensures
// that we're able to build a valid component and additionally connect
// all the type information to the outer context.
let mut types_to_import = LiveTypes::default();
types_to_import.add_interface(resolve, export);
let exports_used = &[&export];
for ty in types_to_import.iter() {
if let TypeOwner::Interface(owner) = resolve.types[ty].owner {
if owner == export {
// Here this deals with the current exported interface which
// is handled below.
// Ensure that `self` has encoded this type before. If so this
// is a noop but otherwise it generates the type here.
let mut encoder = if exports_used.contains(&owner) {
} else {
encoder.encode_valtype(resolve, &Type::Id(ty))?;
// Next generate the same type but this time within the
// component itself. The type generated above (or prior) will be
// used to satisfy this type import.
nested.interface = owner;
nested.encode_valtype(resolve, &Type::Id(ty))?;
nested.interface = export;
// Record the map of types imported to their index at where they were
// imported. This is used after imports are encoded as exported types
// will refer to these.
let imported_types = nested.type_map.clone();
// Handle resource types for this instance specially, namely importing
// them into the nested component. This models how the resource is
// imported from its definition in the outer component to get reexported
// internally. This chiefly avoids creating a second resource which is
// not desired in this situation.
let mut resources = HashMap::new();
for (_name, ty) in resolve.interfaces[export].types.iter() {
if !matches!(resolve.types[*ty].kind, TypeDefKind::Resource) {
let idx = match nested.encode_valtype(resolve, &Type::Id(*ty))? {
ComponentValType::Type(idx) => idx,
_ => unreachable!(),
resources.insert(*ty, idx);
// Next import each function of this interface. This will end up
// defining local types as necessary or using the types as imported
// above.
for (_, func) in resolve.interfaces[export].functions.iter() {
let ty = nested.encode_func_type(resolve, func)?;
.import(&import_func_name(func), ComponentTypeRef::Func(ty));
// Swap the `nested.type_map` which was previously from `TypeId` to
// `u32` to instead being from `u32` to `TypeId`. This reverse map is
// then used in conjunction with `self.type_map` to satisfy all type
// imports of the nested component generated. The type import's index in
// the inner component is translated to a `TypeId` via `reverse_map`
// which is then translated back to our own index space via `type_map`.
let reverse_map = nested
.map(|p| (p.1, p.0))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
for (name, idx) in nested.imports.drain(..) {
let id = reverse_map[&idx];
let owner = match resolve.types[id].owner {
TypeOwner::Interface(id) => id,
_ => unreachable!(),
let idx = if owner == export || exports_used.contains(&owner) {
log::trace!("consulting exports for {id:?}");
} else {
log::trace!("consulting imports for {id:?}");
imports.push((name, ComponentExportKind::Type, idx))
// Before encoding exports reset the type map to what all was imported
// from foreign interfaces. This will enable any encoded types below to
// refer to imports which, after type substitution, will point to the
// correct type in the outer component context.
nested.type_map = imported_types;
// Next the component reexports all of its imports, but notably uses the
// type ascription feature to change the type of the function. Note that
// no structural change is happening to the types here but instead types
// are getting proper names and such now that this nested component is a
// new type index space. Hence the `export_types = true` flag here which
// flows through the type encoding and when types are emitted.
nested.export_types = true;
// To start off all type information is encoded. This will be used by
// functions below but notably this also has special handling for
// resources. Resources reexport their imported resource type under
// the final name which achieves the desired goal of threading through
// the original resource without creating a new one.
for (_, id) in resolve.interfaces[export].types.iter() {
let ty = &resolve.types[*id];
match ty.kind {
TypeDefKind::Resource => {
let idx = nested.component.export("resources must be named"),
nested.type_map.insert(*id, idx);
_ => {
nested.encode_valtype(resolve, &Type::Id(*id))?;
for (i, (_, func)) in resolve.interfaces[export].functions.iter().enumerate() {
let ty = nested.encode_func_type(resolve, func)?;
i as u32,
// Embed the component within our component and then instantiate it with
// the lifted functions. That final instance is then exported under the
// appropriate name as the final typed export of this component.
let component = nested.component;
let component_index = self.component.component(component);
let instance_index = self.component.instantiate(component_index, imports);
let idx = self.component.export(
let prev = self.exported_instances.insert(export, idx);
// After everything is all said and done remove all the type information
// about type exports of this interface. Any entries in the map
// currently were used to create the instance above but aren't the
// actual copy of the exported type since that comes from the exported
// instance itself. Entries will be re-inserted into this map as
// necessary via aliases from the exported instance which is the new
// source of truth for all these types.
