blob: dbfdcb2e4c007bfa4df79d3de038e571a98dd501 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use crate::*;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail};
use indexmap::IndexSet;
use std::mem;
use std::{collections::HashMap, io::Read};
use wasmparser::Chunk;
use wasmparser::{
ComponentAnyTypeId, ComponentDefinedType, ComponentEntityType, ComponentFuncType,
ComponentInstanceType, ComponentType, ComponentValType,
names::{ComponentName, ComponentNameKind},
ComponentExternalKind, Parser, Payload, PrimitiveValType, ValidPayload, Validator,
/// Represents information about a decoded WebAssembly component.
struct ComponentInfo {
/// Wasmparser-defined type information learned after a component is fully
/// validated.
types: types::Types,
/// List of all imports and exports from this component.
externs: Vec<(String, Extern)>,
/// Decoded package metadata
package_metadata: Option<PackageMetadata>,
struct DecodingExport {
name: String,
kind: ComponentExternalKind,
index: u32,
enum Extern {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum WitEncodingVersion {
impl ComponentInfo {
/// Creates a new component info by parsing the given WebAssembly component bytes.
fn from_reader(mut reader: impl Read) -> Result<Self> {
let mut validator = Validator::new();
let mut externs = Vec::new();
let mut depth = 1;
let mut types = None;
let mut _package_metadata = None;
let mut cur = Parser::new(0);
let mut eof = false;
let mut stack = Vec::new();
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
loop {
let chunk = cur.parse(&buffer, eof)?;
let (payload, consumed) = match chunk {
Chunk::NeedMoreData(hint) => {
assert!(!eof); // otherwise an error would be returned
// Use the hint to preallocate more space, then read
// some more data into our buffer.
// Note that the buffer management here is not ideal,
// but it's compact enough to fit in an example!
let len = buffer.len();
buffer.extend((0..hint).map(|_| 0u8));
let n = buffer[len..])?;
buffer.truncate(len + n);
eof = n == 0;
Chunk::Parsed { consumed, payload } => (payload, consumed),
match validator.payload(&payload)? {
ValidPayload::Ok => {}
ValidPayload::Parser(_) => depth += 1,
ValidPayload::End(t) => {
depth -= 1;
if depth == 0 {
types = Some(t);
ValidPayload::Func(..) => {}
match payload {
Payload::ComponentImportSection(s) if depth == 1 => {
for import in s {
let import = import?;
Payload::ComponentExportSection(s) if depth == 1 => {
for export in s {
let export = export?;
Extern::Export(DecodingExport {
kind: export.kind,
index: export.index,
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
Payload::CustomSection(s) if == PackageMetadata::SECTION_NAME => {
if _package_metadata.is_some() {
bail!("multiple {:?} sections", PackageMetadata::SECTION_NAME);
_package_metadata = Some(PackageMetadata::decode(;
Payload::ModuleSection { parser, .. }
| Payload::ComponentSection { parser, .. } => {
cur = parser.clone();
Payload::End(_) => {
if let Some(parent_parser) = stack.pop() {
cur = parent_parser.clone();
} else {
_ => {}
// once we're done processing the payload we can forget the
// original.
Ok(Self {
types: types.unwrap(),
package_metadata: _package_metadata,
fn is_wit_package(&self) -> Option<WitEncodingVersion> {
// all wit package exports must be component types, and there must be at
// least one
if self.externs.is_empty() {
return None;
if !self.externs.iter().all(|(_, item)| {
let export = match item {
Extern::Export(e) => e,
_ => return false,
match export.kind {
ComponentExternalKind::Type => matches!(
_ => false,
}) {
return None;
// The distinction between v1 and v2 encoding formats is the structure of the export
// strings for each component. The v1 format uses "<namespace>:<package>/wit" as the name
// for the top-level exports, while the v2 format uses the unqualified name of the encoded
// entity.
match ComponentName::new(&self.externs[0].0, 0).ok()?.kind() {
ComponentNameKind::Interface(name) if name.interface().as_str() == "wit" => {
ComponentNameKind::Label(_) => Some(WitEncodingVersion::V2),
_ => None,
fn decode_wit_v1_package(&self) -> Result<(Resolve, PackageId)> {
let mut decoder = WitPackageDecoder::new(&self.types);
let mut pkg = None;
for (name, item) in self.externs.iter() {
let export = match item {
Extern::Export(e) => e,
_ => unreachable!(),
let id = self.types.as_ref().component_type_at(export.index);
let ty = &self.types[id];
if pkg.is_some() {
bail!("more than one top-level exported component type found");
let name = ComponentName::new(name, 0).unwrap();
pkg = Some(
.decode_v1_package(&name, ty)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to decode document `{name}`"))?,
let pkg = pkg.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no exported component type found"))?;
let (mut resolve, package) = decoder.finish(pkg);
if let Some(package_metadata) = &self.package_metadata {
package_metadata.inject(&mut resolve, package)?;
Ok((resolve, package))
fn decode_wit_v2_package(&self) -> Result<(Resolve, PackageId)> {
let mut decoder = WitPackageDecoder::new(&self.types);
let mut pkg_name = None;
let mut interfaces = IndexMap::new();
let mut worlds = IndexMap::new();
let mut fields = PackageFields {
interfaces: &mut interfaces,
worlds: &mut worlds,
for (_, item) in self.externs.iter() {
let export = match item {
Extern::Export(e) => e,
_ => unreachable!(),
let index = export.index;
let id = self.types.as_ref().component_type_at(index);
let component = &self.types[id];
// The single export of this component will determine if it's a world or an interface:
// worlds export a component, while interfaces export an instance.
