| /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.5. */ |
| |
| /* Bison implementation for Yacc-like parsers in C |
| |
| Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2015, 2018-2019 Free Software Foundation, |
| Inc. |
| |
| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
| (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ |
| |
| /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains |
| part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work |
| under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a |
| parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof |
| as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute |
| the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this |
| special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting |
| Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public |
| License without this special exception. |
| |
| This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in |
| version 2.2 of Bison. */ |
| |
| /* C LALR(1) parser skeleton written by Richard Stallman, by |
| simplifying the original so-called "semantic" parser. */ |
| |
| /* All symbols defined below should begin with yy or YY, to avoid |
| infringing on user name space. This should be done even for local |
| variables, as they might otherwise be expanded by user macros. |
| There are some unavoidable exceptions within include files to |
| define necessary library symbols; they are noted "INFRINGES ON |
| USER NAME SPACE" below. */ |
| |
| /* Undocumented macros, especially those whose name start with YY_, |
| are private implementation details. Do not rely on them. */ |
| |
| /* Identify Bison output. */ |
| #define YYBISON 1 |
| |
| /* Bison version. */ |
| #define YYBISON_VERSION "3.5" |
| |
| /* Skeleton name. */ |
| #define YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c" |
| |
| /* Pure parsers. */ |
| #define YYPURE 2 |
| |
| /* Push parsers. */ |
| #define YYPUSH 0 |
| |
| /* Pull parsers. */ |
| #define YYPULL 1 |
| |
| /* "%code top" blocks. */ |
| #line 27 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| |
| /* On column 0 to please syntax-check. */ |
| #include <config.h> |
| |
| #line 72 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| /* Substitute the type names. */ |
| /* Substitute the variable and function names. */ |
| #define yyparse gram_parse |
| #define yylex gram_lex |
| #define yyerror gram_error |
| #define yydebug gram_debug |
| #define yynerrs gram_nerrs |
| |
| |
| # ifndef YY_CAST |
| # ifdef __cplusplus |
| # define YY_CAST(Type, Val) static_cast<Type> (Val) |
| # define YY_REINTERPRET_CAST(Type, Val) reinterpret_cast<Type> (Val) |
| # else |
| # define YY_CAST(Type, Val) ((Type) (Val)) |
| # define YY_REINTERPRET_CAST(Type, Val) ((Type) (Val)) |
| # endif |
| # endif |
| # ifndef YY_NULLPTR |
| # if defined __cplusplus |
| # if 201103L <= __cplusplus |
| # define YY_NULLPTR nullptr |
| # else |
| # define YY_NULLPTR 0 |
| # endif |
| # else |
| # define YY_NULLPTR ((void*)0) |
| # endif |
| # endif |
| |
| /* Enabling verbose error messages. */ |
| # define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 |
| #else |
| # define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 |
| #endif |
| |
| #include "parse-gram.h" |
| |
| |
| /* Unqualified %code blocks. */ |
| #line 33 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| |
| #include "system.h" |
| |
| #include <c-ctype.h> |
| #include <errno.h> |
| #include <intprops.h> |
| #include <quotearg.h> |
| #include <vasnprintf.h> |
| #include <xmemdup0.h> |
| |
| #include "complain.h" |
| #include "conflicts.h" |
| #include "files.h" |
| #include "getargs.h" |
| #include "gram.h" |
| #include "named-ref.h" |
| #include "reader.h" |
| #include "scan-code.h" |
| #include "scan-gram.h" |
| |
| static int current_prec = 0; |
| static location current_lhs_loc; |
| static named_ref *current_lhs_named_ref; |
| static symbol *current_lhs_symbol; |
| static symbol_class current_class = unknown_sym; |
| |
| /** Set the new current left-hand side symbol, possibly common |
| * to several right-hand side parts of rule. |
| */ |
| static void current_lhs (symbol *sym, location loc, named_ref *ref); |
| |
| #define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \ |
| (Current) = lloc_default (Rhs, N) |
| static YYLTYPE lloc_default (YYLTYPE const *, int); |
| |
| #define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) \ |
| location_print (Loc, File) |
| |
| /* Strip initial '{' and final '}' (must be first and last characters). |
| Return the result. */ |
| static char *strip_braces (char *code); |
| |
| /* Convert CODE by calling code_props_plain_init if PLAIN, otherwise |
| code_props_symbol_action_init. Call |
| gram_scanner_last_string_free to release the latest string from |
| the scanner (should be CODE). */ |
| static char const *translate_code (char *code, location loc, bool plain); |
| |
| /* Convert CODE by calling code_props_plain_init after having |
| stripped the first and last characters (expected to be '{', and |
| '}'). Call gram_scanner_last_string_free to release the latest |
| string from the scanner (should be CODE). */ |
| static char const *translate_code_braceless (char *code, location loc); |
| |
| /* Handle a %error-verbose directive. */ |
| static void handle_error_verbose (location const *loc, char const *directive); |
| |
| /* Handle a %file-prefix directive. */ |
| static void handle_file_prefix (location const *loc, |
| location const *dir_loc, |
| char const *directive, char const *value); |
| |
| /* Handle a %name-prefix directive. */ |
| static void handle_name_prefix (location const *loc, |
| char const *directive, char const *value); |
| |
| /* Handle a %pure-parser directive. */ |
| static void handle_pure_parser (location const *loc, char const *directive); |
| |
| /* Handle a %require directive. */ |
| static void handle_require (location const *loc, char const *version); |
| |
| /* Handle a %skeleton directive. */ |
| static void handle_skeleton (location const *loc, char const *skel); |
| |
| /* Handle a %yacc directive. */ |
| static void handle_yacc (location const *loc); |
| |
| /* Implementation of yyerror. */ |
| static void gram_error (location const *, char const *); |
| |
| /* A string that describes a char (e.g., 'a' -> "'a'"). */ |
| static char const *char_name (char); |
| |
| /* Add style to semantic values in traces. */ |
| static void tron (FILE *yyo); |
| static void troff (FILE *yyo); |
| #line 261 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| |
| /** Add a lex-param and/or a parse-param. |
| * |
| * \param type where to push this formal argument. |
| * \param decl the formal argument. Destroyed. |
| * \param loc the location in the source. |
| */ |
| static void add_param (param_type type, char *decl, location loc); |
| static param_type current_param = param_none; |
| |
| #line 216 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| |
| #ifdef short |
| # undef short |
| #endif |
| |
| /* On compilers that do not define __PTRDIFF_MAX__ etc., make sure |
| <limits.h> and (if available) <stdint.h> are included |
| so that the code can choose integer types of a good width. */ |
| |
| #ifndef __PTRDIFF_MAX__ |
| # include <limits.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ |
| # if defined __STDC_VERSION__ && 199901 <= __STDC_VERSION__ |
| # include <stdint.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ |
| # define YY_STDINT_H |
| # endif |
| #endif |
| |
| /* Narrow types that promote to a signed type and that can represent a |
| signed or unsigned integer of at least N bits. In tables they can |
| save space and decrease cache pressure. Promoting to a signed type |
| helps avoid bugs in integer arithmetic. */ |
| |
| #ifdef __INT_LEAST8_MAX__ |
| typedef __INT_LEAST8_TYPE__ yytype_int8; |
| #elif defined YY_STDINT_H |
| typedef int_least8_t yytype_int8; |
| #else |
| typedef signed char yytype_int8; |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifdef __INT_LEAST16_MAX__ |
| typedef __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__ yytype_int16; |
| #elif defined YY_STDINT_H |
| typedef int_least16_t yytype_int16; |
| #else |
| typedef short yytype_int16; |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ && __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ <= __INT_MAX__ |
| typedef __UINT_LEAST8_TYPE__ yytype_uint8; |
| #elif (!defined __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ && defined YY_STDINT_H \ |
| typedef uint_least8_t yytype_uint8; |
| #elif !defined __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ && UCHAR_MAX <= INT_MAX |
| typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8; |
| #else |
| typedef short yytype_uint8; |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ && __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ <= __INT_MAX__ |
| typedef __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__ yytype_uint16; |
| #elif (!defined __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ && defined YY_STDINT_H \ |
| typedef uint_least16_t yytype_uint16; |
| #elif !defined __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ && USHRT_MAX <= INT_MAX |
| typedef unsigned short yytype_uint16; |
| #else |
| typedef int yytype_uint16; |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifndef YYPTRDIFF_T |
| # if defined __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ && defined __PTRDIFF_MAX__ |
| # elif defined PTRDIFF_MAX |
| # ifndef ptrdiff_t |
| # include <stddef.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ |
| # endif |
| # define YYPTRDIFF_T ptrdiff_t |
| # else |
| # define YYPTRDIFF_T long |
| # endif |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifndef YYSIZE_T |
| # ifdef __SIZE_TYPE__ |
| # define YYSIZE_T __SIZE_TYPE__ |
| # elif defined size_t |
| # define YYSIZE_T size_t |
| # elif defined __STDC_VERSION__ && 199901 <= __STDC_VERSION__ |
| # include <stddef.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ |
| # define YYSIZE_T size_t |
| # else |
| # define YYSIZE_T unsigned |
| # endif |
| #endif |
| |
| #define YYSIZE_MAXIMUM \ |
| : YY_CAST (YYSIZE_T, -1))) |
| |
| #define YYSIZEOF(X) YY_CAST (YYPTRDIFF_T, sizeof (X)) |
| |
| /* Stored state numbers (used for stacks). */ |
| typedef yytype_uint8 yy_state_t; |
| |
| /* State numbers in computations. */ |
| typedef int yy_state_fast_t; |
| |
| #ifndef YY_ |
| # if defined YYENABLE_NLS && YYENABLE_NLS |
| # if ENABLE_NLS |
| # include <libintl.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ |
| # define YY_(Msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", Msgid) |
| # endif |
| # endif |
| # ifndef YY_ |
| # define YY_(Msgid) Msgid |
| # endif |
| #endif |
| |
| # if defined __GNUC__ && 2 < __GNUC__ + (96 <= __GNUC_MINOR__) |
| # define YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE __attribute__ ((__pure__)) |
| # else |
| # define YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE |
| # endif |
| #endif |
| |
| # if defined __GNUC__ && 2 < __GNUC__ + (7 <= __GNUC_MINOR__) |
| # define YY_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__)) |
| # else |
| # endif |
| #endif |
| |
| /* Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E. */ |
| #if ! defined lint || defined __GNUC__ |
| # define YYUSE(E) ((void) (E)) |
| #else |
| # define YYUSE(E) /* empty */ |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined __GNUC__ && ! defined __ICC && 407 <= __GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ |
| /* Suppress an incorrect diagnostic about yylval being uninitialized. */ |
| _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic push") \ |
| _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wuninitialized\"") \ |
| _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wmaybe-uninitialized\"") |
| _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic pop") |
| #else |
| # define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) Value |
| #endif |
| #endif |
| #ifndef YY_INITIAL_VALUE |
| # define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) /* Nothing. */ |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined __cplusplus && defined __GNUC__ && ! defined __ICC && 6 <= __GNUC__ |
| _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic push") \ |
| _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wuseless-cast\"") |
| _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic pop") |
| #endif |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| #define YY_ASSERT(E) ((void) (0 && (E))) |
| |
| #if 1 |
| |
| /* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols. */ |
| |
| # ifdef YYSTACK_ALLOC |
| /* Pacify GCC's 'empty if-body' warning. */ |
| # define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (0) |
| /* The OS might guarantee only one guard page at the bottom of the stack, |
| and a page size can be as small as 4096 bytes. So we cannot safely |
| invoke alloca (N) if N exceeds 4096. Use a slightly smaller number |
| to allow for a few compiler-allocated temporary stack slots. */ |
| # define YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM 4032 /* reasonable circa 2006 */ |
| # endif |
| # else |
| # endif |
| # if (defined __cplusplus && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS \ |
| && ! ((defined YYMALLOC || defined malloc) \ |
| && (defined YYFREE || defined free))) |
| # include <stdlib.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ |
| # ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS |
| # define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 |
| # endif |
| # endif |
| # ifndef YYMALLOC |
| # define YYMALLOC malloc |
| # if ! defined malloc && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS |
| void *malloc (YYSIZE_T); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ |
| # endif |
| # endif |
| # ifndef YYFREE |
| # define YYFREE free |
