blob: 1cd88d2282c6e23f1025abc4f9b706921527b05e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cassert>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "aaudio/AAudioLoader.h"
#include "aaudio/AudioStreamAAudio.h"
#include "common/AudioClock.h"
#include "common/OboeDebug.h"
#include "oboe/Utilities.h"
#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include <sys/system_properties.h>
#include <common/QuirksManager.h>
// Workaround state problems in AAudio
// TODO Which versions does this occur in? Verify fixed in Q.
using namespace oboe;
AAudioLoader *AudioStreamAAudio::mLibLoader = nullptr;
// 'C' wrapper for the data callback method
static aaudio_data_callback_result_t oboe_aaudio_data_callback_proc(
AAudioStream *stream,
void *userData,
void *audioData,
int32_t numFrames) {
AudioStreamAAudio *oboeStream = reinterpret_cast<AudioStreamAAudio*>(userData);
if (oboeStream != nullptr) {
return static_cast<aaudio_data_callback_result_t>(
oboeStream->callOnAudioReady(stream, audioData, numFrames));
} else {
return static_cast<aaudio_data_callback_result_t>(DataCallbackResult::Stop);
// This runs in its own thread.
// Only one of these threads will be launched from internalErrorCallback().
// It calls app error callbacks from a static function in case the stream gets deleted.
static void oboe_aaudio_error_thread_proc(AudioStreamAAudio *oboeStream,
Result error) {
LOGD("%s() - entering >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", __func__);
AudioStreamErrorCallback *errorCallback = oboeStream->getErrorCallback();
if (errorCallback == nullptr) return; // should be impossible
bool isErrorHandled = errorCallback->onError(oboeStream, error);
if (!isErrorHandled) {
errorCallback->onErrorBeforeClose(oboeStream, error);
// Warning, oboeStream may get deleted by this callback.
errorCallback->onErrorAfterClose(oboeStream, error);
LOGD("%s() - exiting <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", __func__);
// This runs in its own thread.
// Only one of these threads will be launched from internalErrorCallback().
// Prevents deletion of the stream if the app is using AudioStreamBuilder::openSharedStream()
static void oboe_aaudio_error_thread_proc_shared(std::shared_ptr<AudioStream> sharedStream,
Result error) {
AudioStreamAAudio *oboeStream = reinterpret_cast<AudioStreamAAudio*>(sharedStream.get());
oboe_aaudio_error_thread_proc(oboeStream, error);
namespace oboe {
* Create a stream that uses Oboe Audio API.
AudioStreamAAudio::AudioStreamAAudio(const AudioStreamBuilder &builder)
: AudioStream(builder)
, mAAudioStream(nullptr) {;
mLibLoader = AAudioLoader::getInstance();
bool AudioStreamAAudio::isSupported() {
mLibLoader = AAudioLoader::getInstance();
int openResult = mLibLoader->open();
return openResult == 0;
// Static method for the error callback.
// We use a method so we can access protected methods on the stream.
// Launch a thread to handle the error.
// That other thread can safely stop, close and delete the stream.
void AudioStreamAAudio::internalErrorCallback(
AAudioStream *stream,
void *userData,
aaudio_result_t error) {
oboe::Result oboeResult = static_cast<Result>(error);
AudioStreamAAudio *oboeStream = reinterpret_cast<AudioStreamAAudio*>(userData);
oboeStream->mErrorCallbackResult = oboeResult;
// Prevents deletion of the stream if the app is using AudioStreamBuilder::openStream(shared_ptr)
std::shared_ptr<AudioStream> sharedStream = oboeStream->lockWeakThis();
// These checks should be enough because we assume that the stream close()
// will join() any active callback threads and will not allow new callbacks.
if (oboeStream->wasErrorCallbackCalled()) { // block extra error callbacks
LOGE("%s() multiple error callbacks called!", __func__);
} else if (stream != oboeStream->getUnderlyingStream()) {
LOGW("%s() stream already closed or closing", __func__); // might happen if there are bugs
} else if (sharedStream) {
// Handle error on a separate thread using shared pointer.
std::thread t(oboe_aaudio_error_thread_proc_shared, sharedStream, oboeResult);
} else {
// Handle error on a separate thread.