if component.exports.len() != 1 {
"Expected a single export, but found {} instead",
let name = component.exports.keys().nth(0).unwrap();
let name = match component.exports[name] {
ComponentEntityType::Component(ty) => {
let package_name =
decoder.decode_world(name.as_str(), &self.types[ty], &mut fields)?;
ComponentEntityType::Instance(ty) => {
let package_name = decoder.decode_interface(
&mut fields,
_ => unreachable!(),
if let Some(pkg_name) = pkg_name.as_ref() {
// TODO: when we have fully switched to the v2 format, we should switch to parsing
// multiple wit documents instead of bailing.
if pkg_name != &name {
bail!("item defined with mismatched package name")
} else {
let pkg = if let Some(name) = pkg_name {
Package {
docs: Docs::default(),
} else {
bail!("no exported component type found");
let (mut resolve, package) = decoder.finish(pkg);
if let Some(package_metadata) = &self.package_metadata {
package_metadata.inject(&mut resolve, package)?;
Ok((resolve, package))
fn decode_component(&self) -> Result<(Resolve, WorldId)> {
let mut decoder = WitPackageDecoder::new(&self.types);
// Note that this name is arbitrarily chosen. We may one day perhaps
// want to encode this in the component binary format itself, but for
// now it shouldn't be an issue to have a defaulted name here.
let world_name = "root";
let world = decoder.resolve.worlds.alloc(World {
name: world_name.to_string(),
docs: Default::default(),
imports: Default::default(),
exports: Default::default(),
package: None,
includes: Default::default(),
include_names: Default::default(),
stability: Default::default(),
let mut package = Package {
// Similar to `world_name` above this is arbitrarily chosen as it's
// not otherwise encoded in a binary component. This theoretically
// shouldn't cause issues, however.
name: PackageName {
namespace: "root".to_string(),
version: None,
name: "component".to_string(),
docs: Default::default(),
worlds: [(world_name.to_string(), world)].into_iter().collect(),
interfaces: Default::default(),
let mut fields = PackageFields {
worlds: &mut package.worlds,
interfaces: &mut package.interfaces,
for (_name, item) in self.externs.iter() {
match item {
Extern::Import(import) => {
decoder.decode_component_import(import, world, &mut fields)?
Extern::Export(export) => {
decoder.decode_component_export(export, world, &mut fields)?
let (resolve, _) = decoder.finish(package);
Ok((resolve, world))
/// Result of the [`decode`] function.
pub enum DecodedWasm {
/// The input to [`decode`] was one or more binary-encoded WIT package(s).
/// The full resolve graph is here plus the identifier of the packages that
/// were encoded. Note that other packages may be within the resolve if any
/// of the main packages refer to other, foreign packages.
WitPackage(Resolve, PackageId),
/// The input to [`decode`] was a component and its interface is specified
/// by the world here.
Component(Resolve, WorldId),
impl DecodedWasm {
/// Returns the [`Resolve`] for WIT types contained.
pub fn resolve(&self) -> &Resolve {
match self {
DecodedWasm::WitPackage(resolve, _) => resolve,
DecodedWasm::Component(resolve, _) => resolve,
/// Returns the main packages of what was decoded.
pub fn package(&self) -> PackageId {
match self {
DecodedWasm::WitPackage(_, id) => *id,
DecodedWasm::Component(resolve, world) => resolve.worlds[*world].package.unwrap(),
/// Decode for incremental reading
pub fn decode_reader(reader: impl Read) -> Result<DecodedWasm> {
let info = ComponentInfo::from_reader(reader)?;
if let Some(version) = info.is_wit_package() {
match version {
WitEncodingVersion::V1 => {
log::debug!("decoding a v1 WIT package encoded as wasm");
let (resolve, pkg) = info.decode_wit_v1_package()?;
Ok(DecodedWasm::WitPackage(resolve, pkg))
WitEncodingVersion::V2 => {
log::debug!("decoding a v2 WIT package encoded as wasm");
let (resolve, pkg) = info.decode_wit_v2_package()?;
Ok(DecodedWasm::WitPackage(resolve, pkg))
} else {
log::debug!("inferring the WIT of a concrete component");
let (resolve, world) = info.decode_component()?;
Ok(DecodedWasm::Component(resolve, world))
/// Decodes an in-memory WebAssembly binary into a WIT [`Resolve`] and
/// associated metadata.
/// The WebAssembly binary provided here can either be a
/// WIT-package-encoded-as-binary or an actual component itself. A [`Resolve`]
/// is always created and the return value indicates which was detected.
pub fn decode(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<DecodedWasm> {
/// Decodes the single component type `world` specified as a WIT world.
/// The `world` should be an exported component type. The `world` must have been
/// previously created via `encode_world` meaning that it is a component that
/// itself imports nothing and exports a single component, and the single
/// component export represents the world. The name of the export is also the
/// name of the package/world/etc.
pub fn decode_world(wasm: &[u8]) -> Result<(Resolve, WorldId)> {
let mut validator = Validator::new();
let mut exports = Vec::new();
let mut depth = 1;
let mut types = None;
for payload in Parser::new(0).parse_all(wasm) {
let payload = payload?;
match validator.payload(&payload)? {
ValidPayload::Ok => {}
ValidPayload::Parser(_) => depth += 1,
ValidPayload::End(t) => {
depth -= 1;
if depth == 0 {
types = Some(t);
ValidPayload::Func(..) => {}
match payload {
Payload::ComponentExportSection(s) if depth == 1 => {
for export in s {
_ => {}
if exports.len() != 1 {
bail!("expected one export in component");
if exports[0].kind != ComponentExternalKind::Type {
bail!("expected an export of a type");
if exports[0].ty.is_some() {
bail!("expected an un-ascribed exported type");
let types = types.as_ref().unwrap();
let world = match types.as_ref().component_any_type_at(exports[0].index) {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(c) => c,
_ => bail!("expected an exported component type"),
let mut decoder = WitPackageDecoder::new(types);
let mut interfaces = IndexMap::new();
let mut worlds = IndexMap::new();
let ty = &types[world];
assert_eq!(ty.imports.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(ty.exports.len(), 1);
let name = ty.exports.keys().nth(0).unwrap();
let ty = match ty.exports[0] {
ComponentEntityType::Component(ty) => ty,
_ => unreachable!(),
let name = decoder.decode_world(
&mut PackageFields {
interfaces: &mut interfaces,
worlds: &mut worlds,
let (resolve, pkg) = decoder.finish(Package {
docs: Default::default(),
// The package decoded here should only have a single world so extract that
// here to return.
