blob: 063e17dfe35147c4faa7c62f47b74c21ceb1c4ed [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Example command to build Caffe2 on Tegra X1.
# This script shows how one can build a Caffe2 binary for NVidia's TX1.
# The build script assumes that you have the most recent libraries installed
# via the JetPack toolkit available at
# and it assumes that we are starting from a fresh system after the jetpack
# installation. If you have already installed some of the dependencies, you
# may be able to skip quite a few of the apt-get installs.
CAFFE2_ROOT="$( cd "$(dirname -- "$0")"/.. ; pwd -P)"
echo "Caffe2 codebase root is: $CAFFE2_ROOT"
mkdir -p $BUILD_ROOT
echo "Build Caffe2 raspbian into: $BUILD_ROOT"
# obtain necessary dependencies
echo "Installing dependencies."
sudo apt-get install \
cmake \
libgflags-dev \
libgoogle-glog-dev \
libprotobuf-dev \
# obtain optional dependencies that are usually useful to have.
echo "Installing optional dependencies."
sudo apt-get install \
libpython-dev \
python-numpy \
python-pip \
# Obtain python hypothesis, which Caffe2 uses for unit testing. Note that
# the one provided by apt-get is quite old so we install it via pip
sudo pip install hypothesis
# Now, actually build the android target.
echo "Building caffe2"
# CUDA_USE_STATIC_CUDA_RUNTIME needs to be set to off so that opencv can be
# properly used. Otherwise, opencv will complain that opencv_dep_cudart cannot
# be found.
|| exit 1
make -j 4 || exit 1