for (_name, id) in resolve.interfaces[export].types.iter() {
return Ok(());
struct NestedComponentTypeEncoder<'state, 'a> {
component: ComponentBuilder,
type_map: HashMap<TypeId, u32>,
func_type_map: HashMap<types::FunctionKey<'a>, u32>,
export_types: bool,
interface: InterfaceId,
state: &'state mut EncodingState<'a>,
imports: IndexMap<String, u32>,
impl<'a> ValtypeEncoder<'a> for NestedComponentTypeEncoder<'_, 'a> {
fn defined_type(&mut self) -> (u32, ComponentDefinedTypeEncoder<'_>) {
fn define_function_type(&mut self) -> (u32, ComponentFuncTypeEncoder<'_>) {
fn export_type(&mut self, idx: u32, name: &'a str) -> Option<u32> {
if self.export_types {
.export(name, ComponentExportKind::Type, idx, None),
} else {
let name = self.unique_import_name(name);
let ret = self
.import(&name, ComponentTypeRef::Type(TypeBounds::Eq(idx)));
self.imports.insert(name, ret);
fn export_resource(&mut self, name: &'a str) -> u32 {
if self.export_types {
panic!("resources should already be exported")
} else {
let name = self.unique_import_name(name);
let ret = self
.import(&name, ComponentTypeRef::Type(TypeBounds::SubResource));
self.imports.insert(name, ret);
fn import_type(&mut self, _: InterfaceId, _id: TypeId) -> u32 {
fn type_map(&mut self) -> &mut HashMap<TypeId, u32> {
&mut self.type_map
fn func_type_map(&mut self) -> &mut HashMap<types::FunctionKey<'a>, u32> {
&mut self.func_type_map
fn interface(&self) -> Option<InterfaceId> {
impl NestedComponentTypeEncoder<'_, '_> {
fn unique_import_name(&mut self, name: &str) -> String {
let mut name = format!("import-type-{name}");
let mut n = 0;
while self.imports.contains_key(&name) {
name = format!("{name}{n}");
n += 1;
fn import_func_name(f: &Function) -> String {
match f.kind {
FunctionKind::Freestanding => {
// transform `[method]` into `import-method-foo-bar` to
// have it be a valid kebab-name which can't conflict with
// anything else.
// There's probably a better and more "formal" way to do this
// but quick-and-dirty string manipulation should work well
// enough for now hopefully.
| FunctionKind::Static(_)
| FunctionKind::Constructor(_) => {
"import-{}",'[', "").replace([']', '.'], "-")
fn encode_lift(
&mut self,
module: CustomModule<'_>,
core_name: &str,
key: &WorldKey,
func: &Function,
ty: u32,
) -> Result<u32> {
let resolve = &;
let metadata =;
let instance_index = self.instance_for(module);
let core_func_index = self.core_alias_export(instance_index, core_name, ExportKind::Func);
let options = RequiredOptions::for_export(resolve, func);
let encoding = metadata
.get(resolve, key, &
let exports =;
let realloc_index = exports
.export_realloc_for(key, func)
.map(|name| self.core_alias_export(instance_index, name, ExportKind::Func));
let mut options = options
.into_iter(encoding, self.memory_index, realloc_index)?
if let Some(post_return) = exports.post_return(key, func) {
let post_return = self.core_alias_export(instance_index, post_return, ExportKind::Func);
let func_index = self.component.lift_func(core_func_index, ty, options);
fn encode_shim_instantiation(&mut self) -> Result<Shims<'a>> {
let mut ret = Shims::default();
ret.append_indirect(, CustomModule::Main)
.context("failed to register indirect shims for main module")?;
// For all required adapter modules a shim is created for each required
// function and additionally a set of shims are created for the
// interface imported into the shim module itself.
for (adapter_name, _adapter) in {
ret.append_indirect(, CustomModule::Adapter(adapter_name))
.with_context(|| {
format!("failed to register indirect shims for adapter {adapter_name}")
if ret.shims.is_empty() {
return Ok(ret);
// This function encodes two modules:
// - A shim module that defines a table and exports functions
// that indirectly call through the table.
// - A fixup module that imports that table and a set of functions
// and populates the imported table via active element segments. The
// fixup module is used to populate the shim's table once the
// imported functions have been lowered.