let world = *resolve.packages[pkg].worlds.iter().next().unwrap().1;
Ok((resolve, world))
struct PackageFields<'a> {
interfaces: &'a mut IndexMap<String, InterfaceId>,
worlds: &'a mut IndexMap<String, WorldId>,
struct WitPackageDecoder<'a> {
resolve: Resolve,
types: &'a Types,
foreign_packages: IndexMap<String, Package>,
iface_to_package_index: HashMap<InterfaceId, usize>,
named_interfaces: HashMap<String, InterfaceId>,
/// A map which tracks named resources to what their corresponding `TypeId`
/// is. This first layer of key in this map is the owner scope of a
/// resource, more-or-less the `world` or `interface` that it's defined
/// within. The second layer of this map is keyed by name of the resource
/// and points to the actual ID of the resource.
/// This map is populated in `register_type_export`.
resources: HashMap<TypeOwner, HashMap<String, TypeId>>,
/// A map from a type id to what it's been translated to.
type_map: HashMap<ComponentAnyTypeId, TypeId>,
impl WitPackageDecoder<'_> {
fn new<'a>(types: &'a Types) -> WitPackageDecoder<'a> {
WitPackageDecoder {
resolve: Resolve::default(),
type_map: HashMap::new(),
foreign_packages: Default::default(),
iface_to_package_index: Default::default(),
named_interfaces: Default::default(),
resources: Default::default(),
fn decode_v1_package(&mut self, name: &ComponentName, ty: &ComponentType) -> Result<Package> {
// Process all imports for this package first, where imports are
// importing from remote packages.
for (name, ty) in ty.imports.iter() {
let ty = match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Instance(idx) => &self.types[*idx],
_ => bail!("import `{name}` is not an instance"),
self.register_import(name, ty)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to process import `{name}`"))?;
let mut package = Package {
// The name encoded for packages must be of the form `foo:bar/wit`
// where "wit" is just a placeholder for now. The package name in
// this case would be `foo:bar`.
name: match name.kind() {
ComponentNameKind::Interface(name) if name.interface().as_str() == "wit" => {
_ => bail!("package name is not a valid id: {name}"),
docs: Default::default(),
interfaces: Default::default(),
worlds: Default::default(),
let mut fields = PackageFields {
interfaces: &mut package.interfaces,
worlds: &mut package.worlds,
for (name, ty) in ty.exports.iter() {
match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Instance(idx) => {
let ty = &self.types[*idx];
self.register_interface(name.as_str(), ty, &mut fields)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to process export `{name}`"))?;
ComponentEntityType::Component(idx) => {
let ty = &self.types[*idx];
self.register_world(name.as_str(), ty, &mut fields)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to process export `{name}`"))?;
_ => bail!("component export `{name}` is not an instance or component"),
fn decode_interface<'a>(
&mut self,
name: &str,
imports: &wasmparser::collections::IndexMap<String, ComponentEntityType>,
ty: &ComponentInstanceType,
fields: &mut PackageFields<'a>,
) -> Result<PackageName> {
let component_name = self
.context("expected world name to have an ID form")?;
let package = match component_name.kind() {
ComponentNameKind::Interface(name) => name.to_package_name(),
_ => bail!("expected world name to be fully qualified"),
for (name, ty) in imports.iter() {
let ty = match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Instance(idx) => &self.types[*idx],
_ => bail!("import `{name}` is not an instance"),
self.register_import(name, ty)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to process import `{name}`"))?;
let _ = self.register_interface(name, ty, fields)?;
fn decode_world<'a>(
&mut self,
name: &str,
ty: &ComponentType,
fields: &mut PackageFields<'a>,
) -> Result<PackageName> {
let kebab_name = self
.context("expected world name to have an ID form")?;
let package = match kebab_name.kind() {
ComponentNameKind::Interface(name) => name.to_package_name(),
_ => bail!("expected world name to be fully qualified"),
let _ = self.register_world(name, ty, fields)?;
fn decode_component_import<'a>(
&mut self,
name: &str,
world: WorldId,
package: &mut PackageFields<'a>,
) -> Result<()> {
log::debug!("decoding component import `{name}`");
let ty = self
let owner = TypeOwner::World(world);
let (name, item) = match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Instance(i) => {
let ty = &self.types[i];
let (name, id) = if name.contains('/') {
let id = self.register_import(name, ty)?;
(WorldKey::Interface(id), id)
} else {
self.register_interface(name, ty, package)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to decode WIT from import `{name}`"))?
