blob: 7eaf5a68d4bddf7043073bf758ced5b2f44bc9c5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Definition for encoding of custom sections within core wasm modules of
//! component-model related data.
//! When creating a component from a source language the high-level process for
//! doing this is that code will be generated into the source language by
//! `wit-bindgen` or a similar tool which will be compiled down to core wasm.
//! The core wasm file is then fed into `wit-component` and a component is
//! created. This means that the componentization process is decoupled from the
//! binding generation process and intentionally affords for linking together
//! libraries into the main core wasm module that import different interfaces.
//! The purpose of this module is to define an intermediate format to reside in
//! a custom section in the core wasm output. This intermediate format is
//! carried through the wasm linker through a custom section whose name starts
//! with `component-type`. This custom section is created
//! per-language-binding-generation and consumed by slurping up all the
//! sections during the component creation process.
//! Currently the encoding of this custom section is itself a component. The
//! component has a single export which is a component type which represents the
//! `world` that was bound during bindings generation. This single export is
//! used to decode back into a `Resolve` with a WIT representation.
//! Currently the component additionally has a custom section named
//! `wit-component-encoding` (see `CUSTOM_SECTION_NAME`). This section is
//! currently defined as 2 bytes:
//! * The first byte is `CURRENT_VERSION` to help protect against future and
//! past changes.
//! * The second byte indicates the string encoding used for imports/exports as
//! part of the bindings process. The mapping is defined by
//! `encode_string_encoding`.
//! This means that the top-level `encode` function takes a `Resolve`, a
//! `WorldId`, and a `StringEncoding`. Note that the top-level `decode` function
//! is slightly difference because it's taking all custom sections in a core
//! wasm binary, possibly from multiple invocations of bindgen, and unioning
//! them all together. This means that the output is a `Bindgen` which
//! represents the union of all previous bindings.
//! The dual of `encode` is the `decode_custom_section` fucntion which decodes
//! the three arguments originally passed to `encode`.
use crate::{DecodedWasm, StringEncoding};
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use indexmap::{IndexMap, IndexSet};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use wasm_encoder::{
ComponentBuilder, ComponentExportKind, ComponentType, ComponentTypeRef, CustomSection,
use wasm_metadata::Producers;
use wasmparser::{BinaryReader, Encoding, Parser, Payload};
use wit_parser::{Package, PackageName, Resolve, World, WorldId, WorldItem, WorldKey};
const CURRENT_VERSION: u8 = 0x04;
const CUSTOM_SECTION_NAME: &str = "wit-component-encoding";
/// The result of decoding binding information from a WebAssembly binary.
/// This structure is returned by [`decode`] and represents the interface of a
/// WebAssembly binary.
pub struct Bindgen {
/// Interface and type information for this binary.
pub resolve: Resolve,
/// The world that was bound.
pub world: WorldId,
/// Metadata about this specific module that was bound.
pub metadata: ModuleMetadata,
/// Producer information about tools used to produce this specific module.
pub producers: Option<Producers>,
impl Default for Bindgen {
fn default() -> Bindgen {
let mut resolve = Resolve::default();
let package = resolve.packages.alloc(Package {
name: PackageName {
namespace: "root".to_string(),
name: "root".to_string(),
version: None,
docs: Default::default(),
interfaces: Default::default(),
worlds: Default::default(),
let world = resolve.worlds.alloc(World {
name: "root".to_string(),
docs: Default::default(),
imports: Default::default(),
exports: Default::default(),
includes: Default::default(),
include_names: Default::default(),
package: Some(package),
stability: Default::default(),
.insert("root".to_string(), world);
Bindgen {
metadata: ModuleMetadata::default(),
producers: None,
/// Module-level metadata that's specific to one core WebAssembly module. This
/// is extracted with a [`Bindgen`].
pub struct ModuleMetadata {
/// Per-function options imported into the core wasm module, currently only
/// related to string encoding.
pub import_encodings: EncodingMap,
/// Per-function options exported from the core wasm module, currently only
/// related to string encoding.
pub export_encodings: EncodingMap,
/// Internal map that keeps track of encodings for various world imports and
/// exports.
/// Stored in [`ModuleMetadata`].
pub struct EncodingMap {
/// A map of an "identifying string" for world items to what string
/// encoding the import or export is using.