| # if ! defined free && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS |
| void free (void *); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ |
| # endif |
| # endif |
| # endif |
| # define YYCOPY_NEEDED 1 |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| #if (! defined yyoverflow \ |
| && (! defined __cplusplus \ |
| |
| /* A type that is properly aligned for any stack member. */ |
| union yyalloc |
| { |
| yy_state_t yyss_alloc; |
| YYSTYPE yyvs_alloc; |
| YYLTYPE yyls_alloc; |
| }; |
| |
| /* The size of the maximum gap between one aligned stack and the next. */ |
| # define YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM (YYSIZEOF (union yyalloc) - 1) |
| |
| /* The size of an array large to enough to hold all stacks, each with |
| N elements. */ |
| # define YYSTACK_BYTES(N) \ |
| ((N) * (YYSIZEOF (yy_state_t) + YYSIZEOF (YYSTYPE) \ |
| |
| # define YYCOPY_NEEDED 1 |
| |
| /* Relocate STACK from its old location to the new one. The |
| local variables YYSIZE and YYSTACKSIZE give the old and new number of |
| elements in the stack, and YYPTR gives the new location of the |
| stack. Advance YYPTR to a properly aligned location for the next |
| stack. */ |
| # define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack_alloc, Stack) \ |
| do \ |
| { \ |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yynewbytes; \ |
| YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack_alloc, Stack, yysize); \ |
| Stack = &yyptr->Stack_alloc; \ |
| yynewbytes = yystacksize * YYSIZEOF (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \ |
| yyptr += yynewbytes / YYSIZEOF (*yyptr); \ |
| } \ |
| while (0) |
| |
| #endif |
| |
| /* Copy COUNT objects from SRC to DST. The source and destination do |
| not overlap. */ |
| # ifndef YYCOPY |
| # if defined __GNUC__ && 1 < __GNUC__ |
| # define YYCOPY(Dst, Src, Count) \ |
| __builtin_memcpy (Dst, Src, YY_CAST (YYSIZE_T, (Count)) * sizeof (*(Src))) |
| # else |
| # define YYCOPY(Dst, Src, Count) \ |
| do \ |
| { \ |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yyi; \ |
| for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++) \ |
| (Dst)[yyi] = (Src)[yyi]; \ |
| } \ |
| while (0) |
| # endif |
| # endif |
| #endif /* !YYCOPY_NEEDED */ |
| |
| /* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state. */ |
| #define YYFINAL 3 |
| /* YYLAST -- Last index in YYTABLE. */ |
| #define YYLAST 234 |
| |
| /* YYNTOKENS -- Number of terminals. */ |
| #define YYNTOKENS 60 |
| /* YYNNTS -- Number of nonterminals. */ |
| #define YYNNTS 42 |
| /* YYNRULES -- Number of rules. */ |
| #define YYNRULES 122 |
| /* YYNSTATES -- Number of states. */ |
| #define YYNSTATES 166 |
| |
| #define YYUNDEFTOK 2 |
| #define YYMAXUTOK 314 |
| |
| |
| /* YYTRANSLATE(TOKEN-NUM) -- Symbol number corresponding to TOKEN-NUM |
| as returned by yylex, with out-of-bounds checking. */ |
| #define YYTRANSLATE(YYX) (YYX) |
| |
| #if GRAM_DEBUG |
| /* YYRLINE[YYN] -- Source line where rule number YYN was defined. */ |
| static const yytype_int16 yyrline[] = |
| { |
| 0, 293, 293, 302, 303, 307, 308, 314, 318, 323, |
| 324, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 338, 343, 344, 345, |
| 346, 347, 348, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, |
| 355, 356, 360, 361, 370, 371, 375, 386, 390, 394, |
| 402, 412, 413, 423, 424, 430, 443, 443, 448, 448, |
| 453, 457, 467, 468, 469, 470, 474, 475, 480, 481, |
| 485, 486, 490, 491, 492, 505, 514, 518, 522, 530, |
| 531, 535, 548, 549, 561, 565, 569, 577, 579, 584, |
| 591, 601, 605, 609, 617, 622, 634, 635, 641, 642, |
| 643, 650, 650, 658, 659, 660, 665, 668, 670, 672, |
| 674, 676, 678, 680, 682, 684, 689, 690, 699, 723, |
| 724, 725, 726, 738, 740, 767, 772, 773, 778, 787, |
| 788, 792, 793 |
| }; |
| #endif |
| |
| /* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM. |
| First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. */ |
| static const char *const yytname[] = |
| { |
| "\"end of file\"", "error", "$undefined", "\"string\"", "\"%token\"", |
| "\"%nterm\"", "\"%type\"", "\"%destructor\"", "\"%printer\"", |
| "\"%left\"", "\"%right\"", "\"%nonassoc\"", "\"%precedence\"", |
| "\"%prec\"", "\"%dprec\"", "\"%merge\"", "\"%code\"", |
| "\"%default-prec\"", "\"%define\"", "\"%defines\"", "\"%error-verbose\"", |
| "\"%expect\"", "\"%expect-rr\"", "\"%<flag>\"", "\"%file-prefix\"", |
| "\"%glr-parser\"", "\"%initial-action\"", "\"%language\"", |
| "\"%name-prefix\"", "\"%no-default-prec\"", "\"%no-lines\"", |
| "\"%nondeterministic-parser\"", "\"%output\"", "\"%pure-parser\"", |
| "\"%require\"", "\"%skeleton\"", "\"%start\"", "\"%token-table\"", |
| "\"%verbose\"", "\"%yacc\"", "\"{...}\"", "\"%?{...}\"", |
| "\"[identifier]\"", "\"character literal\"", "\":\"", "\"epilogue\"", |
| "\"=\"", "\"identifier\"", "\"identifier:\"", "\"%%\"", "\"|\"", |
| "\"%{...%}\"", "\";\"", "\"<tag>\"", "\"<*>\"", "\"<>\"", "\"integer\"", |
| "\"%param\"", "\"%union\"", "\"%empty\"", "$accept", "input", |
| "prologue_declarations", "prologue_declaration", "$@1", "params", |
| "grammar_declaration", "code_props_type", "union_name", |
| "symbol_declaration", "$@2", "$@3", "precedence_declarator", "tag.opt", |
| "generic_symlist", "generic_symlist_item", "tag", "nterm_decls", |
| "token_decls", "token_decl.1", "token_decl", "int.opt", |
| "token_decls_for_prec", "token_decl_for_prec.1", "token_decl_for_prec", |
| "symbol_decls", "symbol_decl.1", "grammar", |
| "rules_or_grammar_declaration", "rules", "$@4", "rhses.1", "rhs", |
| "named_ref.opt", "variable", "value", "id", "id_colon", "symbol", |
| "string_as_id", "string_as_id.opt", "epilogue.opt", YY_NULLPTR |
| }; |
| #endif |
| |
| # ifdef YYPRINT |
| /* YYTOKNUM[NUM] -- (External) token number corresponding to the |
| (internal) symbol number NUM (which must be that of a token). */ |
| static const yytype_int16 yytoknum[] = |
| { |
| 0, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, |
| 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, |
| 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, |
| 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, |
| 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, |
| 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314 |
| }; |
| # endif |
| |
| #define YYPACT_NINF (-130) |
| |
| #define yypact_value_is_default(Yyn) \ |
| ((Yyn) == YYPACT_NINF) |
| |
| #define YYTABLE_NINF (-122) |
| |
| #define yytable_value_is_error(Yyn) \ |
| 0 |
| |
| /* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing |
| STATE-NUM. */ |
| static const yytype_int16 yypact[] = |
| { |
| -130, 36, 110, -130, -22, -130, -130, 2, -130, -130, |
| -130, -130, -130, -130, -19, -130, -9, 40, -130, -17, |
| -2, -130, 57, -130, 21, 66, 77, -130, -130, -130, |
| 78, -130, 87, 92, 44, -130, -130, -130, 165, -130, |
| -130, -130, 50, -130, -130, 58, -130, 29, -130, 15, |
| 15, -130, -130, -130, 44, 47, 44, -130, -130, -130, |
| -130, 61, -130, 30, -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, |
| -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, 51, -130, 53, 8, -130, |
| -130, 64, 67, -130, 68, 20, 44, 56, 44, -130, |
| 69, -130, -37, 59, -37, -130, 69, -130, 59, 44, |
| 44, -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, 79, |
| -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, 111, -130, -130, -130, -130, |
| 20, -130, -130, -130, 44, 44, -130, -130, -130, -37, |
| -37, -130, 147, 44, -130, 108, -130, -130, 44, -37, |
| -130, -130, -130, -21, 175, -130, -130, 44, 97, 101, |
| 99, 100, -130, -130, -130, 117, 64, 175, -130, -130, |
| -130, -130, -130, 64, -130, -130 |
| }; |
| |
| /* YYDEFACT[STATE-NUM] -- Default reduction number in state STATE-NUM. |
| Performed when YYTABLE does not specify something else to do. Zero |
| means the default is an error. */ |
| static const yytype_int8 yydefact[] = |
| { |
| 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 48, 46, 0, 41, 42, |
| 52, 53, 54, 55, 0, 37, 0, 9, 11, 0, |
| 0, 7, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 38, 19, 20, |
| 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 27, 28, 29, 0, 6, |
| 31, 22, 43, 4, 5, 0, 34, 0, 30, 0, |
| 0, 118, 114, 113, 0, 50, 81, 116, 84, 117, |
| 39, 0, 108, 109, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, |
| 18, 21, 25, 26, 35, 0, 115, 0, 0, 86, |
| 88, 106, 0, 44, 0, 0, 0, 51, 74, 77, |
| 72, 80, 0, 49, 66, 69, 72, 47, 65, 82, |
| 0, 85, 40, 111, 112, 110, 8, 90, 89, 0, |
| 87, 2, 107, 91, 33, 23, 45, 62, 63, 64, |
| 36, 58, 61, 60, 75, 0, 78, 73, 79, 67, |
| 0, 70, 119, 83, 122, 0, 32, 59, 76, 68, |
| 120, 71, 96, 92, 93, 96, 95, 0, 0, 0, |
| 0, 0, 99, 57, 100, 0, 106, 94, 101, 102, |
| 103, 104, 105, 106, 97, 98 |
| }; |
| |
| static const yytype_int16 yypgoto[] = |
| { |
| -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, 156, -130, -130, -130, |
| -130, -130, -130, -130, -130, 43, -130, -130, 114, -66, |
| -35, 83, -130, -84, -53, -130, -47, -130, 82, -130, |
| -130, -130, 35, -129, -130, -130, -46, -130, -34, -36, |
| -130, -130 |
| }; |
| |
| static const yytype_int16 yydefgoto[] = |
| { |
| -1, 1, 2, 43, 82, 115, 77, 45, 84, 46, |
| 50, 49, 47, 155, 120, 121, 122, 97, 93, 94, |
| 95, 128, 87, 88, 89, 55, 56, 78, 79, 80, |
| 135, 143, 144, 113, 63, 106, 57, 81, 58, 59, |
| 141, 111 |
| }; |
| |
| /* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]] -- What to do in state STATE-NUM. If |
| positive, shift that token. If negative, reduce the rule whose |
| number is the opposite. If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error. */ |
| static const yytype_int16 yytable[] = |
| { |
| 74, 90, 124, 96, 96, 51, 52, 99, -121, 75, |
| 53, 91, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, |
| 13, 60, 101, 51, 14, 15, 129, 164, 61, 145, |
| 48, 146, 51, 103, 165, 126, 3, 27, 62, 65, |
| 90, 138, 90, 64, 34, 52, 96, 51, 96, 53, |
| 91, 123, 91, 133, 66, 54, 76, 109, 52, 131, |
| 67, 68, 53, 52, 139, 101, 42, 53, 92, 69, |
| 104, 126, 52, 117, 118, 119, 53, 105, 90, 90, |
| 70, 71, 86, 96, 96, 126, 123, 52, 91, 91, |
| 72, 53, 90, 96, 131, 73, 140, 83, 85, 101, |
| 100, 102, 91, 107, 131, 108, 112, 114, 116, 125, |
| 156, 4, 130, 158, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, |
| 11, 12, 13, 156, 134, 127, 14, 15, 16, 17, |
| 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, |
| 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, |
| 51, 136, 142, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 44, 38, |
| 110, 39, 40, 137, 98, 0, 75, 41, 42, 5, |
| 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 51, 132, |
| 157, 14, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 147, 148, |
| 149, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 150, 151, 0, 0, |
| 0, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, |
| 0, 0, 0, 76, 0, -56, 152, 0, 52, 0, |
| 0, 0, 53, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 153, 0, |
| 0, 0, 0, 0, 154 |
| }; |
| |
| static const yytype_int16 yycheck[] = |
| { |
| 34, 47, 86, 49, 50, 3, 43, 54, 0, 1, |
| 47, 47, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, |
| 12, 40, 56, 3, 16, 17, 92, 156, 47, 50, |
| 52, 52, 3, 3, 163, 88, 0, 29, 47, 56, |
| 86, 125, 88, 3, 36, 43, 92, 3, 94, 47, |
| 86, 85, 88, 100, 56, 53, 48, 49, 43, 94, |
| 3, 40, 47, 43, 130, 99, 58, 47, 53, 3, |
| 40, 124, 43, 53, 54, 55, 47, 47, 124, 125, |
| 3, 3, 53, 129, 130, 138, 120, 43, 124, 125, |
| 3, 47, 138, 139, 129, 3, 132, 47, 40, 133, |
| 53, 40, 138, 52, 139, 52, 42, 40, 40, 53, |
| 144, 1, 53, 147, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, |
| 10, 11, 12, 157, 45, 56, 16, 17, 18, 19, |
| 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, |
| 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, |
| 3, 40, 44, 56, 53, 56, 56, 40, 2, 49, |
| 78, 51, 52, 120, 50, -1, 1, 57, 58, 4, |
| 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 3, 96, |
| 145, 16, 17, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 13, 14, |
| 15, -1, -1, -1, 29, -1, 21, 22, -1, -1, |
| -1, 36, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, |
| -1, -1, -1, 48, -1, 40, 41, -1, 43, -1, |
| -1, -1, 47, 58, -1, -1, -1, -1, 53, -1, |
| -1, -1, -1, -1, 59 |
| }; |
| |
| /* YYSTOS[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing |
| symbol of state STATE-NUM. */ |
| static const yytype_int8 yystos[] = |
| { |
| 0, 61, 62, 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, |
| 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, |
| 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, |
| 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 51, |
| 52, 57, 58, 63, 66, 67, 69, 72, 52, 71, |
| 70, 3, 43, 47, 53, 85, 86, 96, 98, 99, |
| 40, 47, 47, 94, 3, 56, 56, 3, 40, 3, |
| 3, 3, 3, 3, 98, 1, 48, 66, 87, 88, |
| 89, 97, 64, 47, 68, 40, 53, 82, 83, 84, |
| 96, 99, 53, 78, 79, 80, 96, 77, 78, 86, |
| 53, 98, 40, 3, 40, 47, 95, 52, 52, 49, |
| 88, 101, 42, 93, 40, 65, 40, 53, 54, 55, |
| 74, 75, 76, 98, 83, 53, 84, 56, 81, 79, |
| 53, 80, 81, 86, 45, 90, 40, 75, 83, 79, |
| 99, 100, 44, 91, 92, 50, 52, 13, 14, 15, |
| 21, 22, 41, 53, 59, 73, 98, 92, 98, 56, |
| 53, 56, 56, 40, 93, 93 |
| }; |
| |
| /* YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives. */ |
| static const yytype_int8 yyr1[] = |
| { |
| 0, 60, 61, 62, 62, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, |
| 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, |
| 63, 63, 64, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, |
| 63, 63, 65, 65, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, |
| 66, 67, 67, 68, 68, 66, 70, 69, 71, 69, |
| 69, 69, 72, 72, 72, 72, 73, 73, 74, 74, |
| 75, 75, 76, 76, 76, 77, 78, 78, 78, 79, |
| 79, 80, 81, 81, 82, 82, 82, 83, 83, 84, |
| 84, 85, 85, 85, 86, 86, 87, 87, 88, 88, |
| 88, 90, 89, 91, 91, 91, 92, 92, 92, 92, |
| 92, 92, 92, 92, 92, 92, 93, 93, 94, 95, |
| 95, 95, 95, 96, 96, 97, 98, 98, 99, 100, |
| 100, 101, 101 |
| }; |
| |