WorldItem::Interface {
stability: Default::default(),
ComponentEntityType::Func(i) => {
let ty = &self.types[i];
let func = self
.convert_function(name, ty, owner)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to decode function from import `{name}`"))?;
(WorldKey::Name(name.to_string()), WorldItem::Function(func))
ComponentEntityType::Type {
} => {
let id = self
.register_type_export(name, owner, referenced, created)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to decode type from export `{name}`"))?;
(WorldKey::Name(name.to_string()), WorldItem::Type(id))
// All other imports do not form part of the component's world
_ => return Ok(()),
self.resolve.worlds[world].imports.insert(name, item);
fn decode_component_export<'a>(
&mut self,
export: &DecodingExport,
world: WorldId,
package: &mut PackageFields<'a>,
) -> Result<()> {
let name = &;
log::debug!("decoding component export `{name}`");
let types = self.types.as_ref();
let ty = types.component_entity_type_of_export(name).unwrap();
let (name, item) = match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Func(i) => {
let ty = &types[i];
let func = self
.convert_function(name, ty, TypeOwner::World(world))
.with_context(|| format!("failed to decode function from export `{name}`"))?;
(WorldKey::Name(name.to_string()), WorldItem::Function(func))
ComponentEntityType::Instance(i) => {
let ty = &types[i];
let (name, id) = if name.contains('/') {
let id = self.register_import(name, ty)?;
(WorldKey::Interface(id), id)
} else {
self.register_interface(name, ty, package)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to decode WIT from export `{name}`"))?
WorldItem::Interface {
stability: Default::default(),
_ => {
bail!("component export `{name}` was not a function or instance")
self.resolve.worlds[world].exports.insert(name, item);
/// Registers that the `name` provided is either imported interface from a
/// foreign package or referencing a previously defined interface in this
/// package.
/// This function will internally ensure that `name` is well-structured and
/// will fill in any information as necessary. For example with a foreign
/// dependency the foreign package structure, types, etc, all need to be
/// created. For a local dependency it's instead ensured that all the types
/// line up with the previous definitions.
fn register_import(&mut self, name: &str, ty: &ComponentInstanceType) -> Result<InterfaceId> {
let (is_local, interface) = match self.named_interfaces.get(name) {
Some(id) => (true, *id),
None => (false, self.extract_dep_interface(name)?),
let owner = TypeOwner::Interface(interface);
for (name, ty) in ty.exports.iter() {
log::debug!("decoding import instance export `{name}`");
match *ty {
ComponentEntityType::Type {
} => {
match self.resolve.interfaces[interface]
// If this name is already defined as a type in the
// specified interface then that's ok. For package-local
// interfaces that's expected since the interface was
// fully defined. For remote interfaces it means we're
// using something that was already used elsewhere. In
// both cases continue along.
// Notably for the remotely defined case this will also
// walk over the structure of the type and register
// internal wasmparser ids with wit-parser ids. This is
// necessary to ensure that anonymous types like
// `list<u8>` defined in original definitions are
// unified with anonymous types when duplicated inside
// of worlds. Overall this prevents, for example, extra
// `list<u8>` types from popping up when decoding. This
// is not strictly necessary but assists with
// roundtripping assertions during fuzzing.
Some(id) => {
log::debug!("type already exist");
match referenced {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(ty) => {
self.register_defined(id, &self.types[ty])?;
ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(_) => {}
_ => unreachable!(),
let prev = self.type_map.insert(created, id);
// If the name is not defined, however, then there's two
// possibilities:
// * For package-local interfaces this is an error
// because the package-local interface defined
// everything already and this is referencing
// something that isn't defined.
// * For remote interfaces they're never fully declared
// so it's lazily filled in here. This means that the
// view of remote interfaces ends up being the minimal
// slice needed for this resolve, which is what's
// intended.
None => {
if is_local {
bail!("instance type export `{name}` not defined in interface");
let id = self.register_type_export(
let prev = self.resolve.interfaces[interface]
.insert(name.to_string(), id);
// This has similar logic to types above where we lazily fill in
// functions for remote dependencies and otherwise assert
// they're already defined for local dependencies.
ComponentEntityType::Func(ty) => {
let def = &self.types[ty];
if self.resolve.interfaces[interface]
// TODO: should ideally verify that function signatures
// match.
if is_local {
bail!("instance function export `{name}` not defined in interface");
let func = self.convert_function(name.as_str(), def, owner)?;
let prev = self.resolve.interfaces[interface]
.insert(name.to_string(), func);
_ => bail!("instance type export `{name}` is not a type"),
fn find_alias(&self, id: ComponentAnyTypeId) -> Option<TypeId> {
// Consult `type_map` for `referenced` or anything in its
// chain of aliases to determine what it maps to. This may
// bottom out in `None` in the case that this type is
// just now being defined, but this should otherwise follow
// chains of aliases to determine what exactly this was a
// `use` of if it exists.
let mut prev = None;
let mut cur = id;
while prev.is_none() {
prev = self.type_map.get(&cur).copied();
cur = match self.types.as_ref().peel_alias(cur) {
Some(next) => next,
None => break,
/// This will parse the `name_string` as a component model ID string and
/// ensure that there's an `InterfaceId` corresponding to its components.
fn extract_dep_interface(&mut self, name_string: &str) -> Result<InterfaceId> {
let name = ComponentName::new(name_string, 0).unwrap();
let name = match name.kind() {
ComponentNameKind::Interface(name) => name,
_ => bail!("package name is not a valid id: {name_string}"),
let package_name = name.to_package_name();
// Lazily create a `Package` as necessary, along with the interface.
let package = self
.or_insert_with(|| Package {
name: package_name.clone(),
docs: Default::default(),
interfaces: Default::default(),
worlds: Default::default(),
let interface = *package
.or_insert_with(|| {
self.resolve.interfaces.alloc(Interface {
name: Some(name.interface().to_string()),
docs: Default::default(),
types: IndexMap::default(),
functions: IndexMap::new(),
package: None,
stability: Default::default(),
// Record a mapping of which foreign package this interface belongs to
/// A general-purpose helper function to translate a component instance
/// into a WIT interface.
/// This is one of the main workhorses of this module. This handles
/// interfaces both at the type level, for concrete components, and
/// internally within worlds as well.