/// The keys of this map are created by `EncodingMap::key` and are
/// specifically chosen to be able to be looked up during both insertion and
/// fetching. Note that in particular this map does not use `*Id` types such
/// as `InterfaceId` from `wit_parser`. This is due to the fact that during
/// world merging new interfaces are created for named imports (e.g. `import
/// x: interface { ... }`) as inline interfaces are copied from one world to
/// another. Additionally during world merging different interfaces at the
/// same version may be deduplicated.
/// For these reasons a string-based key is chosen to avoid juggling IDs
/// through the world merging process. Additionally versions are chopped off
/// for now to help with a problem such as:
/// * The main module imports a:b/[email protected]
/// * An adapter imports a:b/[email protected]
/// * The final world uses a:b/[email protected], but the main module has no
/// encoding listed for that exact item.
/// By chopping off versions this is able to get everything registered
/// correctly even in the fact of merging interfaces and worlds.
encodings: IndexMap<String, StringEncoding>,
impl EncodingMap {
fn insert_all(
&mut self,
resolve: &Resolve,
set: &IndexMap<WorldKey, WorldItem>,
encoding: StringEncoding,
) {
for (name, item) in set {
match item {
WorldItem::Function(func) => {
let key = self.key(resolve, name, &;
self.encodings.insert(key, encoding);
WorldItem::Interface { id, .. } => {
for (func, _) in resolve.interfaces[*id].functions.iter() {
let key = self.key(resolve, name, func);
self.encodings.insert(key, encoding);
WorldItem::Type(_) => {}
/// Looks up the encoding of the function `func` which is scoped under `key`
/// in the world in question.
pub fn get(&self, resolve: &Resolve, key: &WorldKey, func: &str) -> Option<StringEncoding> {
let key = self.key(resolve, key, func);
fn key(&self, resolve: &Resolve, key: &WorldKey, func: &str) -> String {
match key {
WorldKey::Name(name) => name.to_string(),
WorldKey::Interface(id) => {
let iface = &resolve.interfaces[*id];
let pkg = &resolve.packages[iface.package.unwrap()];
fn merge(&mut self, other: EncodingMap) -> Result<()> {
for (key, encoding) in other.encodings {
if let Some(prev) = self.encodings.insert(key.clone(), encoding) {
if prev != encoding {
bail!("conflicting string encodings specified for `{key}`");
/// This function will parse the core `wasm` binary given as input and return a
/// [`Bindgen`] which extracts the custom sections describing component-level
/// types from within the binary itself.
/// This is used to parse the output of `wit-bindgen`-generated modules and is
/// one of the earliest phases in transitioning such a module to a component.
/// The extraction here provides the metadata necessary to continue the process
/// later on.
/// This will return an error if `wasm` is not a valid WebAssembly module.
/// If a `component-type` custom section was found then a new binary is
/// optionally returned with the custom sections stripped out. If no
/// `component-type` custom sections are found then `None` is returned.
pub fn decode(wasm: &[u8]) -> Result<(Option<Vec<u8>>, Bindgen)> {
let mut ret = Bindgen::default();
let mut new_module = wasm_encoder::Module::new();
let mut found_custom = false;
for payload in wasmparser::Parser::new(0).parse_all(wasm) {
let payload = payload.context("decoding item in module")?;
match payload {
wasmparser::Payload::CustomSection(cs) if"component-type") => {
let data = Bindgen::decode_custom_section(
.with_context(|| format!("decoding custom section {}",;
.with_context(|| format!("updating metadata for section {}",;
found_custom = true;
wasmparser::Payload::Version { encoding, .. } if encoding != Encoding::Module => {
bail!("decoding a component is not supported")
_ => {
if let Some((id, range)) = payload.as_section() {
new_module.section(&wasm_encoder::RawSection {
data: &wasm[range],
if found_custom {
Ok((Some(new_module.finish()), ret))
} else {
Ok((None, ret))
/// Creates a `component-type*` custom section to be decoded by `decode` above.