std::thread t(oboe_aaudio_error_thread_proc, oboeStream, oboeResult);
void AudioStreamAAudio::logUnsupportedAttributes() {
int sdkVersion = getSdkVersion();
// These attributes are not supported pre Android "P"
if (sdkVersion < __ANDROID_API_P__) {
if (mUsage != Usage::Media) {
LOGW("Usage [AudioStreamBuilder::setUsage()] "
"is not supported on AAudio streams running on pre-Android P versions.");
if (mContentType != ContentType::Music) {
LOGW("ContentType [AudioStreamBuilder::setContentType()] "
"is not supported on AAudio streams running on pre-Android P versions.");
if (mSessionId != SessionId::None) {
LOGW("SessionId [AudioStreamBuilder::setSessionId()] "
"is not supported on AAudio streams running on pre-Android P versions.");
Result AudioStreamAAudio::open() {
Result result = Result::OK;
if (mAAudioStream != nullptr) {
return Result::ErrorInvalidState;
result = AudioStream::open();
if (result != Result::OK) {
return result;
AAudioStreamBuilder *aaudioBuilder;
result = static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->createStreamBuilder(&aaudioBuilder));
if (result != Result::OK) {
return result;
// Do not set INPUT capacity below 4096 because that prevents us from getting a FAST track
// when using the Legacy data path.
// If the app requests > 4096 then we allow it but we are less likely to get LowLatency.
// See internal bug b/80308183 for more details.
// Fixed in Q but let's still clip the capacity because high input capacity
// does not increase latency.
int32_t capacity = mBufferCapacityInFrames;
constexpr int kCapacityRequiredForFastLegacyTrack = 4096; // matches value in AudioFinger
if (OboeGlobals::areWorkaroundsEnabled()
&& mDirection == oboe::Direction::Input
&& capacity != oboe::Unspecified
&& capacity < kCapacityRequiredForFastLegacyTrack
&& mPerformanceMode == oboe::PerformanceMode::LowLatency) {
capacity = kCapacityRequiredForFastLegacyTrack;
LOGD(" capacity changed from %d to %d for lower latency",
static_cast<int>(mBufferCapacityInFrames), capacity);
mLibLoader->builder_setBufferCapacityInFrames(aaudioBuilder, capacity);
mLibLoader->builder_setChannelCount(aaudioBuilder, mChannelCount);
mLibLoader->builder_setDeviceId(aaudioBuilder, mDeviceId);
mLibLoader->builder_setDirection(aaudioBuilder, static_cast<aaudio_direction_t>(mDirection));
mLibLoader->builder_setFormat(aaudioBuilder, static_cast<aaudio_format_t>(mFormat));
mLibLoader->builder_setSampleRate(aaudioBuilder, mSampleRate);
// These were added in P so we have to check for the function pointer.
if (mLibLoader->builder_setUsage != nullptr) {
if (mLibLoader->builder_setContentType != nullptr) {
if (mLibLoader->builder_setInputPreset != nullptr) {
aaudio_input_preset_t inputPreset = mInputPreset;
if (getSdkVersion() <= __ANDROID_API_P__ && inputPreset == InputPreset::VoicePerformance) {
LOGD("InputPreset::VoicePerformance not supported before Q. Using VoiceRecognition.");
inputPreset = InputPreset::VoiceRecognition; // most similar preset
if (mLibLoader->builder_setSessionId != nullptr) {
// TODO get more parameters from the builder?
if (isDataCallbackSpecified()) {
mLibLoader->builder_setDataCallback(aaudioBuilder, oboe_aaudio_data_callback_proc, this);
mLibLoader->builder_setFramesPerDataCallback(aaudioBuilder, getFramesPerCallback());
if (!isErrorCallbackSpecified()) {
// The app did not specify a callback so we should specify
// our own so the stream gets closed and stopped.
mErrorCallback = &mDefaultErrorCallback;
mLibLoader->builder_setErrorCallback(aaudioBuilder, internalErrorCallback, this);
// Else if the data callback is not being used then the write method will return an error
// and the app can stop and close the stream.