/// The `name` provided is the contextual ID or name of the interface. This
/// could be a kebab-name in the case of a world import or export or it can
/// also be an ID. This is used to guide insertion into various maps.
/// The `ty` provided is the actual component type being decoded.
/// The `package` is where to insert the final interface if `name` is an ID
/// meaning it's registered as a named standalone item within the package.
fn register_interface<'a>(
&mut self,
name: &str,
ty: &ComponentInstanceType,
package: &mut PackageFields<'a>,
) -> Result<(WorldKey, InterfaceId)> {
// If this interface's name is already known then that means this is an
// interface that's both imported and exported. Use `register_import`
// to draw connections between types and this interface's types.
if self.named_interfaces.contains_key(name) {
let id = self.register_import(name, ty)?;
return Ok((WorldKey::Interface(id), id));
// If this is a bare kebab-name for an interface then the interface's
// listed name is `None` and the name goes out through the key.
// Otherwise this name is extracted from `name` interpreted as an ID.
let interface_name = self.extract_interface_name_from_component_name(name)?;
let mut interface = Interface {
name: interface_name.clone(),
docs: Default::default(),
types: IndexMap::default(),
functions: IndexMap::new(),
package: None,
stability: Default::default(),
let owner = TypeOwner::Interface(self.resolve.interfaces.next_id());
for (name, ty) in ty.exports.iter() {
match *ty {
ComponentEntityType::Type {
} => {
let ty = self
.register_type_export(name.as_str(), owner, referenced, created)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to register type export '{name}'"))?;
let prev = interface.types.insert(name.to_string(), ty);
ComponentEntityType::Func(ty) => {
let ty = &self.types[ty];
let func = self
.convert_function(name.as_str(), ty, owner)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to convert function '{name}'"))?;
let prev = interface.functions.insert(name.to_string(), func);
_ => bail!("instance type export `{name}` is not a type or function"),
let id = self.resolve.interfaces.alloc(interface);
let key = match interface_name {
// If this interface is named then it's part of the package, so
// insert it. Additionally register it in `named_interfaces` so
// further use comes back to this original definition.
Some(interface_name) => {
let prev = package.interfaces.insert(interface_name, id);
assert!(prev.is_none(), "duplicate interface added for {name:?}");
let prev = self.named_interfaces.insert(name.to_string(), id);
// If this interface isn't named then its key is always a
// kebab-name.
None => WorldKey::Name(name.to_string()),
Ok((key, id))
fn parse_component_name(&self, name: &str) -> Result<ComponentName> {
ComponentName::new(name, 0)
.with_context(|| format!("cannot extract item name from: {name}"))
fn extract_interface_name_from_component_name(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Option<String>> {
let component_name = self.parse_component_name(name)?;
match component_name.kind() {
ComponentNameKind::Interface(name) => Ok(Some(name.interface().to_string())),
ComponentNameKind::Label(_name) => Ok(None),
_ => bail!("cannot extract item name from: {name}"),
fn register_type_export(
&mut self,
name: &str,
owner: TypeOwner,
referenced: ComponentAnyTypeId,
created: ComponentAnyTypeId,
) -> Result<TypeId> {
let kind = match self.find_alias(referenced) {
// If this `TypeId` points to a type which has
// previously been defined, meaning we're aliasing a
// prior definition.
Some(prev) => {
log::debug!("type export for `{name}` is an alias");
// ... or this `TypeId`'s source definition has never
// been seen before, so declare the full type.
None => {
log::debug!("type export for `{name}` is a new type");
match referenced {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(ty) => self
.context("failed to convert unaliased type")?,
ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(_) => TypeDefKind::Resource,
_ => unreachable!(),
let ty = self.resolve.types.alloc(TypeDef {
name: Some(name.to_string()),
docs: Default::default(),
stability: Default::default(),
// If this is a resource then doubly-register it in `self.resources` so
// the ID allocated here can be looked up via name later on during
// `convert_function`.
if let TypeDefKind::Resource = self.resolve.types[ty].kind {
let prev = self
.insert(name.to_string(), ty);
let prev = self.type_map.insert(created, ty);
fn register_world<'a>(
&mut self,
name: &str,
ty: &ComponentType,
package: &mut PackageFields<'a>,
) -> Result<WorldId> {
let name = self
.context("expected world name to have an ID form")?;
let mut world = World {
name: name.clone(),
docs: Default::default(),
imports: Default::default(),
exports: Default::default(),
includes: Default::default(),
include_names: Default::default(),
package: None,
stability: Default::default(),
let owner = TypeOwner::World(self.resolve.worlds.next_id());
for (name, ty) in ty.imports.iter() {
let (name, item) = match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Instance(idx) => {
let ty = &self.types[*idx];
let (name, id) = if name.contains('/') {
// If a name is an interface import then it is either to
// a package-local or foreign interface, and both
// situations are handled in `register_import`.
let id = self.register_import(name, ty)?;
(WorldKey::Interface(id), id)
} else {
// A plain kebab-name indicates an inline interface that
// wasn't declared explicitly elsewhere with a name, and
// `register_interface` will create a new `Interface`
// with no name.
self.register_interface(name, ty, package)?
WorldItem::Interface {
stability: Default::default(),
ComponentEntityType::Type {
} => {
let ty =
self.register_type_export(name.as_str(), owner, *referenced, *created)?;
(WorldKey::Name(name.to_string()), WorldItem::Type(ty))
ComponentEntityType::Func(idx) => {
let ty = &self.types[*idx];
let func = self.convert_function(name.as_str(), ty, owner)?;
(WorldKey::Name(name.to_string()), WorldItem::Function(func))
_ => bail!("component import `{name}` is not an instance, func, or type"),
world.imports.insert(name, item);
for (name, ty) in ty.exports.iter() {
let (name, item) = match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Instance(idx) => {
let ty = &self.types[*idx];
let (name, id) = if name.contains('/') {
// Note that despite this being an export this is
// calling `register_import`. With a URL this interface
// must have been previously defined so this will
// trigger the logic of either filling in a remotely
// defined interface or connecting items to local
// definitions of our own interface.
let id = self.register_import(name, ty)?;
(WorldKey::Interface(id), id)
} else {
self.register_interface(name, ty, package)?