| /* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols on the right hand side of rule YYN. */ |
| static const yytype_int8 yyr2[] = |
| { |
| 0, 2, 4, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, |
| 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, |
| 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, |
| 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, |
| 3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, |
| 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, |
| 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, |
| 2, 3, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, |
| 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, |
| 2, 0, 5, 1, 3, 2, 0, 3, 4, 2, |
| 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 1, 1, 0, |
| 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, |
| 1, 0, 2 |
| }; |
| |
| |
| #define yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0) |
| #define yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY) |
| #define YYEMPTY (-2) |
| #define YYEOF 0 |
| |
| #define YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab |
| #define YYABORT goto yyabortlab |
| #define YYERROR goto yyerrorlab |
| |
| |
| #define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus) |
| |
| #define YYBACKUP(Token, Value) \ |
| do \ |
| if (yychar == YYEMPTY) \ |
| { \ |
| yychar = (Token); \ |
| yylval = (Value); \ |
| YYPOPSTACK (yylen); \ |
| yystate = *yyssp; \ |
| goto yybackup; \ |
| } \ |
| else \ |
| { \ |
| yyerror (&yylloc, YY_("syntax error: cannot back up")); \ |
| YYERROR; \ |
| } \ |
| while (0) |
| |
| /* Error token number */ |
| #define YYTERROR 1 |
| #define YYERRCODE 256 |
| |
| |
| /* YYLLOC_DEFAULT -- Set CURRENT to span from RHS[1] to RHS[N]. |
| If N is 0, then set CURRENT to the empty location which ends |
| the previous symbol: RHS[0] (always defined). */ |
| |
| #ifndef YYLLOC_DEFAULT |
| # define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \ |
| do \ |
| if (N) \ |
| { \ |
| (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_line; \ |
| (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_column; \ |
| (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_line; \ |
| (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_column; \ |
| } \ |
| else \ |
| { \ |
| (Current).first_line = (Current).last_line = \ |
| YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line; \ |
| (Current).first_column = (Current).last_column = \ |
| YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column; \ |
| } \ |
| while (0) |
| #endif |
| |
| #define YYRHSLOC(Rhs, K) ((Rhs)[K]) |
| |
| |
| /* Enable debugging if requested. */ |
| #if GRAM_DEBUG |
| |
| # ifndef YYFPRINTF |
| # include <stdio.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ |
| # define YYFPRINTF fprintf |
| # endif |
| |
| # define YYDPRINTF(Args) \ |
| do { \ |
| if (yydebug) \ |
| YYFPRINTF Args; \ |
| } while (0) |
| |
| |
| /* YY_LOCATION_PRINT -- Print the location on the stream. |
| This macro was not mandated originally: define only if we know |
| we won't break user code: when these are the locations we know. */ |
| |
| |
| /* Print *YYLOCP on YYO. Private, do not rely on its existence. */ |
| |
| static int |
| yy_location_print_ (FILE *yyo, YYLTYPE const * const yylocp) |
| { |
| int res = 0; |
| int end_col = 0 != yylocp->last_column ? yylocp->last_column - 1 : 0; |
| if (0 <= yylocp->first_line) |
| { |
| res += YYFPRINTF (yyo, "%d", yylocp->first_line); |
| if (0 <= yylocp->first_column) |
| res += YYFPRINTF (yyo, ".%d", yylocp->first_column); |
| } |
| if (0 <= yylocp->last_line) |
| { |
| if (yylocp->first_line < yylocp->last_line) |
| { |
| res += YYFPRINTF (yyo, "-%d", yylocp->last_line); |
| if (0 <= end_col) |
| res += YYFPRINTF (yyo, ".%d", end_col); |
| } |
| else if (0 <= end_col && yylocp->first_column < end_col) |
| res += YYFPRINTF (yyo, "-%d", end_col); |
| } |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| # define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) \ |
| yy_location_print_ (File, &(Loc)) |
| |
| # else |
| # define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) ((void) 0) |
| # endif |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| # define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) \ |
| do { \ |
| if (yydebug) \ |
| { \ |
| YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s ", Title); \ |
| yy_symbol_print (stderr, \ |
| Type, Value, Location); \ |
| YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); \ |
| } \ |
| } while (0) |
| |
| |
| /*-----------------------------------. |
| | Print this symbol's value on YYO. | |
| `-----------------------------------*/ |
| |
| static void |
| yy_symbol_value_print (FILE *yyo, int yytype, YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep, YYLTYPE const * const yylocationp) |
| { |
| FILE *yyoutput = yyo; |
| YYUSE (yyoutput); |
| YYUSE (yylocationp); |
| if (!yyvaluep) |
| return; |
| # ifdef YYPRINT |
| if (yytype < YYNTOKENS) |
| YYPRINT (yyo, yytoknum[yytype], *yyvaluep); |
| # endif |
| /* "%code pre-printer" blocks. */ |
| #line 213 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| tron (yyo); |
| |
| #line 935 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| switch (yytype) |
| { |
| case 3: /* "string" */ |
| #line 220 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).STRING), yyo); } |
| #line 942 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 20: /* "%error-verbose" */ |
| #line 227 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).PERCENT_ERROR_VERBOSE), yyo); } |
| #line 948 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 23: /* "%<flag>" */ |
| #line 230 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%%%s", ((*yyvaluep).PERCENT_FLAG)); } |
| #line 954 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 24: /* "%file-prefix" */ |
| #line 227 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).PERCENT_FILE_PREFIX), yyo); } |
| #line 960 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 28: /* "%name-prefix" */ |
| #line 227 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).PERCENT_NAME_PREFIX), yyo); } |
| #line 966 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 33: /* "%pure-parser" */ |
| #line 227 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).PERCENT_PURE_PARSER), yyo); } |
| #line 972 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 40: /* "{...}" */ |
| #line 220 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).BRACED_CODE), yyo); } |
| #line 978 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 41: /* "%?{...}" */ |
| #line 220 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).BRACED_PREDICATE), yyo); } |
| #line 984 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 42: /* "[identifier]" */ |
| #line 228 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "[%s]", ((*yyvaluep).BRACKETED_ID)); } |
| #line 990 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 43: /* "character literal" */ |
| #line 217 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (char_name (((*yyvaluep).CHAR)), yyo); } |
| #line 996 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 45: /* "epilogue" */ |
| #line 220 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).EPILOGUE), yyo); } |
| #line 1002 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 47: /* "identifier" */ |
| #line 227 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).ID), yyo); } |
| #line 1008 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 48: /* "identifier:" */ |
| #line 229 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%s:", ((*yyvaluep).ID_COLON)); } |
| #line 1014 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 51: /* "%{...%}" */ |
| #line 220 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).PROLOGUE), yyo); } |
| #line 1020 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 53: /* "<tag>" */ |
| #line 231 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "<%s>", ((*yyvaluep).TAG)); } |
| #line 1026 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 56: /* "integer" */ |
| #line 234 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%d", ((*yyvaluep).INT)); } |
| #line 1032 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 57: /* "%param" */ |
| #line 273 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| switch (((*yyvaluep).PERCENT_PARAM)) |
| { |
| #define CASE(In, Out) \ |
| case param_ ## In: fputs ("%" #Out, yyo); break |
| CASE (lex, lex-param); |
| CASE (parse, parse-param); |
| CASE (both, param); |
| #undef CASE |
| case param_none: aver (false); break; |
| } |
| } |
| #line 1049 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 67: /* code_props_type */ |
| #line 410 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%s", code_props_type_string (((*yyvaluep).code_props_type))); } |
| #line 1055 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 73: /* tag.opt */ |
| #line 227 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).yytype_73), yyo); } |
| #line 1061 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 74: /* generic_symlist */ |
| #line 243 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_syms_print (((*yyvaluep).generic_symlist), yyo); } |
| #line 1067 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 75: /* generic_symlist_item */ |
| #line 243 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_syms_print (((*yyvaluep).generic_symlist_item), yyo); } |
| #line 1073 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 76: /* tag */ |
| #line 231 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "<%s>", ((*yyvaluep).tag)); } |
| #line 1079 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 77: /* nterm_decls */ |
| #line 243 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_syms_print (((*yyvaluep).nterm_decls), yyo); } |
| #line 1085 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 78: /* token_decls */ |
| #line 243 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_syms_print (((*yyvaluep).token_decls), yyo); } |
| #line 1091 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 79: /* token_decl.1 */ |
| #line 243 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_syms_print (((*yyvaluep).yytype_79), yyo); } |
| #line 1097 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 80: /* token_decl */ |
| #line 237 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%s", ((*yyvaluep).token_decl) ? ((*yyvaluep).token_decl)->tag : "<NULL>"); } |
| #line 1103 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 81: /* int.opt */ |
| #line 234 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%d", ((*yyvaluep).yytype_81)); } |
| #line 1109 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 82: /* token_decls_for_prec */ |
| #line 243 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_syms_print (((*yyvaluep).token_decls_for_prec), yyo); } |
| #line 1115 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 83: /* token_decl_for_prec.1 */ |
| #line 243 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_syms_print (((*yyvaluep).yytype_83), yyo); } |
| #line 1121 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 84: /* token_decl_for_prec */ |
| #line 237 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%s", ((*yyvaluep).token_decl_for_prec) ? ((*yyvaluep).token_decl_for_prec)->tag : "<NULL>"); } |
| #line 1127 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 85: /* symbol_decls */ |
| #line 243 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_syms_print (((*yyvaluep).symbol_decls), yyo); } |
| #line 1133 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 86: /* symbol_decl.1 */ |
| #line 243 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_syms_print (((*yyvaluep).yytype_86), yyo); } |
| #line 1139 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 94: /* variable */ |
| #line 227 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fputs (((*yyvaluep).variable), yyo); } |
| #line 1145 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 95: /* value */ |
| #line 713 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| switch (((*yyvaluep).value).kind) |
| { |
| case muscle_code: fprintf (yyo, "{%s}", ((*yyvaluep).value).chars); break; |
| case muscle_keyword: fprintf (yyo, "%s", ((*yyvaluep).value).chars); break; |
| case muscle_string: fprintf (yyo, "\"%s\"", ((*yyvaluep).value).chars); break; |
| } |
| } |
| #line 1158 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 96: /* id */ |
| #line 237 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%s", ((*yyvaluep).id) ? ((*yyvaluep).id)->tag : "<NULL>"); } |
| #line 1164 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 97: /* id_colon */ |
| #line 238 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%s:", ((*yyvaluep).id_colon)->tag); } |
| #line 1170 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 98: /* symbol */ |
| #line 237 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%s", ((*yyvaluep).symbol) ? ((*yyvaluep).symbol)->tag : "<NULL>"); } |
| #line 1176 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 99: /* string_as_id */ |
| #line 237 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%s", ((*yyvaluep).string_as_id) ? ((*yyvaluep).string_as_id)->tag : "<NULL>"); } |
| #line 1182 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 100: /* string_as_id.opt */ |
| #line 237 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { fprintf (yyo, "%s", ((*yyvaluep).yytype_100) ? ((*yyvaluep).yytype_100)->tag : "<NULL>"); } |
| #line 1188 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| /* "%code post-printer" blocks. */ |
| #line 214 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| troff (yyo); |
| |
| #line 1199 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*---------------------------. |
| | Print this symbol on YYO. | |
| `---------------------------*/ |
| |
| static void |