let mut types = TypeSection::new();
let mut tables = TableSection::new();
let mut functions = FunctionSection::new();
let mut exports = ExportSection::new();
let mut code = CodeSection::new();
let mut sigs = IndexMap::new();
let mut imports_section = ImportSection::new();
let mut elements = ElementSection::new();
let mut func_indexes = Vec::new();
let mut func_names = NameMap::new();
for (i, shim) in ret.shims.values().enumerate() {
let i = i as u32;
let type_index = *sigs.entry(&shim.sig).or_insert_with(|| {
let index = types.len();
Self::encode_shim_function(type_index, i, &mut code, shim.sig.params.len() as u32);
exports.export(&, ExportKind::Func, i);
imports_section.import("", &, EntityType::Function(type_index));
func_names.append(i, &shim.debug_name);
let mut names = NameSection::new();
let table_type = TableType {
element_type: RefType::FUNCREF,
minimum: ret.shims.len() as u64,
maximum: Some(ret.shims.len() as u64),
table64: false,
shared: false,
exports.export(INDIRECT_TABLE_NAME, ExportKind::Table, 0);
imports_section.import("", INDIRECT_TABLE_NAME, table_type);
let mut shim = Module::new();
let mut fixups = Module::default();
let mut names = NameSection::new();
let shim_module_index = self.component.core_module(&shim);
self.fixups_module_index = Some(self.component.core_module(&fixups));
self.shim_instance_index = Some(self.component.core_instantiate(shim_module_index, []));
return Ok(ret);
fn encode_shim_function(
type_index: u32,
func_index: u32,
code: &mut CodeSection,
param_count: u32,
) {
let mut func = wasm_encoder::Function::new(std::iter::empty());
for i in 0..param_count {
func.instruction(&Instruction::I32Const(func_index as i32));
func.instruction(&Instruction::CallIndirect {
table_index: 0,
fn encode_indirect_lowerings(&mut self, shims: &Shims<'_>) -> Result<()> {
if shims.shims.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let shim_instance_index = self
.expect("must have an instantiated shim");
let table_index =
self.core_alias_export(shim_instance_index, INDIRECT_TABLE_NAME, ExportKind::Table);
let mut exports = Vec::new();
exports.push((INDIRECT_TABLE_NAME, ExportKind::Table, table_index));
for shim in shims.shims.values() {
let core_func_index = match &shim.kind {
// Indirect lowerings are a `canon lower`'d function with
// options specified from a previously instantiated instance.
// This previous instance could either be the main module or an
// adapter module, which affects the `realloc` option here.
// Currently only one linear memory is supported so the linear
// memory always comes from the main module.
ShimKind::IndirectLowering {
} => {
let interface = &[interface];
let (name, _) = interface.lowerings.get_index(*index).unwrap();
let func_index = match &interface.interface {
Some(interface_id) => {
let instance_index = self.imported_instances[interface_id];
None => self.imported_funcs[name],
let realloc = self
.import_realloc_for(interface.interface, name)
.map(|name| {
let instance = self.instance_for(*realloc);
self.core_alias_export(instance, name, ExportKind::Func)
.into_iter(*encoding, self.memory_index, realloc)?,
// Adapter shims are defined by an export from an adapter
// instance, so use the specified name here and the previously
// created instances to get the core item that represents the
// shim.
ShimKind::Adapter { adapter, func } => {
self.core_alias_export(self.adapter_instances[adapter], func, ExportKind::Func)
// Resources are required for a module to be instantiated
// meaning that any destructor for the resource must be called
// indirectly due to the otherwise circular dependency between
// the module and the resource itself.
ShimKind::ResourceDtor { module, export } => {
self.core_alias_export(self.instance_for(*module), export, ExportKind::Func)
exports.push((, ExportKind::Func, core_func_index));
let instance_index = self.component.core_instantiate_exports(exports);
self.fixups_module_index.expect("must have fixup module"),
[("", ModuleArg::Instance(instance_index))],
/// This is a helper function that will declare, in the component itself,
/// all exported resources.
/// These resources later on get packaged up into instances and such. The
/// main thing that this handles is that it registers the right destructor
/// from `shims`, if needed, for each resource.
fn declare_exported_resources(&mut self, shims: &Shims<'_>) {
let resolve = &;
let world = &resolve.worlds[];
// Iterate over the main module's exports and the exports of all
// adapters. Look for exported interfaces that themselves have
// resources.
let main_module_keys =;
let main_module_keys =|key| (CustomModule::Main, key));
let adapter_keys =|(name, info)| {
.map(move |key| (CustomModule::Adapter(name), key))
for (for_module, key) in main_module_keys.chain(adapter_keys) {
let id = match &world.exports[key] {
WorldItem::Interface { id, .. } => *id,
WorldItem::Type { .. } => unreachable!(),
WorldItem::Function(_) => continue,
for ty in resolve.interfaces[id].types.values() {
match resolve.types[*ty].kind {
TypeDefKind::Resource => {}
_ => continue,
// Load the destructor, previously detected in module
// validation, if one is present.
let exports =;
let dtor = exports.resource_dtor(*ty).map(|name| {
let name = &shims.shims[&ShimKind::ResourceDtor {
module: for_module,
export: name,
let shim = self.shim_instance_index.unwrap();
self.core_alias_export(shim, name, ExportKind::Func)
// Declare the resource with this destructor and register it in
// our internal map. This should be the first and only time this
// type is inserted into this map.
let resource_idx = self.component.type_resource(ValType::I32, dtor);
let prev = self.export_type_map.insert(*ty, resource_idx);
/// Helper to instantiate the main module and record various results of its
/// instantiation within `self`.
fn instantiate_main_module(&mut self, shims: &Shims<'_>) -> Result<()> {
let instance_index = self.instantiate_core_module(shims, CustomModule::Main)?;
if let Some(memory) = {
self.memory_index =
Some(self.core_alias_export(instance_index, memory, ExportKind::Memory));
self.instance_index = Some(instance_index);
/// This function will instantiate the specified adapter module, which may
/// depend on previously-instantiated modules.
fn instantiate_adapter_module(&mut self, shims: &Shims<'_>, name: &'a str) -> Result<()> {
let instance = self.instantiate_core_module(shims, CustomModule::Adapter(name))?;
self.adapter_instances.insert(name, instance);
/// Generic helper to instantiate a module.