// ============= OPEN THE STREAM ================
AAudioStream *stream = nullptr;
result = static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->builder_openStream(aaudioBuilder, &stream));;
if (result != Result::OK) {
// Warn developer because ErrorInternal is not very informative.
if (result == Result::ErrorInternal && mDirection == Direction::Input) {
LOGW(" may have failed due to lack of "
"audio recording permission.");
goto error2;
// Query and cache the stream properties
mDeviceId = mLibLoader->stream_getDeviceId(mAAudioStream);
mChannelCount = mLibLoader->stream_getChannelCount(mAAudioStream);
mSampleRate = mLibLoader->stream_getSampleRate(mAAudioStream);
mFormat = static_cast<AudioFormat>(mLibLoader->stream_getFormat(mAAudioStream));
mSharingMode = static_cast<SharingMode>(mLibLoader->stream_getSharingMode(mAAudioStream));
mPerformanceMode = static_cast<PerformanceMode>(
mBufferCapacityInFrames = mLibLoader->stream_getBufferCapacity(mAAudioStream);
mBufferSizeInFrames = mLibLoader->stream_getBufferSize(mAAudioStream);
// These were added in P so we have to check for the function pointer.
if (mLibLoader->stream_getUsage != nullptr) {
mUsage = static_cast<Usage>(mLibLoader->stream_getUsage(mAAudioStream));
if (mLibLoader->stream_getContentType != nullptr) {
mContentType = static_cast<ContentType>(mLibLoader->stream_getContentType(mAAudioStream));
if (mLibLoader->stream_getInputPreset != nullptr) {
mInputPreset = static_cast<InputPreset>(mLibLoader->stream_getInputPreset(mAAudioStream));
if (mLibLoader->stream_getSessionId != nullptr) {
mSessionId = static_cast<SessionId>(mLibLoader->stream_getSessionId(mAAudioStream));
} else {
mSessionId = SessionId::None;
LOGD(" format=%d, sampleRate=%d, capacity = %d",
static_cast<int>(mFormat), static_cast<int>(mSampleRate),
LOGD(" AAudioStream_Open() returned %s",
return result;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::close() {
// Prevent two threads from closing the stream at the same time and crashing.
// This could occur, for example, if an application called close() at the same
// time that an onError callback was being executed because of a disconnect.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
// This will delete the AAudio stream object so we need to null out the pointer.
AAudioStream *stream =;
if (stream != nullptr) {
if (OboeGlobals::areWorkaroundsEnabled()) {
// Make sure we are really stopped. Do it under mLock
// so another thread cannot call requestStart() right before the close.
// Sometimes a callback can occur shortly after a stream has been stopped and
// even after a close! If the stream has been closed then the callback
// can access memory that has been freed. That causes a crash.
// This seems to be more likely in Android P or earlier.
// But it can also occur in later versions.
usleep(kDelayBeforeCloseMillis * 1000);
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_close(stream));
} else {
return Result::ErrorClosed;
DataCallbackResult AudioStreamAAudio::callOnAudioReady(AAudioStream *stream,
void *audioData,
int32_t numFrames) {
DataCallbackResult result = fireDataCallback(audioData, numFrames);
if (result == DataCallbackResult::Continue) {
return result;
} else {
if (result == DataCallbackResult::Stop) {
LOGD("Oboe callback returned DataCallbackResult::Stop");
} else {
LOGE("Oboe callback returned unexpected value = %d", result);
if (getSdkVersion() <= __ANDROID_API_P__) {
if (isMMapUsed()) {
return DataCallbackResult::Stop;
} else {
// Legacy stream <= API_P cannot be restarted after returning Stop.
return DataCallbackResult::Continue;
} else {
return DataCallbackResult::Stop; // OK >= API_Q
Result AudioStreamAAudio::requestStart() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
// Avoid state machine errors in O_MR1.
if (getSdkVersion() <= __ANDROID_API_O_MR1__) {
StreamState state = static_cast<StreamState>(mLibLoader->stream_getState(stream));
if (state == StreamState::Starting || state == StreamState::Started) {
// WARNING: On P, AAudio is returning ErrorInvalidState for Output and OK for Input.
return Result::OK;
if (isDataCallbackSpecified()) {
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_requestStart(stream));
} else {
return Result::ErrorClosed;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::requestPause() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
// Avoid state machine errors in O_MR1.
