blob: 16778c7903348cc95b990911fc5f8b45c65176fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#include "base/Lock.h"
#include "base/Stream.h"
#include "EglConfig.h"
#include "EglContext.h"
#include "EglOsApi.h"
#include "EglSurface.h"
#include "EglWindowSurface.h"
#include "GLcommon/ObjectNameSpace.h"
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<EglConfig>> ConfigsList;
typedef std::unordered_map<unsigned int, ContextPtr> ContextsHndlMap;
typedef std::unordered_map<unsigned int, SurfacePtr> SurfacesHndlMap;
typedef std::unordered_set<EglConfig> ConfigSet;
class EglDisplay {
// Create new EglDisplay instance from a given native display |dpy|,
// with matching internal display |idpy|. If |isDefault| is true,
// this will be considered the default diplay.
EglDisplay(EGLNativeDisplayType dpy, EglOS::Display* idpy);
// Return the EglOs Engine display handle for this EglDisplay.
EGLNativeDisplayType getEglOsEngineDisplay() const { return m_dpy; }
// Return the native internal display handle for this EglDisplay.
EglOS::Display* nativeType() const { return m_idpy; }
// Return the number of known configurations for this EglDisplay.
int nConfigs() const { return m_configs.size(); }
// Returns the max supported GLES version
EglOS::GlesVersion getMaxGlesVersion() const {
return nativeType()->getMaxGlesVersion();
const char* getExtensionString() {
return nativeType()->getExtensionString();
EGLImage createNativeImage(
EGLDisplay dpy,
EGLContext ctx,
EGLenum target,
EGLClientBuffer buffer,
const EGLint *attrib_list) {
return nativeType()->createImage(dpy, ctx, target, buffer, attrib_list);
EGLBoolean destroyNativeImage(
EGLDisplay dpy,
EGLImage image) {
return nativeType()->destroyImage(dpy, image);
EGLDisplay getHostDriverDisplay() {
return nativeType()->getNative();
void* getNativeContext(EGLContext ctx) const {
auto dispContext = getContext(ctx);
if (!dispContext) return nullptr;
return dispContext->nativeType()->getNative();
EGLBoolean releaseThread() {
return nativeType()->releaseThread();
// Write up to |config_size| EGLConfig values into the |configs| array.
// Return the number if values written.
int getConfigs(EGLConfig* configs,int config_size) const;
// Select all display configurations that match at least the values
// in |dummy|. If |configs| is NULL, this returns the number of all
// matching configs. Otherwise, this writes into |configs| up to
// |config_size| matching EGLConfig values, and returns their number.
int chooseConfigs(const EglConfig& dummy,
EGLConfig* configs,
int config_size) const;
// Return the EglConfig value that matches a given EGLConfig |conf|.
EglConfig* getConfig(EGLConfig conf) const;
// Return the EglConfig value that matches a given EGLConfig with
// EGL_CONFIG_ID value |id|.
EglConfig* getConfig(EGLint id) const;
EglConfig* getDefaultConfig() const;
EGLSurface addSurface(SurfacePtr s );
SurfacePtr getSurface(EGLSurface surface) const;
bool removeSurface(EGLSurface s);
EGLContext addContext(ContextPtr ctx );
ContextPtr getContext(EGLContext ctx) const;
bool removeContext(EGLContext ctx);
bool removeContext(ContextPtr ctx);
ObjectNameManager* getManager(GLESVersion ver) const { return m_manager[ver];}
void initialize(int renderableType);
void terminate();
bool isInitialize();
ImagePtr getImage(EGLImageKHR img,
SaveableTexture::restorer_t restorer) const;
EGLImageKHR addImageKHR(ImagePtr);
bool destroyImageKHR(EGLImageKHR img);
EglOS::Context* getGlobalSharedContext() const;
GlobalNameSpace* getGlobalNameSpace() { return &m_globalNameSpace; }
void onSaveAllImages(android::base::Stream* stream,
const android::snapshot::ITextureSaverPtr& textureSaver,
SaveableTexture::saver_t saver,
SaveableTexture::restorer_t restorer);
void onLoadAllImages(android::base::Stream* stream,
const android::snapshot::ITextureLoaderPtr& textureLoader,
SaveableTexture::creator_t creator);
void postLoadAllImages(android::base::Stream* stream);
static void addConfig(void* opaque, const EglOS::ConfigInfo* configInfo);
int doChooseConfigs(const EglConfig& dummy,EGLConfig* configs,int config_size) const;
EglConfig* addSimplePixelFormat(int red_size, int green_size, int blue_size, int alpha_size, int sample_per_pixel);
void addReservedConfigs(void);
void initConfigurations(int renderableType);
EGLNativeDisplayType m_dpy = {};
EglOS::Display* m_idpy = nullptr;
bool m_initialized = false;
bool m_configInitialized = false;
ConfigsList m_configs;
ContextsHndlMap m_contexts;
SurfacesHndlMap m_surfaces;
GlobalNameSpace m_globalNameSpace;
ObjectNameManager* m_manager[MAX_GLES_VERSION];
mutable android::base::Lock m_lock;
ImagesHndlMap m_eglImages;
unsigned int m_nextEglImageId = 0;
mutable std::shared_ptr<EglOS::Context> m_globalSharedContext;
ConfigSet m_uniqueConfigs;