/// The `for_module` provided will have all of its imports satisfied from
/// either previous instantiations or the `shims` module present. This
/// iterates over the metadata produced during validation to determine what
/// hooks up to what import.
fn instantiate_core_module(
&mut self,
shims: &Shims,
for_module: CustomModule<'_>,
) -> Result<u32> {
let module = self.module_for(for_module);
let mut args = Vec::new();
for (core_wasm_name, instance) in {
match instance {
// For import modules that are a "bag of names" iterate over
// each name and materialize it into this component with the
// `materialize_import` helper. This is then all bottled up into
// a bag-of-exports instances which is then used for
// instantiation.
ImportInstance::Names(names) => {
let mut exports = Vec::new();
for (name, import) in names {
let (kind, index) = self
.materialize_import(&shims, for_module, core_wasm_name, name, import)
.with_context(|| {
format!("failed to satisfy import `{core_wasm_name}::{name}`")
exports.push((name.as_str(), kind, index));
let index = self.component.core_instantiate_exports(exports);
args.push((core_wasm_name.as_str(), ModuleArg::Instance(index)));
// Some imports are entire instances, so use the instance for
// the module identifier as the import.
ImportInstance::Whole(which) => {
let instance = self.instance_for(which.to_custom_module());
args.push((core_wasm_name.as_str(), ModuleArg::Instance(instance)));
// And with all arguments prepared now, instantiate the module.
Ok(self.component.core_instantiate(module, args))
/// Helper function to materialize an import into a core module within the
/// component being built.
/// This function is called for individual imports and uses the results of
/// validation, notably the `Import` type, to determine what WIT-level or
/// component-level construct is being hooked up.
fn materialize_import(
&mut self,
shims: &Shims<'_>,
for_module: CustomModule<'_>,
module: &str,
field: &str,
import: &Import,
) -> Result<(ExportKind, u32)> {
log::trace!("attempting to materialize import of `{module}::{field}` for {for_module:?}");
let resolve = &;
let name_tmp;
let (key, name, interface_key) = match import {
// Main module dependencies on an adapter in use are done with an
// indirection here, so load the shim function and use that.
Import::AdapterExport(_) => {
let shim_instance = self
.expect("shim should be instantiated");
let index = self.core_alias_export(
&shims.shims[&ShimKind::Adapter {
adapter: module,
func: field,
return Ok((ExportKind::Func, index));
// Adapters might uset he main module's memory, in which case it
// should have been previously instantiated.
Import::MainModuleMemory => {
let index = self
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("main module cannot import memory"))?;
return Ok((ExportKind::Memory, index));
// Grab-bag of "this adapter wants this thing from the main module".
Import::MainModuleExport { name, kind } => {
let instance = self.instance_index.unwrap();
let index = self.core_alias_export(instance, name, *kind);
return Ok((*kind, index));
// A similar grab-bag to above but with a slightly different
// structure. Should probably refactor to make these two the same in
// the future.
Import::Item(item) => {
let instance = self.instance_for(item.which.to_custom_module());
let index = self.core_alias_export(instance, &, item.kind);
return Ok((item.kind, index));
// Resource intrinsics related to exported resources. Despite being
// an exported resource the component still provides necessary
// intrinsics for manipulating resource state. These are all
// handled here using the resource types created during
// `declare_exported_resources` above.
Import::ExportedResourceDrop(_key, id) => {
let index = self.component.resource_drop(self.export_type_map[id]);
return Ok((ExportKind::Func, index));
Import::ExportedResourceRep(_key, id) => {
let index = self.component.resource_rep(self.export_type_map[id]);
return Ok((ExportKind::Func, index));
Import::ExportedResourceNew(_key, id) => {
let index = self.component.resource_new(self.export_type_map[id]);
return Ok((ExportKind::Func, index));
// And finally here at the end these cases are going to all fall
// through to the code below. This is where these are connected to a
// WIT `ImportedInterface` one way or another with the name that was
// detected during validation.
Import::ImportedResourceDrop(key, iface, id) => {
let ty = &resolve.types[*id];
let name =;
name_tmp = format!("{name}_drop");
(key, &name_tmp,|_| resolve.name_world_key(key)))
Import::WorldFunc(key, name) => (key, name, None),
Import::InterfaceFunc(key, _, name) => (key, name, Some(resolve.name_world_key(key))),
let import = &[&interface_key];
let (index, _, lowering) = import.lowerings.get_full(name).unwrap();
let metadata =;
let index = match lowering {
// All direct lowerings can be `canon lower`'d here immediately
// and passed as arguments.
Lowering::Direct => {
let func_index = match &import.interface {
Some(interface) => {
let instance_index = self.imported_instances[interface];
.alias_export(instance_index, name, ComponentExportKind::Func)
None => self.imported_funcs[name],
self.component.lower_func(func_index, [])
// Indirect lowerings come from the shim that was previously
// created, so the specific export is loaded here and used as an
// import.