| yy_symbol_print (FILE *yyo, int yytype, YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep, YYLTYPE const * const yylocationp) |
| { |
| YYFPRINTF (yyo, "%s %s (", |
| yytype < YYNTOKENS ? "token" : "nterm", yytname[yytype]); |
| |
| YY_LOCATION_PRINT (yyo, *yylocationp); |
| YYFPRINTF (yyo, ": "); |
| yy_symbol_value_print (yyo, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp); |
| YYFPRINTF (yyo, ")"); |
| } |
| |
| /*------------------------------------------------------------------. |
| | yy_stack_print -- Print the state stack from its BOTTOM up to its | |
| | TOP (included). | |
| `------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| static void |
| yy_stack_print (yy_state_t *yybottom, yy_state_t *yytop) |
| { |
| YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Stack now"); |
| for (; yybottom <= yytop; yybottom++) |
| { |
| int yybot = *yybottom; |
| YYFPRINTF (stderr, " %d", yybot); |
| } |
| YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); |
| } |
| |
| # define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top) \ |
| do { \ |
| if (yydebug) \ |
| yy_stack_print ((Bottom), (Top)); \ |
| } while (0) |
| |
| |
| /*------------------------------------------------. |
| | Report that the YYRULE is going to be reduced. | |
| `------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| static void |
| yy_reduce_print (yy_state_t *yyssp, YYSTYPE *yyvsp, YYLTYPE *yylsp, int yyrule) |
| { |
| int yylno = yyrline[yyrule]; |
| int yynrhs = yyr2[yyrule]; |
| int yyi; |
| YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Reducing stack by rule %d (line %d):\n", |
| yyrule - 1, yylno); |
| /* The symbols being reduced. */ |
| for (yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++) |
| { |
| YYFPRINTF (stderr, " $%d = ", yyi + 1); |
| yy_symbol_print (stderr, |
| yystos[yyssp[yyi + 1 - yynrhs]], |
| &yyvsp[(yyi + 1) - (yynrhs)] |
| , &(yylsp[(yyi + 1) - (yynrhs)]) ); |
| YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) \ |
| do { \ |
| if (yydebug) \ |
| yy_reduce_print (yyssp, yyvsp, yylsp, Rule); \ |
| } while (0) |
| |
| /* Nonzero means print parse trace. It is left uninitialized so that |
| multiple parsers can coexist. */ |
| int yydebug; |
| #else /* !GRAM_DEBUG */ |
| # define YYDPRINTF(Args) |
| # define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) |
| # define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top) |
| # define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) |
| #endif /* !GRAM_DEBUG */ |
| |
| |
| /* YYINITDEPTH -- initial size of the parser's stacks. */ |
| #ifndef YYINITDEPTH |
| # define YYINITDEPTH 200 |
| #endif |
| |
| /* YYMAXDEPTH -- maximum size the stacks can grow to (effective only |
| if the built-in stack extension method is used). |
| |
| Do not make this value too large; the results are undefined if |
| evaluated with infinite-precision integer arithmetic. */ |
| |
| #ifndef YYMAXDEPTH |
| # define YYMAXDEPTH 10000 |
| #endif |
| |
| /* Given a state stack such that *YYBOTTOM is its bottom, such that |
| *YYTOP is either its top or is YYTOP_EMPTY to indicate an empty |
| stack, and such that *YYCAPACITY is the maximum number of elements it |
| can hold without a reallocation, make sure there is enough room to |
| store YYADD more elements. If not, allocate a new stack using |
| YYSTACK_ALLOC, copy the existing elements, and adjust *YYBOTTOM, |
| *YYTOP, and *YYCAPACITY to reflect the new capacity and memory |
| location. If *YYBOTTOM != YYBOTTOM_NO_FREE, then free the old stack |
| using YYSTACK_FREE. Return 0 if successful or if no reallocation is |
| required. Return 1 if memory is exhausted. */ |
| static int |
| yy_lac_stack_realloc (YYPTRDIFF_T *yycapacity, YYPTRDIFF_T yyadd, |
| #if GRAM_DEBUG |
| char const *yydebug_prefix, |
| char const *yydebug_suffix, |
| #endif |
| yy_state_t **yybottom, |
| yy_state_t *yybottom_no_free, |
| yy_state_t **yytop, yy_state_t *yytop_empty) |
| { |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yysize_old = |
| *yytop == yytop_empty ? 0 : *yytop - *yybottom + 1; |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yysize_new = yysize_old + yyadd; |
| if (*yycapacity < yysize_new) |
| { |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yyalloc = 2 * yysize_new; |
| yy_state_t *yybottom_new; |
| /* Use YYMAXDEPTH for maximum stack size given that the stack |
| should never need to grow larger than the main state stack |
| needs to grow without LAC. */ |
| if (YYMAXDEPTH < yysize_new) |
| { |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "%smax size exceeded%s", yydebug_prefix, |
| yydebug_suffix)); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| if (YYMAXDEPTH < yyalloc) |
| yyalloc = YYMAXDEPTH; |
| yybottom_new = |
| YY_CAST (yy_state_t *, |
| yyalloc * YYSIZEOF (*yybottom_new)))); |
| if (!yybottom_new) |
| { |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "%srealloc failed%s", yydebug_prefix, |
| yydebug_suffix)); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| if (*yytop != yytop_empty) |
| { |
| YYCOPY (yybottom_new, *yybottom, yysize_old); |
| *yytop = yybottom_new + (yysize_old - 1); |
| } |
| if (*yybottom != yybottom_no_free) |
| YYSTACK_FREE (*yybottom); |
| *yybottom = yybottom_new; |
| *yycapacity = yyalloc; |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| /* Establish the initial context for the current lookahead if no initial |
| context is currently established. |
| |
| We define a context as a snapshot of the parser stacks. We define |
| the initial context for a lookahead as the context in which the |
| parser initially examines that lookahead in order to select a |
| syntactic action. Thus, if the lookahead eventually proves |
| syntactically unacceptable (possibly in a later context reached via a |
| series of reductions), the initial context can be used to determine |
| the exact set of tokens that would be syntactically acceptable in the |
| lookahead's place. Moreover, it is the context after which any |
| further semantic actions would be erroneous because they would be |
| determined by a syntactically unacceptable token. |
| |
| YY_LAC_ESTABLISH should be invoked when a reduction is about to be |
| performed in an inconsistent state (which, for the purposes of LAC, |
| includes consistent states that don't know they're consistent because |
| their default reductions have been disabled). Iff there is a |
| lookahead token, it should also be invoked before reporting a syntax |
| error. This latter case is for the sake of the debugging output. |
| |
| For parse.lac=full, the implementation of YY_LAC_ESTABLISH is as |
| follows. If no initial context is currently established for the |
| current lookahead, then check if that lookahead can eventually be |
| shifted if syntactic actions continue from the current context. |
| Report a syntax error if it cannot. */ |
| #define YY_LAC_ESTABLISH \ |
| do { \ |
| if (!yy_lac_established) \ |
| { \ |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, \ |
| "LAC: initial context established for %s\n", \ |
| yytname[yytoken])); \ |
| yy_lac_established = 1; \ |
| { \ |
| int yy_lac_status = \ |
| yy_lac (yyesa, &yyes, &yyes_capacity, yyssp, yytoken); \ |
| if (yy_lac_status == 2) \ |
| goto yyexhaustedlab; \ |
| if (yy_lac_status == 1) \ |
| goto yyerrlab; \ |
| } \ |
| } \ |
| } while (0) |
| |
| /* Discard any previous initial lookahead context because of Event, |
| which may be a lookahead change or an invalidation of the currently |
| established initial context for the current lookahead. |
| |
| The most common example of a lookahead change is a shift. An example |
| of both cases is syntax error recovery. That is, a syntax error |
| occurs when the lookahead is syntactically erroneous for the |
| currently established initial context, so error recovery manipulates |
| the parser stacks to try to find a new initial context in which the |
| current lookahead is syntactically acceptable. If it fails to find |
| such a context, it discards the lookahead. */ |
| #if GRAM_DEBUG |
| # define YY_LAC_DISCARD(Event) \ |
| do { \ |
| if (yy_lac_established) \ |
| { \ |
| if (yydebug) \ |
| YYFPRINTF (stderr, "LAC: initial context discarded due to " \ |
| Event "\n"); \ |
| yy_lac_established = 0; \ |
| } \ |
| } while (0) |
| #else |
| # define YY_LAC_DISCARD(Event) yy_lac_established = 0 |
| #endif |
| |
| /* Given the stack whose top is *YYSSP, return 0 iff YYTOKEN can |
| eventually (after perhaps some reductions) be shifted, return 1 if |
| not, or return 2 if memory is exhausted. As preconditions and |
| postconditions: *YYES_CAPACITY is the allocated size of the array to |
| which *YYES points, and either *YYES = YYESA or *YYES points to an |
| array allocated with YYSTACK_ALLOC. yy_lac may overwrite the |
| contents of either array, alter *YYES and *YYES_CAPACITY, and free |
| any old *YYES other than YYESA. */ |
| static int |
| yy_lac (yy_state_t *yyesa, yy_state_t **yyes, |
| YYPTRDIFF_T *yyes_capacity, yy_state_t *yyssp, int yytoken) |
| { |
| yy_state_t *yyes_prev = yyssp; |
| yy_state_t *yyesp = yyes_prev; |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "LAC: checking lookahead %s:", yytname[yytoken])); |
| if (yytoken == YYUNDEFTOK) |
| { |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, " Always Err\n")); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| while (1) |
| { |
| int yyrule = yypact[*yyesp]; |
| if (yypact_value_is_default (yyrule) |
| || (yyrule += yytoken) < 0 || YYLAST < yyrule |
| || yycheck[yyrule] != yytoken) |
| { |
| yyrule = yydefact[*yyesp]; |
| if (yyrule == 0) |
| { |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, " Err\n")); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| yyrule = yytable[yyrule]; |
| if (yytable_value_is_error (yyrule)) |
| { |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, " Err\n")); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| if (0 < yyrule) |
| { |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, " S%d\n", yyrule)); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| yyrule = -yyrule; |
| } |
| { |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yylen = yyr2[yyrule]; |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, " R%d", yyrule - 1)); |
| if (yyesp != yyes_prev) |
| { |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yysize = yyesp - *yyes + 1; |
| if (yylen < yysize) |
| { |
| yyesp -= yylen; |
| yylen = 0; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| yylen -= yysize; |
| yyesp = yyes_prev; |
| } |
| } |
| if (yylen) |
| yyesp = yyes_prev -= yylen; |
| } |
| { |
| yy_state_fast_t yystate; |
| { |
| const int yylhs = yyr1[yyrule] - YYNTOKENS; |
| const int yyi = yypgoto[yylhs] + *yyesp; |
| yystate = (0 <= yyi && yyi <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyi] == *yyesp |
| ? yytable[yyi] |
| : yydefgoto[yylhs]); |
| } |
| if (yyesp == yyes_prev) |
| { |
| yyesp = *yyes; |
| *yyesp = YY_CAST (yy_state_t, yystate); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if (yy_lac_stack_realloc (yyes_capacity, 1, |
| #if GRAM_DEBUG |
| " (", ")", |
| #endif |
| yyes, yyesa, &yyesp, yyes_prev)) |
| { |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "\n")); |
| return 2; |
| } |
| *++yyesp = YY_CAST (yy_state_t, yystate); |
| } |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, " G%d", yystate)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| # ifndef yystrlen |
| # if defined __GLIBC__ && defined _STRING_H |
| # define yystrlen(S) (YY_CAST (YYPTRDIFF_T, strlen (S))) |
| # else |
| /* Return the length of YYSTR. */ |
| static YYPTRDIFF_T |
| yystrlen (const char *yystr) |
| { |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yylen; |
| for (yylen = 0; yystr[yylen]; yylen++) |
| continue; |
| return yylen; |
| } |
| # endif |
| # endif |
| |
| # ifndef yystpcpy |
| # if defined __GLIBC__ && defined _STRING_H && defined _GNU_SOURCE |
| # define yystpcpy stpcpy |
| # else |
| /* Copy YYSRC to YYDEST, returning the address of the terminating '\0' in |
| YYDEST. */ |
| static char * |
| yystpcpy (char *yydest, const char *yysrc) |
| { |
| char *yyd = yydest; |
| const char *yys = yysrc; |
| |
| while ((*yyd++ = *yys++) != '\0') |
| continue; |
| |
| return yyd - 1; |
| } |
| # endif |
| # endif |
| |
| # ifndef yytnamerr |
| /* Copy to YYRES the contents of YYSTR after stripping away unnecessary |
| quotes and backslashes, so that it's suitable for yyerror. The |
| heuristic is that double-quoting is unnecessary unless the string |
| contains an apostrophe, a comma, or backslash (other than |
| backslash-backslash). YYSTR is taken from yytname. If YYRES is |
| null, do not copy; instead, return the length of what the result |
| would have been. */ |
| static YYPTRDIFF_T |
| yytnamerr (char *yyres, const char *yystr) |
| { |
| if (*yystr == '"') |
| { |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yyn = 0; |
| char const *yyp = yystr; |
| |
| for (;;) |
| switch (*++yyp) |
| { |
| case '\'': |
| case ',': |
| goto do_not_strip_quotes; |
| |
| case '\\': |
| if (*++yyp != '\\') |
| goto do_not_strip_quotes; |
| else |
| goto append; |
| |
| append: |
| default: |
| if (yyres) |
| yyres[yyn] = *yyp; |
| yyn++; |
| break; |
| |
| case '"': |
| if (yyres) |
| yyres[yyn] = '\0'; |
| return yyn; |
| } |
| do_not_strip_quotes: ; |
| } |
| |
| if (yyres) |
| return yystpcpy (yyres, yystr) - yyres; |
| else |
| return yystrlen (yystr); |
| } |
| # endif |
| |
| /* Copy into *YYMSG, which is of size *YYMSG_ALLOC, an error message |
| about the unexpected token YYTOKEN for the state stack whose top is |
| YYSSP. In order to see if a particular token T is a |
| valid looakhead, invoke yy_lac (YYESA, YYES, YYES_CAPACITY, YYSSP, T). |
| |
| Return 0 if *YYMSG was successfully written. Return 1 if *YYMSG is |
| not large enough to hold the message. In that case, also set |
| *YYMSG_ALLOC to the required number of bytes. Return 2 if the |