/// This is primarily created by wit-bindgen-based guest generators to embed
/// into the final core wasm binary. The core wasm binary is later fed
/// through `wit-component` to produce the actual component where this returned
/// section will be decoded.
pub fn encode(
resolve: &Resolve,
world: WorldId,
string_encoding: StringEncoding,
extra_producers: Option<&Producers>,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let ty = crate::encoding::encode_world(resolve, world)?;
let world = &resolve.worlds[world];
let mut outer_ty = ComponentType::new();
&resolve.id_of_name(world.package.unwrap(), &,
let mut builder = ComponentBuilder::default();
let string_encoding = encode_string_encoding(string_encoding);
builder.custom_section(&CustomSection {
data: Cow::Borrowed(&[CURRENT_VERSION, string_encoding]),
let ty = builder.type_component(&outer_ty);
builder.export(&, ComponentExportKind::Type, ty, None);
let mut producers = crate::base_producers();
if let Some(p) = extra_producers {
fn decode_custom_section(wasm: &[u8]) -> Result<(Resolve, WorldId, StringEncoding)> {
let (resolve, world) = wit_parser::decoding::decode_world(wasm)?;
let mut custom_section = None;
for payload in Parser::new(0).parse_all(wasm) {
match payload? {
Payload::CustomSection(s) if == CUSTOM_SECTION_NAME => {
custom_section = Some(;
_ => {}
let string_encoding = match custom_section {
None => bail!("missing custom section of name `{CUSTOM_SECTION_NAME}`"),
Some([CURRENT_VERSION, byte]) => decode_string_encoding(*byte)?,
Some([]) => bail!("custom section `{CUSTOM_SECTION_NAME}` in unknown format"),
Some([version, ..]) => bail!(
"custom section `{CUSTOM_SECTION_NAME}` uses format {version} but only {CURRENT_VERSION} is supported"
Ok((resolve, world, string_encoding))
fn encode_string_encoding(e: StringEncoding) -> u8 {
match e {
StringEncoding::UTF8 => 0x00,
StringEncoding::UTF16 => 0x01,
StringEncoding::CompactUTF16 => 0x02,
fn decode_string_encoding(byte: u8) -> Result<StringEncoding> {
match byte {
0x00 => Ok(StringEncoding::UTF8),
0x01 => Ok(StringEncoding::UTF16),
0x02 => Ok(StringEncoding::CompactUTF16),
byte => bail!("invalid string encoding {byte:#x}"),
impl Bindgen {
fn decode_custom_section(data: &[u8]) -> Result<Bindgen> {
let wasm;
let world;
let resolve;
let encoding;
let mut reader = BinaryReader::new(data, 0);
match reader.read_u8()? {
// Historical 0x03 format where the support here will be deleted in
// the future
0x03 => {
encoding = decode_string_encoding(reader.read_u8()?)?;
let world_name = reader.read_string()?;
wasm = &data[reader.original_position()..];
let (r, pkg) = match crate::decode(wasm)? {
DecodedWasm::WitPackage(resolve, pkgs) => (resolve, pkgs),
DecodedWasm::Component(..) => bail!("expected encoded wit package(s)"),
resolve = r;
world = resolve.select_world(pkg, Some(world_name.into()))?;
// Current format where `data` is a wasm component itself.
_ => {
wasm = data;
(resolve, world, encoding) = decode_custom_section(wasm)?;
Ok(Bindgen {
metadata: ModuleMetadata::new(&resolve, world, encoding),
producers: wasm_metadata::Producers::from_wasm(wasm)?,
/// Merges another `BindgenMetadata` into this one.
/// This operation is intended to be akin to "merging worlds" when the
/// abstraction level for that is what we're working at here. For now the
/// merge operation only succeeds if the two metadata descriptions are
/// entirely disjoint.
/// Note that at this time there's no support for changing string encodings
/// between metadata.
/// This function returns the set of exports that the main world of
/// `other` added to the world in `self`.
pub fn merge(&mut self, other: Bindgen) -> Result<IndexSet<WorldKey>> {
let Bindgen {
ModuleMetadata {
} = other;
let remap = self
.context("failed to merge WIT package sets together")?;
let world = remap.map_world(world, None)?;
let exports = self.resolve.worlds[world].exports.keys().cloned().collect();
.context("failed to merge worlds from two documents")?;
if let Some(producers) = producers {
if let Some(mine) = &mut self.producers {
} else {
self.producers = Some(producers);
impl ModuleMetadata {
/// Creates a new `ModuleMetadata` instance holding the given set of
/// interfaces which are expected to all use the `encoding` specified.
pub fn new(resolve: &Resolve, world: WorldId, encoding: StringEncoding) -> ModuleMetadata {
let mut ret = ModuleMetadata::default();
let world = &resolve.worlds[world];
.insert_all(resolve, &world.exports, encoding);
.insert_all(resolve, &world.imports, encoding);