Lowering::Indirect { .. } => {
let encoding = metadata.import_encodings.get(resolve, key, name).unwrap();
.expect("shim should be instantiated"),
&shims.shims[&ShimKind::IndirectLowering {
interface: interface_key,
realloc: for_module,
// A "resource drop" intrinsic only needs to find the index of the
// resource type itself and then the intrinsic is declared.
Lowering::ResourceDrop(id) => {
let resource_idx = self.lookup_resource_index(*id);
Ok((ExportKind::Func, index))
/// Generates component bits that are responsible for executing
/// `_initialize`, if found, in the original component.
/// The `_initialize` function was a part of WASIp1 where it generally is
/// intended to run after imports and memory and such are all "hooked up"
/// and performs other various initialization tasks. This is additionally
/// specified in
/// to be part of the component model lowerings as well.
/// This implements this functionality by encoding a core module that
/// imports a function and then registers a `start` section with that
/// imported function. This is all encoded after the
/// imports/lowerings/tables/etc are all filled in above meaning that this
/// is the last piece to run. That means that when this is running
/// everything should be hooked up for all imported functions to work.
/// Note that at this time `_initialize` is only detected in the "main
/// module", not adapters/libraries.
fn encode_initialize_with_start(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let initialize = match {
Some(name) => name,
// If this core module didn't have `_initialize` or similar, then
// there's nothing to do here.
None => return Ok(()),
let initialize_index =
self.core_alias_export(self.instance_index.unwrap(), initialize, ExportKind::Func);
let mut shim = Module::default();
let mut section = TypeSection::new();
section.ty().function([], []);
let mut section = ImportSection::new();
section.import("", "", EntityType::Function(0));
shim.section(&StartSection { function_index: 0 });
// Declare the core module within the component, create a dummy core
// instance with one export of our `_initialize` function, and then use
// that to instantiate the module we emit to run the `start` function in
// core wasm to run `_initialize`.
let shim_module_index = self.component.core_module(&shim);
let shim_args_instance_index =
.core_instantiate_exports([("", ExportKind::Func, initialize_index)]);
[("", ModuleArg::Instance(shim_args_instance_index))],
/// Convenience function to go from `CustomModule` to the instance index
/// corresponding to what that points to.
fn instance_for(&self, module: CustomModule) -> u32 {
match module {
CustomModule::Main => self.instance_index.expect("instantiated by now"),
CustomModule::Adapter(name) => self.adapter_instances[name],
/// Convenience function to go from `CustomModule` to the module index
/// corresponding to what that points to.
fn module_for(&self, module: CustomModule) -> u32 {
match module {
CustomModule::Main => self.module_index.unwrap(),
CustomModule::Adapter(name) => self.adapter_modules[name],
/// Convenience function which caches aliases created so repeated calls to
/// this function will all return the same index.
fn core_alias_export(&mut self, instance: u32, name: &str, kind: ExportKind) -> u32 {
.entry((instance, name.to_string()))
.or_insert_with(|| self.component.core_alias_export(instance, name, kind))
/// A list of "shims" which start out during the component instantiation process
/// as functions which immediately trap due to a `call_indirect`-to-`null` but
/// will get filled in by the time the component instantiation process
/// completes.
/// Shims currently include:
/// * "Indirect functions" lowered from imported instances where the lowering
/// requires an item exported from the main module. These are indirect due to
/// the circular dependency between the module needing an import and the
/// import needing the module.
/// * Adapter modules which convert from a historical ABI to the component
/// model's ABI (e.g. wasi preview1 to preview2) get a shim since the adapters
/// are currently indicated as always requiring the memory of the main module.
/// This structure is created by `encode_shim_instantiation`.
struct Shims<'a> {
/// The list of all shims that a module will require.
shims: IndexMap<ShimKind<'a>, Shim<'a>>,
struct Shim<'a> {
/// Canonical ABI options required by this shim, used during `canon lower`
/// operations.
options: RequiredOptions,
/// The name, in the shim instance, of this shim.
/// Currently this is `"0"`, `"1"`, ...
name: String,
/// A human-readable debugging name for this shim, used in a core wasm
/// `name` section.
debug_name: String,
/// Precise information about what this shim is a lowering of.
kind: ShimKind<'a>,
/// Wasm type of this shim.
sig: WasmSignature,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum ShimKind<'a> {
/// This shim is a late indirect lowering of an imported function in a
/// component which is only possible after prior core wasm modules are
/// instantiated so their memories and functions are available.
IndirectLowering {
/// The name of the interface that's being lowered.
interface: Option<String>,
/// The index within the `lowerings` array of the function being lowered.
index: usize,
/// Which instance to pull the `realloc` function from, if necessary.
realloc: CustomModule<'a>,
/// The string encoding that this lowering is going to use.
encoding: StringEncoding,
/// This shim is a core wasm function defined in an adapter module but isn't
/// available until the adapter module is itself instantiated.