WorldItem::Interface {
stability: Default::default(),
ComponentEntityType::Func(idx) => {
let ty = &self.types[*idx];
let func = self.convert_function(name.as_str(), ty, owner)?;
(WorldKey::Name(name.to_string()), WorldItem::Function(func))
_ => bail!("component export `{name}` is not an instance or function"),
world.exports.insert(name, item);
let id = self.resolve.worlds.alloc(world);
let prev = package.worlds.insert(name, id);
fn convert_function(
&mut self,
name: &str,
ty: &ComponentFuncType,
owner: TypeOwner,
) -> Result<Function> {
let name = ComponentName::new(name, 0).unwrap();
let params = ty
.map(|(name, ty)| Ok((name.to_string(), self.convert_valtype(ty)?)))
.context("failed to convert params")?;
let results = if ty.results.len() == 1 && ty.results[0].0.is_none() {
.context("failed to convert anonymous result type")?,
} else {
.map(|(name, ty)| {
.context("failed to convert named result types")?,
Ok(Function {
docs: Default::default(),
stability: Default::default(),
kind: match name.kind() {
ComponentNameKind::Label(_) => FunctionKind::Freestanding,
ComponentNameKind::Constructor(resource) => {
ComponentNameKind::Method(name) => {
ComponentNameKind::Static(name) => {
// Functions shouldn't have ID-based names at this time.
| ComponentNameKind::Url(_)
| ComponentNameKind::Hash(_)
| ComponentNameKind::Dependency(_) => unreachable!(),
// Note that this name includes "name mangling" such as
// `[method]` which is intentional. The `FunctionKind`
// discriminant calculated above indicates how to interpret this
// name.
name: name.to_string(),
fn convert_valtype(&mut self, ty: &ComponentValType) -> Result<Type> {
let id = match ty {
ComponentValType::Primitive(ty) => return Ok(self.convert_primitive(*ty)),
ComponentValType::Type(id) => *id,
// Don't create duplicate types for anything previously created.
if let Some(ret) = self.type_map.get(&id.into()) {
return Ok(Type::Id(*ret));
// Otherwise create a new `TypeDef` without a name since this is an
// anonymous valtype. Note that this is invalid for some types so return
// errors on those types, but eventually the `bail!` here is
// more-or-less unreachable due to expected validation to be added to
// the component model binary format itself.
let def = &self.types[id];
let kind = self.convert_defined(def)?;
match &kind {
| TypeDefKind::List(_)
| TypeDefKind::Tuple(_)
| TypeDefKind::Option(_)
| TypeDefKind::Result(_)
| TypeDefKind::Handle(_) => {}
| TypeDefKind::Record(_)
| TypeDefKind::Enum(_)
| TypeDefKind::Variant(_)
| TypeDefKind::Flags(_)
| TypeDefKind::Future(_)
| TypeDefKind::Stream(_) => {
bail!("unexpected unnamed type of kind '{}'", kind.as_str());
TypeDefKind::Unknown => unreachable!(),
let ty = self.resolve.types.alloc(TypeDef {
name: None,
docs: Default::default(),
stability: Default::default(),
owner: TypeOwner::None,
let prev = self.type_map.insert(id.into(), ty);
/// Converts a wasmparser `ComponentDefinedType`, the definition of a type
/// in the component model, to a WIT `TypeDefKind` to get inserted into the
/// types arena by the caller.
fn convert_defined(&mut self, ty: &ComponentDefinedType) -> Result<TypeDefKind> {
match ty {
ComponentDefinedType::Primitive(t) => Ok(TypeDefKind::Type(self.convert_primitive(*t))),
ComponentDefinedType::List(t) => {
let t = self.convert_valtype(t)?;
ComponentDefinedType::Tuple(t) => {
let types = t
.map(|t| self.convert_valtype(t))
Ok(TypeDefKind::Tuple(Tuple { types }))
ComponentDefinedType::Option(t) => {
let t = self.convert_valtype(t)?;
ComponentDefinedType::Result { ok, err } => {
let ok = match ok {
Some(t) => Some(self.convert_valtype(t)?),
None => None,
let err = match err {
Some(t) => Some(self.convert_valtype(t)?),
None => None,
Ok(TypeDefKind::Result(Result_ { ok, err }))
ComponentDefinedType::Record(r) => {
let fields = r
.map(|(name, ty)| {
Ok(Field {
name: name.to_string(),
ty: self.convert_valtype(ty).with_context(|| {
format!("failed to convert record field '{name}'")
docs: Default::default(),
Ok(TypeDefKind::Record(Record { fields }))
ComponentDefinedType::Variant(v) => {
let cases = v
.map(|(name, case)| {
if case.refines.is_some() {
bail!("unimplemented support for `refines`");
Ok(Case {
name: name.to_string(),
ty: match &case.ty {
Some(ty) => Some(self.convert_valtype(ty)?),
None => None,
docs: Default::default(),
Ok(TypeDefKind::Variant(Variant { cases }))
ComponentDefinedType::Flags(f) => {
let flags = f
.map(|name| Flag {
name: name.to_string(),
docs: Default::default(),
Ok(TypeDefKind::Flags(Flags { flags }))
ComponentDefinedType::Enum(e) => {
let cases = e
.map(|name| EnumCase {
name: name.into(),
docs: Default::default(),
Ok(TypeDefKind::Enum(Enum { cases }))
ComponentDefinedType::Own(id) => {
let id = self.type_map[&(*id).into()];
ComponentDefinedType::Borrow(id) => {
let id = self.type_map[&(*id).into()];
fn convert_primitive(&self, ty: PrimitiveValType) -> Type {
match ty {
PrimitiveValType::U8 => Type::U8,
PrimitiveValType::S8 => Type::S8,
PrimitiveValType::U16 => Type::U16,
PrimitiveValType::S16 => Type::S16,
PrimitiveValType::U32 => Type::U32,
PrimitiveValType::S32 => Type::S32,
PrimitiveValType::U64 => Type::U64,
PrimitiveValType::S64 => Type::S64,
PrimitiveValType::Bool => Type::Bool,
PrimitiveValType::Char => Type::Char,
PrimitiveValType::String => Type::String,
PrimitiveValType::F32 => Type::F32,
PrimitiveValType::F64 => Type::F64,
fn register_defined(&mut self, id: TypeId, def: &ComponentDefinedType) -> Result<()> {
Registrar {
types: &self.types,
type_map: &mut self.type_map,
resolve: &self.resolve,
.defined(id, def)
/// Completes the decoding of this resolve by finalizing all packages into
/// their topological ordering within the returned `Resolve`.