if (getSdkVersion() <= __ANDROID_API_O_MR1__) {
StreamState state = static_cast<StreamState>(mLibLoader->stream_getState(stream));
if (state == StreamState::Pausing || state == StreamState::Paused) {
return Result::OK;
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_requestPause(stream));
} else {
return Result::ErrorClosed;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::requestFlush() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
// Avoid state machine errors in O_MR1.
if (getSdkVersion() <= __ANDROID_API_O_MR1__) {
StreamState state = static_cast<StreamState>(mLibLoader->stream_getState(stream));
if (state == StreamState::Flushing || state == StreamState::Flushed) {
return Result::OK;
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_requestFlush(stream));
} else {
return Result::ErrorClosed;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::requestStop() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return requestStop_l(stream);
} else {
return Result::ErrorClosed;
// Call under mLock
Result AudioStreamAAudio::requestStop_l(AAudioStream *stream) {
// Avoid state machine errors in O_MR1.
if (getSdkVersion() <= __ANDROID_API_O_MR1__) {
StreamState state = static_cast<StreamState>(mLibLoader->stream_getState(stream));
if (state == StreamState::Stopping || state == StreamState::Stopped) {
return Result::OK;
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_requestStop(stream));
ResultWithValue<int32_t> AudioStreamAAudio::write(const void *buffer,
int32_t numFrames,
int64_t timeoutNanoseconds) {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
int32_t result = mLibLoader->stream_write(mAAudioStream, buffer,
numFrames, timeoutNanoseconds);
return ResultWithValue<int32_t>::createBasedOnSign(result);
} else {
return ResultWithValue<int32_t>(Result::ErrorClosed);
ResultWithValue<int32_t> AudioStreamAAudio::read(void *buffer,
int32_t numFrames,
int64_t timeoutNanoseconds) {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
int32_t result = mLibLoader->stream_read(mAAudioStream, buffer,
numFrames, timeoutNanoseconds);
return ResultWithValue<int32_t>::createBasedOnSign(result);
} else {
return ResultWithValue<int32_t>(Result::ErrorClosed);
// AAudioStream_waitForStateChange() can crash if it is waiting on a stream and that stream
// is closed from another thread. We do not want to lock the stream for the duration of the call.
// So we call AAudioStream_waitForStateChange() with a timeout of zero so that it will not block.
// Then we can do our own sleep with the lock unlocked.
Result AudioStreamAAudio::waitForStateChange(StreamState currentState,
StreamState *nextState,
int64_t timeoutNanoseconds) {
Result oboeResult = Result::ErrorTimeout;
int64_t sleepTimeNanos = 20 * kNanosPerMillisecond; // arbitrary
aaudio_stream_state_t currentAAudioState = static_cast<aaudio_stream_state_t>(currentState);
aaudio_result_t result = AAUDIO_OK;
int64_t timeLeftNanos = timeoutNanoseconds;
while (true) {
// Do we still have an AAudio stream? If not then stream must have been closed.
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream == nullptr) {
if (nextState != nullptr) {
*nextState = StreamState::Closed;
oboeResult = Result::ErrorClosed;
// Update and query state change with no blocking.
aaudio_stream_state_t aaudioNextState;
result = mLibLoader->stream_waitForStateChange(
0); // timeout=0 for non-blocking
// AAudio will return AAUDIO_ERROR_TIMEOUT if timeout=0 and the state does not change.
if (result != AAUDIO_OK && result != AAUDIO_ERROR_TIMEOUT) {
oboeResult = static_cast<Result>(result);
if (OboeGlobals::areWorkaroundsEnabled()
&& aaudioNextState == static_cast<aaudio_stream_state_t >(StreamState::Starting)) {
aaudioNextState = static_cast<aaudio_stream_state_t >(StreamState::Started);
if (nextState != nullptr) {
*nextState = static_cast<StreamState>(aaudioNextState);
if (currentAAudioState != aaudioNextState) { // state changed?
oboeResult = Result::OK;
// Did we timeout or did user ask for non-blocking?
if (timeLeftNanos <= 0) {
// No change yet so sleep.
mLock.unlock(); // Don't sleep while locked.