| required number of bytes is too large to store or if |
| yy_lac returned 2. */ |
| static int |
| yysyntax_error (YYPTRDIFF_T *yymsg_alloc, char **yymsg, |
| yy_state_t *yyesa, yy_state_t **yyes, |
| YYPTRDIFF_T *yyes_capacity, yy_state_t *yyssp, int yytoken) |
| { |
| /* Internationalized format string. */ |
| const char *yyformat = YY_NULLPTR; |
| /* Arguments of yyformat: reported tokens (one for the "unexpected", |
| one per "expected"). */ |
| char const *yyarg[YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM]; |
| /* Actual size of YYARG. */ |
| int yycount = 0; |
| /* Cumulated lengths of YYARG. */ |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yysize = 0; |
| |
| /* There are many possibilities here to consider: |
| - If this state is a consistent state with a default action, then |
| the only way this function was invoked is if the default action |
| is an error action. In that case, don't check for expected |
| tokens because there are none. |
| - The only way there can be no lookahead present (in yychar) is if |
| this state is a consistent state with a default action. Thus, |
| detecting the absence of a lookahead is sufficient to determine |
| that there is no unexpected or expected token to report. In that |
| case, just report a simple "syntax error". |
| - Don't assume there isn't a lookahead just because this state is a |
| consistent state with a default action. There might have been a |
| previous inconsistent state, consistent state with a non-default |
| action, or user semantic action that manipulated yychar. |
| In the first two cases, it might appear that the current syntax |
| error should have been detected in the previous state when yy_lac |
| was invoked. However, at that time, there might have been a |
| different syntax error that discarded a different initial context |
| during error recovery, leaving behind the current lookahead. |
| */ |
| if (yytoken != YYEMPTY) |
| { |
| int yyn = yypact[*yyssp]; |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yysize0 = yytnamerr (YY_NULLPTR, yytname[yytoken]); |
| yysize = yysize0; |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Constructing syntax error message\n")); |
| yyarg[yycount++] = yytname[yytoken]; |
| if (!yypact_value_is_default (yyn)) |
| { |
| int yyx; |
| |
| for (yyx = 0; yyx < YYNTOKENS; ++yyx) |
| if (yyx != YYTERROR && yyx != YYUNDEFTOK) |
| { |
| { |
| int yy_lac_status = yy_lac (yyesa, yyes, yyes_capacity, |
| yyssp, yyx); |
| if (yy_lac_status == 2) |
| return 2; |
| if (yy_lac_status == 1) |
| continue; |
| } |
| { |
| yycount = 1; |
| yysize = yysize0; |
| break; |
| } |
| yyarg[yycount++] = yytname[yyx]; |
| { |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yysize1 |
| = yysize + yytnamerr (YY_NULLPTR, yytname[yyx]); |
| if (yysize <= yysize1 && yysize1 <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM) |
| yysize = yysize1; |
| else |
| return 2; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| # if GRAM_DEBUG |
| else if (yydebug) |
| YYFPRINTF (stderr, "No expected tokens.\n"); |
| # endif |
| } |
| |
| switch (yycount) |
| { |
| # define YYCASE_(N, S) \ |
| case N: \ |
| yyformat = S; \ |
| break |
| default: /* Avoid compiler warnings. */ |
| YYCASE_(0, YY_("syntax error")); |
| YYCASE_(1, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s")); |
| YYCASE_(2, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s")); |
| YYCASE_(3, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s")); |
| YYCASE_(4, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s")); |
| YYCASE_(5, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %s")); |
| # undef YYCASE_ |
| } |
| |
| { |
| /* Don't count the "%s"s in the final size, but reserve room for |
| the terminator. */ |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yysize1 = yysize + (yystrlen (yyformat) - 2 * yycount) + 1; |
| if (yysize <= yysize1 && yysize1 <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM) |
| yysize = yysize1; |
| else |
| return 2; |
| } |
| |
| if (*yymsg_alloc < yysize) |
| { |
| *yymsg_alloc = 2 * yysize; |
| if (! (yysize <= *yymsg_alloc |
| && *yymsg_alloc <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM)) |
| *yymsg_alloc = YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM; |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| /* Avoid sprintf, as that infringes on the user's name space. |
| Don't have undefined behavior even if the translation |
| produced a string with the wrong number of "%s"s. */ |
| { |
| char *yyp = *yymsg; |
| int yyi = 0; |
| while ((*yyp = *yyformat) != '\0') |
| if (*yyp == '%' && yyformat[1] == 's' && yyi < yycount) |
| { |
| yyp += yytnamerr (yyp, yyarg[yyi++]); |
| yyformat += 2; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| ++yyp; |
| ++yyformat; |
| } |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| #endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */ |
| |
| /*-----------------------------------------------. |
| | Release the memory associated to this symbol. | |
| `-----------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| static void |
| yydestruct (const char *yymsg, int yytype, YYSTYPE *yyvaluep, YYLTYPE *yylocationp) |
| { |
| YYUSE (yyvaluep); |
| YYUSE (yylocationp); |
| if (!yymsg) |
| yymsg = "Deleting"; |
| YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp); |
| |
| switch (yytype) |
| { |
| case 74: /* generic_symlist */ |
| #line 242 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_free (((*yyvaluep).generic_symlist)); } |
| #line 1794 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 75: /* generic_symlist_item */ |
| #line 242 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_free (((*yyvaluep).generic_symlist_item)); } |
| #line 1800 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 77: /* nterm_decls */ |
| #line 242 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_free (((*yyvaluep).nterm_decls)); } |
| #line 1806 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 78: /* token_decls */ |
| #line 242 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_free (((*yyvaluep).token_decls)); } |
| #line 1812 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 79: /* token_decl.1 */ |
| #line 242 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_free (((*yyvaluep).yytype_79)); } |
| #line 1818 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 82: /* token_decls_for_prec */ |
| #line 242 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_free (((*yyvaluep).token_decls_for_prec)); } |
| #line 1824 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 83: /* token_decl_for_prec.1 */ |
| #line 242 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_free (((*yyvaluep).yytype_83)); } |
| #line 1830 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 85: /* symbol_decls */ |
| #line 242 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_free (((*yyvaluep).symbol_decls)); } |
| #line 1836 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 86: /* symbol_decl.1 */ |
| #line 242 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { symbol_list_free (((*yyvaluep).yytype_86)); } |
| #line 1842 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| /*----------. |
| | yyparse. | |
| `----------*/ |
| |
| int |
| yyparse (void) |
| { |
| /* The lookahead symbol. */ |
| int yychar; |
| |
| |
| /* The semantic value of the lookahead symbol. */ |
| /* Default value used for initialization, for pacifying older GCCs |
| or non-GCC compilers. */ |
| YY_INITIAL_VALUE (static YYSTYPE yyval_default;) |
| YYSTYPE yylval YY_INITIAL_VALUE (= yyval_default); |
| |
| /* Location data for the lookahead symbol. */ |
| static YYLTYPE yyloc_default |
| = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } |
| # endif |
| ; |
| YYLTYPE yylloc = yyloc_default; |
| |
| /* Number of syntax errors so far. */ |
| int yynerrs; |
| |
| yy_state_fast_t yystate; |
| /* Number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled. */ |
| int yyerrstatus; |
| |
| /* The stacks and their tools: |
| 'yyss': related to states. |
| 'yyvs': related to semantic values. |
| 'yyls': related to locations. |
| |
| Refer to the stacks through separate pointers, to allow yyoverflow |
| to reallocate them elsewhere. */ |
| |
| /* The state stack. */ |
| yy_state_t yyssa[YYINITDEPTH]; |
| yy_state_t *yyss; |
| yy_state_t *yyssp; |
| |
| /* The semantic value stack. */ |
| YYSTYPE *yyvs; |
| YYSTYPE *yyvsp; |
| |
| /* The location stack. */ |
| YYLTYPE *yyls; |
| YYLTYPE *yylsp; |
| |
| /* The locations where the error started and ended. */ |
| YYLTYPE yyerror_range[3]; |
| |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yystacksize; |
| |
| yy_state_t yyesa[20]; |
| yy_state_t *yyes; |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yyes_capacity; |
| |
| int yy_lac_established = 0; |
| int yyn; |
| int yyresult; |
| /* Lookahead token as an internal (translated) token number. */ |
| int yytoken = 0; |
| /* The variables used to return semantic value and location from the |
| action routines. */ |
| YYSTYPE yyval; |
| YYLTYPE yyloc; |
| |
| /* Buffer for error messages, and its allocated size. */ |
| char yymsgbuf[128]; |
| char *yymsg = yymsgbuf; |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yymsg_alloc = sizeof yymsgbuf; |
| #endif |
| |
| #define YYPOPSTACK(N) (yyvsp -= (N), yyssp -= (N), yylsp -= (N)) |
| |
| /* The number of symbols on the RHS of the reduced rule. |
| Keep to zero when no symbol should be popped. */ |
| int yylen = 0; |
| |
| yyssp = yyss = yyssa; |
| yyvsp = yyvs = yyvsa; |
| yylsp = yyls = yylsa; |
| yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH; |
| |
| yyes = yyesa; |
| yyes_capacity = 20; |
| if (YYMAXDEPTH < yyes_capacity) |
| yyes_capacity = YYMAXDEPTH; |
| |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Starting parse\n")); |
| |
| yystate = 0; |
| yyerrstatus = 0; |
| yynerrs = 0; |
| yychar = YYEMPTY; /* Cause a token to be read. */ |
| |
| /* User initialization code. */ |
| #line 136 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| /* Bison's grammar can initial empty locations, hence a default |
| location is needed. */ |
| boundary_set (&yylloc.start, grammar_file, 1, 1, 1); |
| boundary_set (&yylloc.end, grammar_file, 1, 1, 1); |
| } |
| |
| #line 1967 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| |
| yylsp[0] = yylloc; |
| goto yysetstate; |
| |
| |
| /*------------------------------------------------------------. |
| | yynewstate -- push a new state, which is found in yystate. | |
| `------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| yynewstate: |
| /* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks |
| have just been pushed. So pushing a state here evens the stacks. */ |
| yyssp++; |
| |
| |
| /*--------------------------------------------------------------------. |
| | yysetstate -- set current state (the top of the stack) to yystate. | |
| `--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| yysetstate: |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate)); |
| YY_ASSERT (0 <= yystate && yystate < YYNSTATES); |
| *yyssp = YY_CAST (yy_state_t, yystate); |
| |
| if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp) |
| #if !defined yyoverflow && !defined YYSTACK_RELOCATE |
| goto yyexhaustedlab; |
| #else |
| { |
| /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements. */ |
| YYPTRDIFF_T yysize = yyssp - yyss + 1; |
| |
| # if defined yyoverflow |
| { |
| /* Give user a chance to reallocate the stack. Use copies of |
| these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into |
| memory. */ |
| yy_state_t *yyss1 = yyss; |
| YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs; |
| YYLTYPE *yyls1 = yyls; |
| |
| /* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of the |
| data in use in that stack, in bytes. This used to be a |
| conditional around just the two extra args, but that might |
| be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro. */ |
| yyoverflow (YY_("memory exhausted"), |
| &yyss1, yysize * YYSIZEOF (*yyssp), |
| &yyvs1, yysize * YYSIZEOF (*yyvsp), |
| &yyls1, yysize * YYSIZEOF (*yylsp), |
| &yystacksize); |
| yyss = yyss1; |
| yyvs = yyvs1; |
| yyls = yyls1; |
| } |
| # else /* defined YYSTACK_RELOCATE */ |
| /* Extend the stack our own way. */ |
| if (YYMAXDEPTH <= yystacksize) |
| goto yyexhaustedlab; |
| yystacksize *= 2; |
| if (YYMAXDEPTH < yystacksize) |
| yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH; |
| |
| { |
| yy_state_t *yyss1 = yyss; |
| union yyalloc *yyptr = |
| YY_CAST (union yyalloc *, |
| if (! yyptr) |
| goto yyexhaustedlab; |
| YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyss_alloc, yyss); |
| YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyvs_alloc, yyvs); |
| YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyls_alloc, yyls); |
| if (yyss1 != yyssa) |
| YYSTACK_FREE (yyss1); |
| } |
| # endif |
| |
| yyssp = yyss + yysize - 1; |
| yyvsp = yyvs + yysize - 1; |
| yylsp = yyls + yysize - 1; |
| |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack size increased to %ld\n", |
| YY_CAST (long, yystacksize))); |
| |
| if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp) |
| } |
| #endif /* !defined yyoverflow && !defined YYSTACK_RELOCATE */ |
| |
| if (yystate == YYFINAL) |
| |
| goto yybackup; |
| |
| |
| /*-----------. |
| | yybackup. | |
| `-----------*/ |
| yybackup: |
| /* Do appropriate processing given the current state. Read a |
| lookahead token if we need one and don't already have one. */ |
| |
| /* First try to decide what to do without reference to lookahead token. */ |
| yyn = yypact[yystate]; |
| if (yypact_value_is_default (yyn)) |
| goto yydefault; |
| |
| /* Not known => get a lookahead token if don't already have one. */ |
| |
| /* YYCHAR is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF or a valid lookahead symbol. */ |
| if (yychar == YYEMPTY) |
