| # Updates Triton to the pinned version for this copy of PyTorch |
| BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) |
| DOWNLOAD_PYTORCH_ORG="https://download.pytorch.org/whl" |
| if [[ -z "${USE_XPU}" ]]; then |
| # Default install from PyTorch source |
| TRITON_VERSION="pytorch-triton==$(cat .ci/docker/triton_version.txt)" |
| if [[ "$BRANCH" =~ .*release.* ]]; then |
| pip install --index-url ${DOWNLOAD_PYTORCH_ORG}/test/ $TRITON_VERSION |
| pip install --index-url ${DOWNLOAD_PYTORCH_ORG}/nightly/ $TRITON_VERSION+$(head -c 10 .ci/docker/ci_commit_pins/triton.txt) |
| # The Triton xpu logic is as follows: |
| # 1. By default, install pre-built whls. |
| # 2. [Not exposed to user] If the user set `TRITON_XPU_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=1` flag, |
| # it will install Triton from the source. |
| TRITON_VERSION="pytorch-triton-xpu==$(cat .ci/docker/triton_version.txt)" |
| TRITON_XPU_COMMIT_ID="$(head -c 10 .ci/docker/ci_commit_pins/triton-xpu.txt)" |
| if [[ -z "${TRITON_XPU_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE}" ]]; then |
| pip install --index-url ${DOWNLOAD_PYTORCH_ORG}/nightly/ ${TRITON_VERSION}+${TRITON_XPU_COMMIT_ID} |
| TRITON_XPU_REPO="https://github.com/intel/intel-xpu-backend-for-triton" |
| # force-reinstall to ensure the pinned version is installed |
| pip install --force-reinstall "git+${TRITON_XPU_REPO}@${TRITON_XPU_COMMIT_ID}#subdirectory=python" |