This directory contains the useful tools.
This script is to build PyTorch/Caffe2 library for Android. Take the following steps to start the build:
#in your PyTorch root directory bash scripts/
If succeeded, the libraries and headers would be generated to build_android/install directory. You can then copy these files from build_android/install to your Android project for further usage.
You can also override the cmake flags via command line, e.g., following command will also compile the executable binary files:
bash scripts/ -DBUILD_BINARY=ON
This script is to build PyTorch/Caffe2 library for iOS, and can only be performed on macOS. Take the following steps to start the build:
brew install cmake automake libtool
#in your PyTorch root directory bash scripts/
If succeeded, the libraries and headers would be generated to build_ios/install directory. You can then copy these files to your Xcode project for further usage.