| { |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: ")); |
| yychar = yylex (&yylval, &yylloc); |
| } |
| |
| if (yychar <= YYEOF) |
| { |
| yychar = yytoken = YYEOF; |
| YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n")); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); |
| YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc); |
| } |
| |
| /* If the proper action on seeing token YYTOKEN is to reduce or to |
| detect an error, take that action. */ |
| yyn += yytoken; |
| if (yyn < 0 || YYLAST < yyn || yycheck[yyn] != yytoken) |
| { |
| goto yydefault; |
| } |
| yyn = yytable[yyn]; |
| if (yyn <= 0) |
| { |
| if (yytable_value_is_error (yyn)) |
| goto yyerrlab; |
| yyn = -yyn; |
| goto yyreduce; |
| } |
| |
| /* Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error |
| status. */ |
| if (yyerrstatus) |
| yyerrstatus--; |
| |
| /* Shift the lookahead token. */ |
| YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc); |
| yystate = yyn; |
| *++yyvsp = yylval; |
| *++yylsp = yylloc; |
| |
| /* Discard the shifted token. */ |
| yychar = YYEMPTY; |
| YY_LAC_DISCARD ("shift"); |
| goto yynewstate; |
| |
| |
| /*-----------------------------------------------------------. |
| | yydefault -- do the default action for the current state. | |
| `-----------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| yydefault: |
| yyn = yydefact[yystate]; |
| if (yyn == 0) |
| goto yyerrlab; |
| goto yyreduce; |
| |
| |
| /*-----------------------------. |
| | yyreduce -- do a reduction. | |
| `-----------------------------*/ |
| yyreduce: |
| /* yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with. */ |
| yylen = yyr2[yyn]; |
| |
| /* If YYLEN is nonzero, implement the default value of the action: |
| '$$ = $1'. |
| |
| Otherwise, the following line sets YYVAL to garbage. |
| This behavior is undocumented and Bison |
| users should not rely upon it. Assigning to YYVAL |
| unconditionally makes the parser a bit smaller, and it avoids a |
| GCC warning that YYVAL may be used uninitialized. */ |
| yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen]; |
| |
| /* Default location. */ |
| YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, (yylsp - yylen), yylen); |
| yyerror_range[1] = yyloc; |
| YY_REDUCE_PRINT (yyn); |
| { |
| int yychar_backup = yychar; |
| switch (yyn) |
| { |
| case 6: |
| #line 309 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| muscle_code_grow (union_seen ? "post_prologue" : "pre_prologue", |
| translate_code ((yyvsp[0].PROLOGUE), (yylsp[0]), true), (yylsp[0])); |
| code_scanner_last_string_free (); |
| } |
| #line 2177 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 7: |
| #line 315 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| muscle_percent_define_ensure ((yyvsp[0].PERCENT_FLAG), (yylsp[0]), true); |
| } |
| #line 2185 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 8: |
| #line 319 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| muscle_percent_define_insert ((yyvsp[-1].variable), (yyloc), (yyvsp[0].value).kind, (yyvsp[0].value).chars, |
| } |
| #line 2194 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 9: |
| #line 323 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { defines_flag = true; } |
| #line 2200 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 10: |
| #line 325 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| defines_flag = true; |
| spec_header_file = xstrdup ((yyvsp[0].STRING)); |
| } |
| #line 2209 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 11: |
| #line 329 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { handle_error_verbose (&(yyloc), (yyvsp[0].PERCENT_ERROR_VERBOSE)); } |
| #line 2215 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 12: |
| #line 330 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { expected_sr_conflicts = (yyvsp[0].INT); } |
| #line 2221 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 13: |
| #line 331 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { expected_rr_conflicts = (yyvsp[0].INT); } |
| #line 2227 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 14: |
| #line 332 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { handle_file_prefix (&(yyloc), &(yylsp[-1]), (yyvsp[-1].PERCENT_FILE_PREFIX), (yyvsp[0].STRING)); } |
| #line 2233 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 15: |
| #line 334 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| nondeterministic_parser = true; |
| glr_parser = true; |
| } |
| #line 2242 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 16: |
| #line 339 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| muscle_code_grow ("initial_action", translate_code ((yyvsp[0].BRACED_CODE), (yylsp[0]), false), (yylsp[0])); |
| code_scanner_last_string_free (); |
| } |
| #line 2251 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 17: |
| #line 343 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { language_argmatch ((yyvsp[0].STRING), grammar_prio, (yylsp[-1])); } |
| #line 2257 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 18: |
| #line 344 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { handle_name_prefix (&(yyloc), (yyvsp[-1].PERCENT_NAME_PREFIX), (yyvsp[0].STRING)); } |
| #line 2263 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 19: |
| #line 345 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { no_lines_flag = true; } |
| #line 2269 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 20: |
| #line 346 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { nondeterministic_parser = true; } |
| #line 2275 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 21: |
| #line 347 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { spec_outfile = (yyvsp[0].STRING); } |
| #line 2281 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 22: |
| #line 348 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { current_param = (yyvsp[0].PERCENT_PARAM); } |
| #line 2287 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 23: |
| #line 348 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { current_param = param_none; } |
| #line 2293 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 24: |
| #line 349 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { handle_pure_parser (&(yyloc), (yyvsp[0].PERCENT_PURE_PARSER)); } |
| #line 2299 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 25: |
| #line 350 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { handle_require (&(yylsp[0]), (yyvsp[0].STRING)); } |
| #line 2305 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 26: |
| #line 351 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { handle_skeleton (&(yylsp[0]), (yyvsp[0].STRING)); } |
| #line 2311 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 27: |
| #line 352 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { token_table_flag = true; } |
| #line 2317 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 28: |
| #line 353 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { report_flag |= report_states; } |
| #line 2323 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 29: |
| #line 354 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { handle_yacc (&(yyloc)); } |
| #line 2329 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 30: |
| #line 355 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { current_class = unknown_sym; yyerrok; } |
| #line 2335 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 32: |
| #line 360 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { add_param (current_param, (yyvsp[0].BRACED_CODE), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2341 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 33: |
| #line 361 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { add_param (current_param, (yyvsp[0].BRACED_CODE), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2347 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 35: |
| #line 372 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| grammar_start_symbol_set ((yyvsp[0].symbol), (yylsp[0])); |
| } |
| #line 2355 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 36: |
| #line 376 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| code_props code; |
| code_props_symbol_action_init (&code, (yyvsp[-1].BRACED_CODE), (yylsp[-1])); |
| code_props_translate_code (&code); |
| { |
| for (symbol_list *list = (yyvsp[0].generic_symlist); list; list = list->next) |
| symbol_list_code_props_set (list, (yyvsp[-2].code_props_type), &code); |
| symbol_list_free ((yyvsp[0].generic_symlist)); |
| } |
| } |
| #line 2370 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 37: |
| #line 387 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| default_prec = true; |
| } |
| #line 2378 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 38: |
| #line 391 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| default_prec = false; |
| } |
| #line 2386 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 39: |
| #line 395 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| /* Do not invoke muscle_percent_code_grow here since it invokes |
| muscle_user_name_list_grow. */ |
| muscle_code_grow ("percent_code()", |
| translate_code_braceless ((yyvsp[0].BRACED_CODE), (yylsp[0])), (yylsp[0])); |
| code_scanner_last_string_free (); |
| } |
| #line 2398 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 40: |
| #line 403 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| muscle_percent_code_grow ((yyvsp[-1].ID), (yylsp[-1]), translate_code_braceless ((yyvsp[0].BRACED_CODE), (yylsp[0])), (yylsp[0])); |
| code_scanner_last_string_free (); |
| } |
| #line 2407 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 41: |
| #line 412 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.code_props_type) = destructor; } |
| #line 2413 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 42: |
| #line 413 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.code_props_type) = printer; } |
| #line 2419 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 43: |
| #line 423 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| {} |
| #line 2425 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 44: |
| #line 424 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { muscle_percent_define_insert ("api.value.union.name", |
| (yylsp[0]), muscle_keyword, (yyvsp[0].ID), |
| #line 2433 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 45: |
| #line 431 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| union_seen = true; |
| muscle_code_grow ("union_members", translate_code_braceless ((yyvsp[0].BRACED_CODE), (yylsp[0])), (yylsp[0])); |
| code_scanner_last_string_free (); |
| } |
| #line 2443 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 46: |
| #line 443 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { current_class = nterm_sym; } |
| #line 2449 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 47: |
| #line 444 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| current_class = unknown_sym; |
| symbol_list_free ((yyvsp[0].nterm_decls)); |
| } |
| #line 2458 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 48: |
| #line 448 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { current_class = token_sym; } |
| #line 2464 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 49: |
| #line 449 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| current_class = unknown_sym; |
| symbol_list_free ((yyvsp[0].token_decls)); |
| } |
| #line 2473 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 50: |
| #line 454 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| symbol_list_free ((yyvsp[0].symbol_decls)); |
| } |
| #line 2481 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 51: |
| #line 458 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| ++current_prec; |
| for (symbol_list *list = (yyvsp[0].token_decls_for_prec); list; list = list->next) |
| symbol_precedence_set (list->content.sym, current_prec, (yyvsp[-1].precedence_declarator), (yylsp[-1])); |
| symbol_list_free ((yyvsp[0].token_decls_for_prec)); |
| } |
| #line 2492 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 52: |
| #line 467 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.precedence_declarator) = left_assoc; } |
| #line 2498 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 53: |
| #line 468 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.precedence_declarator) = right_assoc; } |
| #line 2504 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 54: |
| #line 469 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.precedence_declarator) = non_assoc; } |
| #line 2510 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 55: |
| #line 470 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.precedence_declarator) = precedence_assoc; } |
| #line 2516 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 56: |
| #line 474 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.yytype_73) = NULL; } |
| #line 2522 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 57: |
| #line 475 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.yytype_73) = (yyvsp[0].TAG); } |
| #line 2528 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 59: |
| #line 481 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.generic_symlist) = symbol_list_append ((yyvsp[-1].generic_symlist), (yyvsp[0].generic_symlist_item)); } |
| #line 2534 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 60: |
| #line 485 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.generic_symlist_item) = symbol_list_sym_new ((yyvsp[0].symbol), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2540 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 61: |
| #line 486 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.generic_symlist_item) = symbol_list_type_new ((yyvsp[0].tag), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2546 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 63: |
| #line 491 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.tag) = uniqstr_new ("*"); } |