/// Takes the root package as an argument to insert.
fn finish(mut self, package: Package) -> (Resolve, PackageId) {
// Build a topological ordering is then calculated by visiting all the
// transitive dependencies of packages.
let mut order = IndexSet::new();
for i in 0..self.foreign_packages.len() {
self.visit_package(i, &mut order);
// Using the topological ordering create a temporary map from
// index-in-`foreign_packages` to index-in-`order`
let mut idx_to_pos = vec![0; self.foreign_packages.len()];
for (pos, idx) in order.iter().enumerate() {
idx_to_pos[*idx] = pos;
// .. and then using `idx_to_pos` sort the `foreign_packages` array based
// on the position it's at in the topological ordering
let mut deps = mem::take(&mut self.foreign_packages)
deps.sort_by_key(|(idx, _)| idx_to_pos[*idx]);
// .. and finally insert the packages, in their final topological
// ordering, into the returned array.
for (_idx, (_url, pkg)) in deps {
let id = self.insert_package(package);
assert!(self.resolve.worlds.iter().all(|(_, w)| w.package.is_some()));
.all(|(_, i)| i.package.is_some()));
(self.resolve, id)
fn insert_package(&mut self, package: Package) -> PackageId {
let Package {
} = package;
// Most of the time the `package` being inserted is not already present
// in `self.resolve`, but in the case of the top-level `decode_world`
// function this isn't the case. This shouldn't in general be a problem
// so union-up the packages here while asserting that nothing gets
// replaced by accident which would indicate a bug.
let pkg = self
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let id = self.resolve.packages.alloc(Package {
name: name.clone(),
interfaces: Default::default(),
worlds: Default::default(),
let prev = self.resolve.package_names.insert(name, id);
for (name, id) in interfaces {
let prev = self.resolve.packages[pkg].interfaces.insert(name, id);
self.resolve.interfaces[id].package = Some(pkg);
for (name, id) in worlds {
let prev = self.resolve.packages[pkg].worlds.insert(name, id);
let world = &mut self.resolve.worlds[id];
world.package = Some(pkg);
for (name, item) in world.imports.iter().chain(world.exports.iter()) {
if let WorldKey::Name(_) = name {
if let WorldItem::Interface { id, .. } = item {
self.resolve.interfaces[*id].package = Some(pkg);
fn visit_package(&self, idx: usize, order: &mut IndexSet<usize>) {
if order.contains(&idx) {
let (_name, pkg) = self.foreign_packages.get_index(idx).unwrap();
let interfaces = pkg.interfaces.values().copied().chain(
.flat_map(|w| {
let world = &self.resolve.worlds[*w];
.filter_map(|item| match item {
WorldItem::Interface { id, .. } => Some(*id),
WorldItem::Function(_) | WorldItem::Type(_) => None,
for iface in interfaces {
for dep in self.resolve.interface_direct_deps(iface) {
let dep_idx = self.iface_to_package_index[&dep];
if dep_idx != idx {
self.visit_package(dep_idx, order);
/// Helper type to register the structure of a wasm-defined type against a
/// wit-defined type.
struct Registrar<'a> {
types: &'a Types,
type_map: &'a mut HashMap<ComponentAnyTypeId, TypeId>,
resolve: &'a Resolve,
impl Registrar<'_> {
/// Verifies that the wasm structure of `def` matches the wit structure of
/// `id` and recursively registers types.
fn defined(&mut self, id: TypeId, def: &ComponentDefinedType) -> Result<()> {
match def {
ComponentDefinedType::Primitive(_) => Ok(()),
ComponentDefinedType::List(t) => {
let ty = match &self.resolve.types[id].kind {
TypeDefKind::List(r) => r,
// Note that all cases below have this match and the general
// idea is that once a type is named or otherwise identified
// here there's no need to recurse. The purpose of this
// registrar is to build connections for anonymous types
// that don't otherwise have a name to ensure that they're
// decoded to reuse the same constructs consistently. For
// that reason once something is named we can bail out.