Adapter {
/// The name of the adapter module this shim comes from.
adapter: &'a str,
/// The name of the export in the adapter module this shim points to.
func: &'a str,
/// A shim used as the destructor for a resource which allows defining the
/// resource before the core module being instantiated.
ResourceDtor {
/// Which instance to pull the destructor function from.
module: CustomModule<'a>,
/// The exported function name of this destructor in the core module.
export: &'a str,
/// Indicator for which module is being used for a lowering or where options
/// like `realloc` are drawn from.
/// This is necessary for situations such as an imported function being lowered
/// into the main module and additionally into an adapter module. For example an
/// adapter might adapt from preview1 to preview2 for the standard library of a
/// programming language but the main module's custom application code may also
/// explicitly import from preview2. These two different lowerings of a preview2
/// function are parameterized by this enumeration.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum CustomModule<'a> {
/// This points to the "main module" which is generally the "output of LLVM"
/// or what a user wrote.
/// This is selecting an adapter module, identified by name here, where
/// something is being lowered into.
Adapter(&'a str),
impl<'a> Shims<'a> {
/// Adds all shims necessary for the instantiation of `for_module`.
/// This function will iterate over all the imports required by this module
/// and for those that require a shim they're registered here.
fn append_indirect(
&mut self,
world: &'a ComponentWorld<'a>,
for_module: CustomModule<'a>,
) -> Result<()> {
let module_imports = world.imports_for(for_module);
let module_exports = world.exports_for(for_module);
let metadata = world.module_metadata_for(for_module);
let resolve = &world.encoder.metadata.resolve;
for (module, field, import) in module_imports.imports() {
let (key, name, interface_key) = match import {
// These imports don't require shims, they can be satisfied
// as-needed when required.
| Import::MainModuleMemory
| Import::MainModuleExport { .. }
| Import::Item(_)
| Import::ExportedResourceDrop(..)
| Import::ExportedResourceRep(..)
| Import::ExportedResourceNew(..) => continue,
// Adapter imports into the main module must got through an
// indirection, so that's registered here.
Import::AdapterExport(ty) => {
let name = self.shims.len().to_string();
log::debug!("shim {name} is adapter `{module}::{field}`");
self.push(Shim {
debug_name: format!("adapt-{module}-{field}"),
// Pessimistically assume that all adapters require
// memory in one form or another. While this isn't
// technically true it's true enough for WASI.
options: RequiredOptions::MEMORY,
kind: ShimKind::Adapter {
adapter: module,
func: field,
sig: WasmSignature {
params: ty.params().iter().map(to_wasm_type).collect(),
results: ty.results().iter().map(to_wasm_type).collect(),
indirect_params: false,
retptr: false,
fn to_wasm_type(ty: &wasmparser::ValType) -> WasmType {
match ty {
wasmparser::ValType::I32 => WasmType::I32,
wasmparser::ValType::I64 => WasmType::I64,
wasmparser::ValType::F32 => WasmType::F32,
wasmparser::ValType::F64 => WasmType::F64,
_ => unreachable!(),
// WIT-level functions may require an indirection, so yield some
// metadata out of this `match` to the loop below to figure that
// out.
Import::InterfaceFunc(key, _, name) => {
(key, name, Some(resolve.name_world_key(key)))
Import::WorldFunc(key, name) => (key, name, None),
let interface = &world.import_map[&interface_key];
let (index, _, lowering) = interface.lowerings.get_full(name).unwrap();
let shim_name = self.shims.len().to_string();
match lowering {
Lowering::Direct | Lowering::ResourceDrop(_) => {}
Lowering::Indirect { sig, options } => {
"shim {shim_name} is import `{module}::{field}` lowering {index} `{name}`",
let encoding = metadata
.get(resolve, key, name)
.ok_or_else(|| {
"missing component metadata for import of \
self.push(Shim {
name: shim_name,
debug_name: format!("indirect-{module}-{field}"),
options: *options,
kind: ShimKind::IndirectLowering {
interface: interface_key,
realloc: for_module,
sig: sig.clone(),
// In addition to all the shims added for imports above this module also
// requires shims for resource destructors that it exports. Resource
// types are declared before the module is instantiated so the actual
// destructor is registered as a shim (defined here) and it's then
// filled in with the module's exports later.
for (export_name, export) in module_exports.iter() {
let id = match export {
Export::ResourceDtor(id) => id,
_ => continue,
let resource = resolve.types[*id].name.as_ref().unwrap();
let name = self.shims.len().to_string();
self.push(Shim {
debug_name: format!("dtor-{resource}"),
options: RequiredOptions::empty(),
kind: ShimKind::ResourceDtor {
module: for_module,
export: export_name,
sig: WasmSignature {
params: vec![WasmType::I32],
results: Vec::new(),
indirect_params: false,
retptr: false,
fn push(&mut self, shim: Shim<'a>) {
// Only one shim per `ShimKind` is retained, so if it's already present
// don't overwrite it. If it's not present though go ahead and insert
// it.