| #line 2552 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 64: |
| #line 492 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.tag) = uniqstr_new (""); } |
| #line 2558 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 66: |
| #line 515 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.token_decls) = (yyvsp[0].yytype_79); |
| } |
| #line 2566 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 67: |
| #line 519 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.token_decls) = symbol_list_type_set ((yyvsp[0].yytype_79), (yyvsp[-1].TAG), (yylsp[-1])); |
| } |
| #line 2574 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 68: |
| #line 523 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.token_decls) = symbol_list_append ((yyvsp[-2].token_decls), symbol_list_type_set ((yyvsp[0].yytype_79), (yyvsp[-1].TAG), (yylsp[-1]))); |
| } |
| #line 2582 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 69: |
| #line 530 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.yytype_79) = symbol_list_sym_new ((yyvsp[0].token_decl), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2588 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 70: |
| #line 531 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.yytype_79) = symbol_list_append ((yyvsp[-1].yytype_79), symbol_list_sym_new ((yyvsp[0].token_decl), (yylsp[0]))); } |
| #line 2594 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 71: |
| #line 536 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.token_decl) = (yyvsp[-2].id); |
| symbol_class_set ((yyvsp[-2].id), current_class, (yylsp[-2]), true); |
| if (0 <= (yyvsp[-1].yytype_81)) |
| symbol_user_token_number_set ((yyvsp[-2].id), (yyvsp[-1].yytype_81), (yylsp[-1])); |
| if ((yyvsp[0].yytype_100)) |
| symbol_make_alias ((yyvsp[-2].id), (yyvsp[0].yytype_100), (yylsp[0])); |
| } |
| #line 2607 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 72: |
| #line 548 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.yytype_81) = -1; } |
| #line 2613 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 74: |
| #line 562 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.token_decls_for_prec) = (yyvsp[0].yytype_83); |
| } |
| #line 2621 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 75: |
| #line 566 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.token_decls_for_prec) = symbol_list_type_set ((yyvsp[0].yytype_83), (yyvsp[-1].TAG), (yylsp[-1])); |
| } |
| #line 2629 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 76: |
| #line 570 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.token_decls_for_prec) = symbol_list_append ((yyvsp[-2].token_decls_for_prec), symbol_list_type_set ((yyvsp[0].yytype_83), (yyvsp[-1].TAG), (yylsp[-1]))); |
| } |
| #line 2637 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 77: |
| #line 578 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.yytype_83) = symbol_list_sym_new ((yyvsp[0].token_decl_for_prec), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2643 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 78: |
| #line 580 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.yytype_83) = symbol_list_append ((yyvsp[-1].yytype_83), symbol_list_sym_new ((yyvsp[0].token_decl_for_prec), (yylsp[0]))); } |
| #line 2649 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 79: |
| #line 585 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.token_decl_for_prec) = (yyvsp[-1].id); |
| symbol_class_set ((yyvsp[-1].id), token_sym, (yylsp[-1]), false); |
| if (0 <= (yyvsp[0].yytype_81)) |
| symbol_user_token_number_set ((yyvsp[-1].id), (yyvsp[0].yytype_81), (yylsp[0])); |
| } |
| #line 2660 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 81: |
| #line 602 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.symbol_decls) = (yyvsp[0].yytype_86); |
| } |
| #line 2668 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 82: |
| #line 606 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.symbol_decls) = symbol_list_type_set ((yyvsp[0].yytype_86), (yyvsp[-1].TAG), (yylsp[-1])); |
| } |
| #line 2676 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 83: |
| #line 610 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.symbol_decls) = symbol_list_append ((yyvsp[-2].symbol_decls), symbol_list_type_set ((yyvsp[0].yytype_86), (yyvsp[-1].TAG), (yylsp[-1]))); |
| } |
| #line 2684 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 84: |
| #line 618 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| symbol_class_set ((yyvsp[0].symbol), pct_type_sym, (yylsp[0]), false); |
| (yyval.yytype_86) = symbol_list_sym_new ((yyvsp[0].symbol), (yylsp[0])); |
| } |
| #line 2693 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 85: |
| #line 623 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| symbol_class_set ((yyvsp[0].symbol), pct_type_sym, (yylsp[0]), false); |
| (yyval.yytype_86) = symbol_list_append ((yyvsp[-1].yytype_86), symbol_list_sym_new ((yyvsp[0].symbol), (yylsp[0]))); |
| } |
| #line 2702 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 90: |
| #line 644 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| yyerrok; |
| } |
| #line 2710 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 91: |
| #line 650 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { current_lhs ((yyvsp[-1].id_colon), (yylsp[-1]), (yyvsp[0].yytype_93)); } |
| #line 2716 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 92: |
| #line 651 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| /* Free the current lhs. */ |
| current_lhs (0, (yylsp[-4]), 0); |
| } |
| #line 2725 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 93: |
| #line 658 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_end ((yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2731 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 94: |
| #line 659 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_end ((yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2737 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 96: |
| #line 666 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_begin (current_lhs_symbol, current_lhs_loc, |
| current_lhs_named_ref); } |
| #line 2744 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 97: |
| #line 669 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_symbol_append ((yyvsp[-1].symbol), (yylsp[-1]), (yyvsp[0].yytype_93)); } |
| #line 2750 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 98: |
| #line 671 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_action_append ((yyvsp[-1].BRACED_CODE), (yylsp[-1]), (yyvsp[0].yytype_93), (yyvsp[-2].yytype_73)); } |
| #line 2756 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 99: |
| #line 673 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_predicate_append ((yyvsp[0].BRACED_PREDICATE), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2762 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 100: |
| #line 675 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_empty_set ((yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2768 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 101: |
| #line 677 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_prec_set ((yyvsp[0].symbol), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2774 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 102: |
| #line 679 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_dprec_set ((yyvsp[0].INT), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2780 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 103: |
| #line 681 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_merge_set ((yyvsp[0].TAG), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2786 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 104: |
| #line 683 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_expect_sr ((yyvsp[0].INT), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2792 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 105: |
| #line 685 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { grammar_current_rule_expect_rr ((yyvsp[0].INT), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2798 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 106: |
| #line 689 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.yytype_93) = NULL; } |
| #line 2804 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 107: |
| #line 690 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.yytype_93) = named_ref_new ((yyvsp[0].BRACKETED_ID), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2810 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 109: |
| #line 723 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.value).kind = muscle_keyword; (yyval.value).chars = ""; } |
| #line 2816 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 110: |
| #line 724 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.value).kind = muscle_keyword; (yyval.value).chars = (yyvsp[0].ID); } |
| #line 2822 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 111: |
| #line 725 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.value).kind = muscle_string; (yyval.value).chars = (yyvsp[0].STRING); } |
| #line 2828 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 112: |
| #line 726 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.value).kind = muscle_code; (yyval.value).chars = strip_braces ((yyvsp[0].BRACED_CODE)); } |
| #line 2834 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 113: |
| #line 739 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.id) = symbol_from_uniqstr ((yyvsp[0].ID), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2840 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 114: |
| #line 741 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| const char *var = "api.token.raw"; |
| if (current_class == nterm_sym) |
| { |
| complain (&(yylsp[0]), complaint, |
| _("character literals cannot be nonterminals")); |
| } |
| if (muscle_percent_define_ifdef (var)) |
| { |
| int indent = 0; |
| complain_indent (&(yylsp[0]), complaint, &indent, |
| _("character literals cannot be used together" |
| " with %s"), var); |
| indent += SUB_INDENT; |
| location loc = muscle_percent_define_get_loc (var); |
| complain_indent (&loc, complaint, &indent, |
| _("definition of %s"), var); |
| } |
| (yyval.id) = symbol_get (char_name ((yyvsp[0].CHAR)), (yylsp[0])); |
| symbol_class_set ((yyval.id), token_sym, (yylsp[0]), false); |
| symbol_user_token_number_set ((yyval.id), (yyvsp[0].CHAR), (yylsp[0])); |
| } |
| #line 2868 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 115: |
| #line 767 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.id_colon) = symbol_from_uniqstr ((yyvsp[0].ID_COLON), (yylsp[0])); } |
| #line 2874 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 118: |
| #line 779 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| (yyval.string_as_id) = symbol_get (quotearg_style (c_quoting_style, (yyvsp[0].STRING)), (yylsp[0])); |
| symbol_class_set ((yyval.string_as_id), token_sym, (yylsp[0]), false); |
| } |
| #line 2883 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 119: |
| #line 787 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { (yyval.yytype_100) = NULL; } |
| #line 2889 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| case 122: |
| #line 794 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| { |
| muscle_code_grow ("epilogue", translate_code ((yyvsp[0].EPILOGUE), (yylsp[0]), true), (yylsp[0])); |
| code_scanner_last_string_free (); |
| } |
| #line 2898 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| break; |
| |
| |
| #line 2902 "src/parse-gram.c" |
| |
| default: break; |
| } |
| if (yychar_backup != yychar) |
| YY_LAC_DISCARD ("yychar change"); |
| } |
| /* User semantic actions sometimes alter yychar, and that requires |
| that yytoken be updated with the new translation. We take the |
| approach of translating immediately before every use of yytoken. |
| One alternative is translating here after every semantic action, |
| but that translation would be missed if the semantic action invokes |
| YYABORT, YYACCEPT, or YYERROR immediately after altering yychar or |
| if it invokes YYBACKUP. In the case of YYABORT or YYACCEPT, an |
| incorrect destructor might then be invoked immediately. In the |
| case of YYERROR or YYBACKUP, subsequent parser actions might lead |
| to an incorrect destructor call or verbose syntax error message |
| before the lookahead is translated. */ |
| YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("-> $$ =", yyr1[yyn], &yyval, &yyloc); |
| |
| YYPOPSTACK (yylen); |
| yylen = 0; |
| YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); |
| |
| *++yyvsp = yyval; |
| *++yylsp = yyloc; |
| |
| /* Now 'shift' the result of the reduction. Determine what state |
| that goes to, based on the state we popped back to and the rule |
| number reduced by. */ |
| { |
| const int yylhs = yyr1[yyn] - YYNTOKENS; |
| const int yyi = yypgoto[yylhs] + *yyssp; |
| yystate = (0 <= yyi && yyi <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyi] == *yyssp |
| ? yytable[yyi] |
| : yydefgoto[yylhs]); |
| } |
| |
| goto yynewstate; |
| |
| |
| /*--------------------------------------. |
| | yyerrlab -- here on detecting error. | |
| `--------------------------------------*/ |
| yyerrlab: |
| /* Make sure we have latest lookahead translation. See comments at |
| user semantic actions for why this is necessary. */ |
| yytoken = yychar == YYEMPTY ? YYEMPTY : YYTRANSLATE (yychar); |
| |
| /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */ |
| if (!yyerrstatus) |
| { |
| ++yynerrs; |
| yyerror (&yylloc, YY_("syntax error")); |
| #else |
| # define YYSYNTAX_ERROR yysyntax_error (&yymsg_alloc, &yymsg, \ |
| yyesa, &yyes, &yyes_capacity, \ |
| yyssp, yytoken) |
| { |
| char const *yymsgp = YY_("syntax error"); |
| int yysyntax_error_status; |
| if (yychar != YYEMPTY) |
| yysyntax_error_status = YYSYNTAX_ERROR; |