if (sleepTimeNanos > timeLeftNanos) {
sleepTimeNanos = timeLeftNanos; // last little bit
timeLeftNanos -= sleepTimeNanos;
return oboeResult;
ResultWithValue<int32_t> AudioStreamAAudio::setBufferSizeInFrames(int32_t requestedFrames) {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
int32_t adjustedFrames = requestedFrames;
if (adjustedFrames > mBufferCapacityInFrames) {
adjustedFrames = mBufferCapacityInFrames;
adjustedFrames = QuirksManager::getInstance().clipBufferSize(*this, adjustedFrames);
int32_t newBufferSize = mLibLoader->stream_setBufferSize(mAAudioStream, adjustedFrames);
// Cache the result if it's valid
if (newBufferSize > 0) mBufferSizeInFrames = newBufferSize;
return ResultWithValue<int32_t>::createBasedOnSign(newBufferSize);
} else {
return ResultWithValue<int32_t>(Result::ErrorClosed);
StreamState AudioStreamAAudio::getState() const {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
aaudio_stream_state_t aaudioState = mLibLoader->stream_getState(stream);
if (OboeGlobals::areWorkaroundsEnabled()
return static_cast<StreamState>(aaudioState);
} else {
return StreamState::Closed;
int32_t AudioStreamAAudio::getBufferSizeInFrames() {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
mBufferSizeInFrames = mLibLoader->stream_getBufferSize(stream);
return mBufferSizeInFrames;
int32_t AudioStreamAAudio::getFramesPerBurst() {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
mFramesPerBurst = mLibLoader->stream_getFramesPerBurst(stream);
return mFramesPerBurst;
void AudioStreamAAudio::updateFramesRead() {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
mFramesRead = mLibLoader->stream_getFramesRead(stream);
void AudioStreamAAudio::updateFramesWritten() {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
mFramesWritten = mLibLoader->stream_getFramesWritten(stream);
ResultWithValue<int32_t> AudioStreamAAudio::getXRunCount() const {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return ResultWithValue<int32_t>::createBasedOnSign(mLibLoader->stream_getXRunCount(stream));
} else {
return ResultWithValue<int32_t>(Result::ErrorNull);
Result AudioStreamAAudio::getTimestamp(clockid_t clockId,
int64_t *framePosition,
int64_t *timeNanoseconds) {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
if (getState() != StreamState::Started) {
return Result::ErrorInvalidState;
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_getTimestamp(stream, clockId,
framePosition, timeNanoseconds));
} else {
return Result::ErrorNull;
ResultWithValue<double> AudioStreamAAudio::calculateLatencyMillis() {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream == nullptr) {
return ResultWithValue<double>(Result::ErrorClosed);
// Get the time that a known audio frame was presented.
int64_t hardwareFrameIndex;
int64_t hardwareFrameHardwareTime;
auto result = getTimestamp(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,
if (result != oboe::Result::OK) {
return ResultWithValue<double>(static_cast<Result>(result));
// Get counter closest to the app.
bool isOutput = (getDirection() == oboe::Direction::Output);
int64_t appFrameIndex = isOutput ? getFramesWritten() : getFramesRead();
// Assume that the next frame will be processed at the current time
using namespace std::chrono;
int64_t appFrameAppTime =
// Calculate the number of frames between app and hardware
int64_t frameIndexDelta = appFrameIndex - hardwareFrameIndex;
// Calculate the time which the next frame will be or was presented
int64_t frameTimeDelta = (frameIndexDelta * oboe::kNanosPerSecond) / getSampleRate();
int64_t appFrameHardwareTime = hardwareFrameHardwareTime + frameTimeDelta;
// The current latency is the difference in time between when the current frame is at
// the app and when it is at the hardware.
double latencyNanos = static_cast<double>(isOutput
? (appFrameHardwareTime - appFrameAppTime) // hardware is later
: (appFrameAppTime - appFrameHardwareTime)); // hardware is earlier
double latencyMillis = latencyNanos / kNanosPerMillisecond;
return ResultWithValue<double>(latencyMillis);
bool AudioStreamAAudio::isMMapUsed() {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return mLibLoader->stream_isMMapUsed(stream);
} else {
return false;
} // namespace oboe