if !self.shims.contains_key(&shim.kind) {
self.shims.insert(shim.kind.clone(), shim);
/// Alias argument to an instantiation
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Item {
pub alias: String,
pub kind: ExportKind,
pub which: MainOrAdapter,
pub name: String,
/// Module argument to an instantiation
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum MainOrAdapter {
impl MainOrAdapter {
fn to_custom_module(&self) -> CustomModule<'_> {
match self {
MainOrAdapter::Main => CustomModule::Main,
MainOrAdapter::Adapter(s) => CustomModule::Adapter(s),
/// Module instantiation argument
pub enum Instance {
/// Module argument
/// Alias argument
/// Provides fine-grained control of how a library module is instantiated
/// relative to other module instances
pub struct LibraryInfo {
/// If true, instantiate any shims prior to this module
pub instantiate_after_shims: bool,
/// Instantiation arguments
pub arguments: Vec<(String, Instance)>,
/// Represents an adapter or library to be instantiated as part of the component
pub(super) struct Adapter {
/// The wasm of the module itself, with `component-type` sections stripped
wasm: Vec<u8>,
/// The metadata for the adapter
metadata: ModuleMetadata,
/// The set of exports from the final world which are defined by this
/// adapter or library
required_exports: IndexSet<WorldKey>,
/// If present, treat this module as a library rather than a "minimal" adapter
/// TODO: We should refactor how various flavors of module are represented
/// and differentiated to avoid mistaking one for another.
library_info: Option<LibraryInfo>,
/// An encoder of components based on `wit` interface definitions.
pub struct ComponentEncoder {
module: Vec<u8>,
pub(super) metadata: Bindgen,
validate: bool,
pub(super) main_module_exports: IndexSet<WorldKey>,
pub(super) adapters: IndexMap<String, Adapter>,
import_name_map: HashMap<String, String>,
realloc_via_memory_grow: bool,
merge_imports_based_on_semver: Option<bool>,
pub(super) reject_legacy_names: bool,
impl ComponentEncoder {
/// Set the core module to encode as a component.
/// This method will also parse any component type information stored in custom sections
/// inside the module, and add them as the interface, imports, and exports.
/// It will also add any producers information inside the component type information to the
/// core module.
pub fn module(mut self, module: &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {
let (wasm, metadata) = self.decode(module)?;
let exports = self
.context("failed merge WIT metadata for module with previous metadata")?;
self.module = if let Some(producers) = &self.metadata.producers {
} else {
fn decode<'a>(&self, wasm: &'a [u8]) -> Result<(Cow<'a, [u8]>, Bindgen)> {
let (bytes, metadata) = metadata::decode(wasm)?;
match bytes {
Some(wasm) => Ok((Cow::Owned(wasm), metadata)),
None => Ok((Cow::Borrowed(wasm), metadata)),
fn merge_metadata(&mut self, metadata: Bindgen) -> Result<IndexSet<WorldKey>> {
/// Sets whether or not the encoder will validate its output.
pub fn validate(mut self, validate: bool) -> Self {
self.validate = validate;
/// Sets whether to merge imports based on semver to the specified value.
/// This affects how when to WIT worlds are merged together, for example
/// from two different libraries, whether their imports are unified when the
/// semver version ranges for interface allow it.
/// This is enabled by default.
pub fn merge_imports_based_on_semver(mut self, merge: bool) -> Self {
self.merge_imports_based_on_semver = Some(merge);
/// Sets whether to reject the historical mangling/name scheme for core wasm
/// imports/exports as they map to the component model.
/// The `wit-component` crate supported a different set of names prior to
/// WebAssembly/component-model#378 and this can be used to disable this
/// support.
/// This is disabled by default.
pub fn reject_legacy_names(mut self, reject: bool) -> Self {
self.reject_legacy_names = reject;
/// Specifies a new adapter which is used to translate from a historical
/// wasm ABI to the canonical ABI and the `interface` provided.
/// This is primarily used to polyfill, for example,
/// `wasi_snapshot_preview1` with a component-model using interface. The
/// `name` provided is the module name of the adapter that is being
/// polyfilled, for example `"wasi_snapshot_preview1"`.
/// The `bytes` provided is a core wasm module which implements the `name`
/// interface in terms of the `interface` interface. This core wasm module
/// is severely restricted in its shape, for example it cannot have any data
/// segments or element segments.
/// The `interface` provided is the component-model-using-interface that the
/// wasm module specified by `bytes` imports. The `bytes` will then import
/// `interface` and export functions to get imported from the module `name`
/// in the core wasm that's being wrapped.
pub fn adapter(self, name: &str, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {
self.library_or_adapter(name, bytes, None)
/// Specifies a shared-everything library to link into the component.
/// Unlike adapters, libraries _may_ have data and/or element segments, but
/// they must operate on an imported memory and table, respectively. In
/// this case, the correct amount of space is presumed to have been
/// statically allocated in the main module's memory and table at the
/// offsets which the segments target, e.g. as arranged by
/// [super::linking::Linker].