| if (yysyntax_error_status == 0) |
| yymsgp = yymsg; |
| else if (yysyntax_error_status == 1) |
| { |
| if (yymsg != yymsgbuf) |
| YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg); |
| yymsg = YY_CAST (char *, YYSTACK_ALLOC (YY_CAST (YYSIZE_T, yymsg_alloc))); |
| if (!yymsg) |
| { |
| yymsg = yymsgbuf; |
| yymsg_alloc = sizeof yymsgbuf; |
| yysyntax_error_status = 2; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| yysyntax_error_status = YYSYNTAX_ERROR; |
| yymsgp = yymsg; |
| } |
| } |
| yyerror (&yylloc, yymsgp); |
| if (yysyntax_error_status == 2) |
| goto yyexhaustedlab; |
| } |
| # undef YYSYNTAX_ERROR |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| yyerror_range[1] = yylloc; |
| |
| if (yyerrstatus == 3) |
| { |
| /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an |
| error, discard it. */ |
| |
| if (yychar <= YYEOF) |
| { |
| /* Return failure if at end of input. */ |
| if (yychar == YYEOF) |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| yydestruct ("Error: discarding", |
| yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc); |
| yychar = YYEMPTY; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error |
| token. */ |
| goto yyerrlab1; |
| |
| |
| /*---------------------------------------------------. |
| | yyerrorlab -- error raised explicitly by YYERROR. | |
| `---------------------------------------------------*/ |
| yyerrorlab: |
| /* Pacify compilers when the user code never invokes YYERROR and the |
| label yyerrorlab therefore never appears in user code. */ |
| if (0) |
| |
| /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule whose action triggered |
| this YYERROR. */ |
| YYPOPSTACK (yylen); |
| yylen = 0; |
| YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); |
| yystate = *yyssp; |
| goto yyerrlab1; |
| |
| |
| /*-------------------------------------------------------------. |
| | yyerrlab1 -- common code for both syntax error and YYERROR. | |
| `-------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| yyerrlab1: |
| yyerrstatus = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this. */ |
| |
| for (;;) |
| { |
| yyn = yypact[yystate]; |
| if (!yypact_value_is_default (yyn)) |
| { |
| yyn += YYTERROR; |
| if (0 <= yyn && yyn <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyn] == YYTERROR) |
| { |
| yyn = yytable[yyn]; |
| if (0 < yyn) |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /* Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token. */ |
| if (yyssp == yyss) |
| |
| yyerror_range[1] = *yylsp; |
| yydestruct ("Error: popping", |
| yystos[yystate], yyvsp, yylsp); |
| yystate = *yyssp; |
| YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); |
| } |
| |
| /* If the stack popping above didn't lose the initial context for the |
| current lookahead token, the shift below will for sure. */ |
| YY_LAC_DISCARD ("error recovery"); |
| |
| *++yyvsp = yylval; |
| |
| yyerror_range[2] = yylloc; |
| /* Using YYLLOC is tempting, but would change the location of |
| the lookahead. YYLOC is available though. */ |
| YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, yyerror_range, 2); |
| *++yylsp = yyloc; |
| |
| /* Shift the error token. */ |
| YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yystos[yyn], yyvsp, yylsp); |
| |
| yystate = yyn; |
| goto yynewstate; |
| |
| |
| /*-------------------------------------. |
| | yyacceptlab -- YYACCEPT comes here. | |
| `-------------------------------------*/ |
| yyacceptlab: |
| yyresult = 0; |
| goto yyreturn; |
| |
| |
| /*-----------------------------------. |
| | yyabortlab -- YYABORT comes here. | |
| `-----------------------------------*/ |
| yyabortlab: |
| yyresult = 1; |
| goto yyreturn; |
| |
| |
| #if 1 |
| /*-------------------------------------------------. |
| | yyexhaustedlab -- memory exhaustion comes here. | |
| `-------------------------------------------------*/ |
| yyexhaustedlab: |
| yyerror (&yylloc, YY_("memory exhausted")); |
| yyresult = 2; |
| /* Fall through. */ |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| /*-----------------------------------------------------. |
| | yyreturn -- parsing is finished, return the result. | |
| `-----------------------------------------------------*/ |
| yyreturn: |
| if (yychar != YYEMPTY) |
| { |
| /* Make sure we have latest lookahead translation. See comments at |
| user semantic actions for why this is necessary. */ |
| yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); |
| yydestruct ("Cleanup: discarding lookahead", |
| yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc); |
| } |
| /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule whose action triggered |
| this YYABORT or YYACCEPT. */ |
| YYPOPSTACK (yylen); |
| YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); |
| while (yyssp != yyss) |
| { |
| yydestruct ("Cleanup: popping", |
| yystos[*yyssp], yyvsp, yylsp); |
| } |
| #ifndef yyoverflow |
| if (yyss != yyssa) |
| YYSTACK_FREE (yyss); |
| #endif |
| if (yyes != yyesa) |
| YYSTACK_FREE (yyes); |
| if (yymsg != yymsgbuf) |
| YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg); |
| #endif |
| return yyresult; |
| } |
| #line 800 "src/parse-gram.y" |
| |
| |
| /* Return the location of the left-hand side of a rule whose |
| right-hand side is RHS[1] ... RHS[N]. Ignore empty nonterminals in |
| the right-hand side, and return an empty location equal to the end |
| boundary of RHS[0] if the right-hand side is empty. */ |
| |
| static YYLTYPE |
| lloc_default (YYLTYPE const *rhs, int n) |
| { |
| YYLTYPE loc; |
| |
| /* SGI MIPSpro 7.4.1m miscompiles "loc.start = loc.end = rhs[n].end;". |
| The bug is fixed in 7.4.2m, but play it safe for now. */ |
| loc.start = rhs[n].end; |
| loc.end = rhs[n].end; |
| |
| /* Ignore empty nonterminals the start of the right-hand side. |
| Do not bother to ignore them at the end of the right-hand side, |
| since empty nonterminals have the same end as their predecessors. */ |
| for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) |
| if (! equal_boundaries (rhs[i].start, rhs[i].end)) |
| { |
| loc.start = rhs[i].start; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| return loc; |
| } |
| |
| static |
| char *strip_braces (char *code) |
| { |
| code[strlen (code) - 1] = 0; |
| return code + 1; |
| } |
| |
| static |
| char const * |
| translate_code (char *code, location loc, bool plain) |
| { |
| code_props plain_code; |
| if (plain) |
| code_props_plain_init (&plain_code, code, loc); |
| else |
| code_props_symbol_action_init (&plain_code, code, loc); |
| code_props_translate_code (&plain_code); |
| gram_scanner_last_string_free (); |
| return plain_code.code; |
| } |
| |
| static |
| char const * |
| translate_code_braceless (char *code, location loc) |
| { |
| return translate_code (strip_braces (code), loc, true); |
| } |
| |
| static void |
| add_param (param_type type, char *decl, location loc) |
| { |
| static char const alphanum[26 + 26 + 1 + 10 + 1] = |
| "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" |
| "_" |
| "0123456789"; |
| |
| char const *name_start = NULL; |
| { |
| char *p; |
| /* Stop on last actual character. */ |
| for (p = decl; p[1]; p++) |
| if ((p == decl |
| || ! memchr (alphanum, p[-1], sizeof alphanum - 1)) |
| && memchr (alphanum, p[0], sizeof alphanum - 10 - 1)) |
| name_start = p; |
| |
| /* Strip the surrounding '{' and '}', and any blanks just inside |
| the braces. */ |
| --p; |
| while (c_isspace ((unsigned char) *p)) |
| --p; |
| p[1] = '\0'; |
| ++decl; |
| while (c_isspace ((unsigned char) *decl)) |
| ++decl; |
| } |
| |
| if (! name_start) |
| complain (&loc, complaint, _("missing identifier in parameter declaration")); |
| else |
| { |
| char *name = xmemdup0 (name_start, strspn (name_start, alphanum)); |
| if (type & param_lex) |
| muscle_pair_list_grow ("lex_param", decl, name); |
| if (type & param_parse) |
| muscle_pair_list_grow ("parse_param", decl, name); |
| free (name); |
| } |
| |
| gram_scanner_last_string_free (); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static void |
| handle_error_verbose (location const *loc, char const *directive) |
| { |
| bison_directive (loc, directive); |
| muscle_percent_define_insert (directive, *loc, muscle_keyword, "", |
| } |
| |
| |
| static void |
| handle_file_prefix (location const *loc, |
| location const *dir_loc, |
| char const *directive, char const *value) |
| { |
| bison_directive (loc, directive); |
| bool warned = false; |
| |
| if (location_empty (spec_file_prefix_loc)) |
| { |
| spec_file_prefix_loc = *loc; |
| spec_file_prefix = value; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| duplicate_directive (directive, spec_file_prefix_loc, *loc); |
| warned = true; |
| } |
| |
| if (!warned |
| && STRNEQ (directive, "%file-prefix")) |
| deprecated_directive (dir_loc, directive, "%file-prefix"); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static void |
| handle_name_prefix (location const *loc, |
| char const *directive, char const *value) |
| { |
| bison_directive (loc, directive); |
| |
| char buf1[1024]; |
| size_t len1 = sizeof (buf1); |
| char *old = asnprintf (buf1, &len1, "%s\"%s\"", directive, value); |
| if (!old) |
| xalloc_die (); |
| |
| if (location_empty (spec_name_prefix_loc)) |
| { |
| spec_name_prefix = value; |
| spec_name_prefix_loc = *loc; |
| |
| char buf2[1024]; |
| size_t len2 = sizeof (buf2); |
| char *new = asnprintf (buf2, &len2, "%%define api.prefix {%s}", value); |
| if (!new) |
| xalloc_die (); |
| deprecated_directive (loc, old, new); |
| if (new != buf2) |
| free (new); |
| } |
| else |
| duplicate_directive (old, spec_file_prefix_loc, *loc); |
| |
| if (old != buf1) |
| free (old); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static void |
| handle_pure_parser (location const *loc, char const *directive) |
| { |
| bison_directive (loc, directive); |
| deprecated_directive (loc, directive, "%define api.pure"); |
| muscle_percent_define_insert ("api.pure", *loc, muscle_keyword, "", |
| } |
| |
| |
| /* Convert VERSION into an int (MAJOR * 100 + MINOR). Return -1 on |
| errors. |
| |
| Changes of behavior are only on minor version changes, so "3.0.5" |
| is the same as "3.0": 300. */ |
| static int |
| str_to_version (char const *version) |
| { |
| int res = 0; |
| errno = 0; |
| char *cp = NULL; |
| long major = strtol (version, &cp, 10); |
| if (errno || cp == version || *cp != '.' || major < 0 |
| || INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV (major, 100, &res)) |
| return -1; |
| |
| ++cp; |
| char *cp1 = NULL; |
| long minor = strtol (cp, &cp1, 10); |
| if (errno || cp1 == cp || (*cp1 != '\0' && *cp1 != '.') |
| || ! (0 <= minor && minor < 100) |
| || INT_ADD_WRAPV (minor, res, &res)) |
| return -1; |
| |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| |
| static void |
| handle_require (location const *loc, char const *version) |
| { |
| required_version = str_to_version (version); |
| if (required_version == -1) |
| { |
| complain (loc, complaint, _("invalid version requirement: %s"), |
| version); |
| required_version = 0; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| /* Pretend to be at least 3.5, to check features published in that |
| version while developping it. */ |
| const char* api_version = "3.5"; |
| const char* package_version = |
| 0 < strverscmp (api_version, PACKAGE_VERSION) |
| ? api_version : PACKAGE_VERSION; |
| if (0 < strverscmp (version, package_version)) |
| { |
| complain (loc, complaint, _("require bison %s, but have %s"), |
| version, package_version); |
| exit (EX_MISMATCH); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void |
| handle_skeleton (location const *loc, char const *skel) |
| { |
| char const *skeleton_user = skel; |
| if (strchr (skeleton_user, '/')) |
| { |
| size_t dir_length = strlen (grammar_file); |
| while (dir_length && grammar_file[dir_length - 1] != '/') |
| --dir_length; |
| while (dir_length && grammar_file[dir_length - 1] == '/') |
| --dir_length; |
| char *skeleton_build = |
| xmalloc (dir_length + 1 + strlen (skeleton_user) + 1); |
| if (dir_length > 0) |
| { |
| memcpy (skeleton_build, grammar_file, dir_length); |
| skeleton_build[dir_length++] = '/'; |
| } |
| strcpy (skeleton_build + dir_length, skeleton_user); |
| skeleton_user = uniqstr_new (skeleton_build); |
| free (skeleton_build); |
| } |
| skeleton_arg (skeleton_user, grammar_prio, *loc); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static void |
| handle_yacc (location const *loc) |
| { |
| const char *directive = "%yacc"; |
| bison_directive (loc, directive); |
| if (location_empty (yacc_loc)) |
| yacc_loc = *loc; |
| else |
| duplicate_directive (directive, yacc_loc, *loc); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static void |
| gram_error (location const *loc, char const *msg) |
| { |
| complain (loc, complaint, "%s", msg); |
| } |
| |
| static char const * |
| char_name (char c) |
| { |
| if (c == '\'') |
| return "'\\''"; |
| else |
| { |
| char buf[4]; |
| buf[0] = '\''; buf[1] = c; buf[2] = '\''; buf[3] = '\0'; |
| return quotearg_style (escape_quoting_style, buf); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static |
| void |
| current_lhs (symbol *sym, location loc, named_ref *ref) |
| { |
| current_lhs_symbol = sym; |
| current_lhs_loc = loc; |
| if (sym) |
| symbol_location_as_lhs_set (sym, loc); |
| /* In order to simplify memory management, named references for lhs |
| are always assigned by deep copy into the current symbol_list |
| node. This is because a single named-ref in the grammar may |
| result in several uses when the user factors lhs between several |
| rules using "|". Therefore free the parser's original copy. */ |
| free (current_lhs_named_ref); |
| current_lhs_named_ref = ref; |
| } |
| |
| static void tron (FILE *yyo) |
| { |
| begin_use_class ("value", yyo); |
| } |
| |
| static void troff (FILE *yyo) |
| { |
| end_use_class ("value", yyo); |
| } |