TypeDefKind::Type(Type::Id(_)) => return Ok(()),
_ => bail!("expected a list"),
self.valtype(t, ty)
ComponentDefinedType::Tuple(t) => {
let ty = match &self.resolve.types[id].kind {
TypeDefKind::Tuple(r) => r,
TypeDefKind::Type(Type::Id(_)) => return Ok(()),
_ => bail!("expected a tuple"),
if ty.types.len() != t.types.len() {
bail!("mismatched number of tuple fields");
for (a, b) in t.types.iter().zip(ty.types.iter()) {
self.valtype(a, b)?;
ComponentDefinedType::Option(t) => {
let ty = match &self.resolve.types[id].kind {
TypeDefKind::Option(r) => r,
TypeDefKind::Type(Type::Id(_)) => return Ok(()),
_ => bail!("expected an option"),
self.valtype(t, ty)
ComponentDefinedType::Result { ok, err } => {
let ty = match &self.resolve.types[id].kind {
TypeDefKind::Result(r) => r,
TypeDefKind::Type(Type::Id(_)) => return Ok(()),
_ => bail!("expected a result"),
match (ok, &ty.ok) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => self.valtype(a, b)?,
(None, None) => {}
_ => bail!("disagreement on result structure"),
match (err, &ty.err) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => self.valtype(a, b)?,
(None, None) => {}
_ => bail!("disagreement on result structure"),
ComponentDefinedType::Record(def) => {
let ty = match &self.resolve.types[id].kind {
TypeDefKind::Record(r) => r,
TypeDefKind::Type(Type::Id(_)) => return Ok(()),
_ => bail!("expected a record"),
if def.fields.len() != ty.fields.len() {
bail!("mismatched number of record fields");
for ((name, ty), field) in def.fields.iter().zip(&ty.fields) {
if name.as_str() != {
bail!("mismatched field order");
self.valtype(ty, &field.ty)?;
ComponentDefinedType::Variant(def) => {
let ty = match &self.resolve.types[id].kind {
TypeDefKind::Variant(r) => r,
TypeDefKind::Type(Type::Id(_)) => return Ok(()),
_ => bail!("expected a variant"),
if def.cases.len() != ty.cases.len() {
bail!("mismatched number of variant cases");
for ((name, ty), case) in def.cases.iter().zip(&ty.cases) {
if name.as_str() != {
bail!("mismatched case order");
match (&ty.ty, &case.ty) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => self.valtype(a, b)?,
(None, None) => {}
_ => bail!("disagreement on case type"),
// These have no recursive structure so they can bail out.
| ComponentDefinedType::Enum(_)
| ComponentDefinedType::Own(_)
| ComponentDefinedType::Borrow(_) => Ok(()),
fn valtype(&mut self, wasm: &ComponentValType, wit: &Type) -> Result<()> {
let wasm = match wasm {
ComponentValType::Type(wasm) => *wasm,
ComponentValType::Primitive(_wasm) => {
assert!(!matches!(wit, Type::Id(_)));
return Ok(());
let wit = match wit {
Type::Id(id) => *id,
_ => bail!("expected id-based type"),
let prev = match self.type_map.insert(wasm.into(), wit) {
Some(prev) => prev,
None => {
let wasm = &self.types[wasm];
return self.defined(wit, wasm);
// If `wit` matches `prev` then we've just rediscovered what we already
// knew which is that the `wasm` id maps to the `wit` id.
// If, however, `wit` is not equal to `prev` then that's more
// interesting. Consider a component such as:
// ```wasm
// (component
// (import (interface "a:b/name") (instance
// (type $l (list string))
// (type $foo (variant (case "l" $l)))
// (export "foo" (type (eq $foo)))
// ))
// (component $c
// (type $l (list string))
// (type $bar (variant (case "n" u16) (case "l" $l)))
// (export "bar" (type $bar))
// (type $foo (variant (case "l" $l)))
// (export "foo" (type $foo))
// )
// (instance $i (instantiate $c))
// (export (interface "a:b/name") (instance $i))
// )
// ```
// This roughly corresponds to:
// ```wit
// package a:b
// interface name {
// variant bar {
// n(u16),
// l(list<string>),
// }
// variant foo {
// l(list<string>),
// }
// }
// world module {
// import name
// export name
// }
// ```
// In this situation first we'll see the `import` which records type
// information for the `foo` type in `interface name`. Later on the full
// picture of `interface name` becomes apparent with the export of a
// component which has full type information. When walking over this
// first `bar` is seen and its recursive structure.
// The problem arises when walking over the `foo` type. In this
// situation the code path we're currently on will be hit because
// there's a preexisting definition of `foo` from the import and it's
// now going to be unified with what we've seen in the export. When
// visiting the `list<string>` case of the `foo` variant this ends up
// being different than the `list<string>` used by the `bar` variant. The
// reason for this is that when visiting `bar` the wasm-defined `(list
// string)` hasn't been seen before so a new type is allocated. Later
// though this same wasm type is unified with the first `(list string)`
// type in the `import`.
// All-in-all this ends up meaning that it's possible for `prev` to not
// match `wit`. In this situation it means the decoded WIT interface
// will have duplicate definitions of `list<string>`. This is,
// theoretically, not that big of a problem because the same underlying
// definition is still there and the meaning of the type is the same.
// This can, however, perhaps be a problem for consumers where it's
// assumed that all `list<string>` are equal and there's only one. For
// example a bindings generator for C may assume that `list<string>`
// will only appear once and generate a single name for it, but with two
// different types in play here it may generate two types of the same
// name (or something like that).
// For now though this is left for a future refactoring. Fixing this
// issue would require tracking anonymous types during type translation
// so the decoding process for the `bar` export would reuse the
// `list<string>` type created from decoding the `foo` import. That's
// somewhat nontrivial at this time, so it's left for a future
// refactoring.
let _ = prev;
pub(crate) trait InterfaceNameExt {
fn to_package_name(&self) -> PackageName;
impl InterfaceNameExt for wasmparser::names::InterfaceName<'_> {
fn to_package_name(&self) -> PackageName {
PackageName {
namespace: self.namespace().to_string(),
name: self.package().to_string(),
version: self.version(),