/// Libraries are treated similarly to adapters, except that they are not
/// "minified" the way adapters are, and instantiation is controlled
/// declaratively via the `library_info` parameter.
pub fn library(self, name: &str, bytes: &[u8], library_info: LibraryInfo) -> Result<Self> {
self.library_or_adapter(name, bytes, Some(library_info))
fn library_or_adapter(
mut self,
name: &str,
bytes: &[u8],
library_info: Option<LibraryInfo>,
) -> Result<Self> {
let (wasm, mut metadata) = self.decode(bytes)?;
// Merge the adapter's document into our own document to have one large
// document, and then afterwards merge worlds as well.
// Note that the `metadata` tracking import/export encodings is removed
// since this adapter can get different lowerings and is allowed to
// differ from the main module. This is then tracked within the
// `Adapter` structure produced below.
let adapter_metadata = mem::take(&mut metadata.metadata);
let exports = self.merge_metadata(metadata).with_context(|| {
format!("failed to merge WIT packages of adapter `{name}` into main packages")
if let Some(library_info) = &library_info {
// Validate that all referenced modules can be resolved.
for (_, instance) in &library_info.arguments {
let resolve = |which: &_| match which {
MainOrAdapter::Main => Ok(()),
MainOrAdapter::Adapter(name) => {
if self.adapters.contains_key(name.as_str()) {
} else {
Err(anyhow!("instance refers to unknown adapter `{name}`"))
match instance {
Instance::MainOrAdapter(which) => resolve(which)?,
Instance::Items(items) => {
for item in items {
Adapter {
wasm: wasm.to_vec(),
metadata: adapter_metadata,
required_exports: exports,
/// True if the realloc and stack allocation should use memory.grow
/// The default is to use the main module realloc
/// Can be useful if cabi_realloc cannot be called before the host
/// runtime is initialized.
pub fn realloc_via_memory_grow(mut self, value: bool) -> Self {
self.realloc_via_memory_grow = value;
/// The instance import name map to use.
/// This is used to rename instance imports in the final component.
/// For example, if there is an instance import `foo:bar/baz` and it is
/// desired that the import actually be an `unlocked-dep` name, then
/// `foo:bar/baz` can be mapped to `unlocked-dep=<a:b/c@{>=x.y.z}>`.
/// Note: the replacement names are not validated during encoding unless
/// the `validate` option is set to true.
pub fn import_name_map(mut self, map: HashMap<String, String>) -> Self {
self.import_name_map = map;
/// Encode the component and return the bytes.
pub fn encode(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
if self.module.is_empty() {
bail!("a module is required when encoding a component");
if self.merge_imports_based_on_semver.unwrap_or(true) {
let world = ComponentWorld::new(self).context("failed to decode world from module")?;
let mut state = EncodingState {
component: ComponentBuilder::default(),
module_index: None,
instance_index: None,
memory_index: None,
shim_instance_index: None,
fixups_module_index: None,
adapter_modules: IndexMap::new(),
adapter_instances: IndexMap::new(),
import_type_map: HashMap::new(),
import_func_type_map: HashMap::new(),
export_type_map: HashMap::new(),
export_func_type_map: HashMap::new(),
imported_instances: Default::default(),
imported_funcs: Default::default(),
exported_instances: Default::default(),
aliased_core_items: Default::default(),
info: &world,
for name in self.adapters.keys() {
let bytes = state.component.finish();
if self.validate {
.context("failed to validate component output")?;
impl ComponentWorld<'_> {
/// Convenience function to lookup a module's import map.
fn imports_for(&self, module: CustomModule) -> &ImportMap {
match module {
CustomModule::Main => &,
CustomModule::Adapter(name) => &self.adapters[name].info.imports,
/// Convenience function to lookup a module's export map.
fn exports_for(&self, module: CustomModule) -> &ExportMap {
match module {
CustomModule::Main => &,
CustomModule::Adapter(name) => &self.adapters[name].info.exports,
/// Convenience function to lookup a module's metadata.
fn module_metadata_for(&self, module: CustomModule) -> &ModuleMetadata {
match module {
CustomModule::Main => &self.encoder.metadata.metadata,
CustomModule::Adapter(name) => &self.encoder.adapters[name].metadata,
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "dummy-module"))]
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::{dummy_module, embed_component_metadata};
use wit_parser::Mangling;
fn it_renames_imports() {
let mut resolve = Resolve::new();
let pkg = resolve
package test:wit;
interface i {
f: func();
world test {
import i;
import foo: interface {
f: func();
let world = resolve.select_world(pkg, None).unwrap();
let mut module = dummy_module(&resolve, world, Mangling::Standard32);
embed_component_metadata(&mut module, &resolve, world, StringEncoding::UTF8).unwrap();
let encoded = ComponentEncoder::default()
"unlocked-dep=<foo:bar/foo@{>=1.0.0 <1.1.0}>".to_string(),
"locked-dep=<foo:bar/[email protected]>".to_string(),
let wat = wasmprinter::print_bytes(encoded).unwrap();
assert!(wat.contains("unlocked-dep=<foo:bar/foo@{>=1.0.0 <1.1.0}>"));
assert!(wat.contains("locked-dep=<foo:bar/[email protected]>"));